Time is consciousness


Temporal Novice
Without time consciousness would be impossible?

I would say yes. If we could freeze time, the chemical, electrical and energetic processes that give rise to consciousness would also freeze and consciousness would no longer exist.

So does this mean Time = consciousness?

Essentially yes, because consciousness is essentially a rhythm. Brainwaves (Beta, Aplha, Theta and Delta) are what give rise to consciousness and these are electrical rhytms.

You could look at this and feel disheartened that consciousness comes down to purely scientific principles but for me this gives rise to even greater possibilities of consciousness. Take one human being as a whole, you witness their consciousness without wittnessing these electrical rhythms, you only witness the product of unseen rhythms to make something whole and beautiful.

Many people have said to me that each human being is like a universe, and I could go into the science of that but look it up yourself, I'm pretty sure the number of neurons in the brain is the same as the number of stars in the galaxy or something (dont quote me on this, unfortunately this is where i get lazy scientificly).

On from this, if you could look at the whole universe just like you can look at a whole human being, you might notice that it in itself is a whole and conscious being with electrical and energetic rhythms of its own!

Maybe its frequencies are much longer than ours, spanning for entire lightyears.

So, unfortunately, with this in mind I beleive time travel to be impossible because you would completely ruin the rhythms of consciousness occuring on a grand scale, sorry to burst your bubble :p

If we could freeze time, the chemical, electrical and energetic processes that give rise to consciousness would also freeze and consciousness would no longer exist.So does this mean Time = consciousness?
I do not agree with this equality. Time affects consciousness and ofc if we freeze time consciousness disappears but that doesnt mean that they are the same thing. Consciousness needs time.

So, unfortunately, with this in mind I beleive time travel to be impossible because you would completely ruin the rhythms of consciousness occuring on a grand scale, sorry to burst your bubble :p
There is a statement that can be true. A travel in time can cause troubles in your mind.. so maybe smone canot survive a travel like this !!

I do not agree with this equality. Time affects consciousness and ofc if we freeze time consciousness disappears but that doesnt mean that they are the same thing. Consciousness needs time.There is a statement that can be true. A travel in time can cause troubles in your mind.. so maybe smone canot survive a travel like this !!
Alright I can also agree with you that consciousness does not equal time exactly, however, I do agree that consciousness needs time. Now, if you took a neuron inside your brain and then caused it to travel back in time 10 years, that would most likely cause your whole brain to malfunction, so, that is my logic to a human being moving back in time, essentially looking at a human being as a neuron in the brain of the universe.If you take a look at the universe as a whole, could you at least say: The universe = time ?

On a grand all matter can be considered energy, so, maybe you would say: The universe = time and energy

But without time, what is energy? Matter, pure unpenatrable matter?

Consciousness is a byproduct of time, at the least, but they probably aren't the same thing. I would venture to say that if consciousness is linked to time, then any person who traveled backwards in time wouldn't experience anything at all between the points, but would resume function once in the past. Assuming you could go back in the first place, I mean.

Consciousness is a byproduct of time, at the least, but they probably aren't the same thing. I would venture to say that if consciousness is linked to time, then any person who traveled backwards in time wouldn't experience anything at all between the points, but would resume function once in the past. Assuming you could go back in the first place, I mean.
If you look at the universe as a conscious entity then you could most definately say time is consciousness, or, at least you could say that time is a byproduct of consciousness

So does this mean Time = consciousness?Essentially yes, because consciousness is essentially a rhythm. Brainwaves (Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta) are what give rise to consciousness and these are electrical rhythms.
Unfortunately your argument contains an association fallacy. You're arguing that because time and a rhythm share one common trait (time) they are the same thing. It's a tautology because you've used time to completely define rhythm when time is just one component of a harmonic oscillator (rhythm). See Hooke's Law for further details.As an aside, EEG traces do detect electrical activity in the brain but they don't define or propose that the specific traces are responsible for consciousness. We have no idea how we lumps of coal become self aware or what the underlying mechanism is.
