The Twin Time TTravell:llers

Re: The Two Time Travelers 11:11


anythoughts on what i said in earlier posts, same topic thread?
Re: The Two Time Travelers 11:11

Like i said nothing special on what i was talking about!!

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: The Two Time Travelers 11:11

Did i explain myself ok

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: The Two Time Travelers 11:11

yea exactly, but that second person would have to make sure not to change anything or he might screw everything up.
Re: The Two Time Travelers 11:11

i wont remember everything i have said im guessng that is why its important to have a copy of what you are ment to do.
Re: The Two Time Travelers 11:11

Say you built a time machine and it worked, and there where no different timelines or worldlines, and you took this timemachine and went back to before you finished it and stopped your self from finishing it, what would happen? Because if it was never finished then you wouldn't be able to use it to go back in time to stop yourself so it would be built then you would be able to stop yourself from building it, and now i'm going to stop so i don't keep typing the same sentance over again.

how's that for a paradox?
Re: The Two Time Travelers 11:11

I mean it also works if you killed yourself in the past, you'd be dead in the past so that means you couldn't kill yourself because you were already dead, but if you were already dead you couldn't go back in time to kill your self.
Re: The Two Time Travelers 11:11

if you took your head back to the furture maybe? Or would it got the route of teh Back to the Future movies?
Re: The Two Time Travelers 11:11

that doesn't matter, what matters is what would happen to you if you killed your self in the past?
Re: The Two Time Travelers 11:11

yes, but you'd be dead in the past, so how could you have used a time machine to go to the past to kill your self if you died all those years ago and are rotting in the ground?