The World in 2050


Staff member
The world in 2050 is a future filled with amazing technology. By 2050, artificial intelligence and virtual reality will be ubiquitous. Quantum computing and advanced prosthetics will rise. We will move around the world with Hyperloop technology, evtols, electric cars, self driving vehicles, and electric/supersonic airplanes. Our packages will be delivered by drones and our power will come from renewable energy. There will be a permanent base on the Moon, humans on Mars, and space hotels in orbit. While our food consumption transforms, vertical farming and biotechnology will rise. Stem cells and CRISPR technologies will regenerate injuries and cure diseases. Lastly, we will battle climate change by removing carbon directly from the atmosphere. The future is exciting!

All of this sounds great, if we last long enough to get there ;) Which of these do you guys think are likely or unlikely? I definitely see the meat thing coming down the pike. If it tastes and cooks the same, I don’t think I’d care. Someone else can, but I won't.
