Time limit to edit a post


Temporal Navigator
Hey Cosmo,

I don't know you if you addressed this in one of your latest announcements, but I've noticed I can't edit some of my posts I did a while ago. Sometime I pick up on small mistakes I made and wanna correct them but now I can only edit posts made in a recent past.

I just wanted to know what is the time window for editing posts.


Hey Cosmo,I don't know you if you addressed this in one of your latest announcements, but I've noticed I can't edit some of my posts I did a while ago. Sometime I pick up on small mistakes I made and wanna correct them but now I can only edit posts made in a recent past.
I just wanted to know what is the time window for editing posts.

Hi Nicolas!The time limit for editing a post (or thread title) is 60 minutes - This is partly to stop disgruntled members from going back and mass-deleting their old posts, but also to prevent people from changing the continuity or context of a discussion by editing something that already has a response.

I can up the limit a bit, but if there's ever anything you want to edit but can't, just shoot me a PM and I'll be happy to take care of it :)

Oh yeah I'm well aware of the reasons, I totally understand why there's a limit. :)

This is what I wanted to know: I have one hour to review my bad grammar.:thumbsup:
