Time-travel Paradoxes!


I see your brand new here, so I can understand if you don't know the history of what I've said in past posts. Let me just say that yes Time Travel will be this worlds greatest technological breakthrough, when it becomes real (to this timeline that is). 

However, unlike you who wishes to see this issue of Time Travel as a scientist in an objective manner. 

I choose to see this issue on a human/moral level. Is it ethical to Time Travel? Is it right to change the past with the knowledge one knows now in the future? 

You've all seen "Back to the Future 2" where Marty is in the future, and he attempts to take back with him an almanac to place sports bets in the past. 

Well, you can see where the moral implication can put us in, if our curiosity to go back and do things in this manner will do to our society? If one person does it, others will want to too. 

If others are getting genetically engineered, others will want to too. To keep up at least, since now the rich who can afford it, are this super eugenic species (with intelligence and looks). Will we say then “Survival of the Fittest?”

Where does that leave out normal hard working honest people? Apparently that no longer exists.

Therefore, as you can see, my only beef with Time Travel is that it can be abused. Sure it can benefit us, but I am an Activist trying to get the word out that it's not just glamorous and wonderful as it may sound, and that we should all jump in the band-wagon with it.

Someone needs to look out for humanities best interest in preserving our way of life, and I'm willing to take on that responsibility. Who can say the same? 



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every page in every book has 2 sides..

2 sides which are to be viewed and judged..

time travel is just another page in just another book...

Fast Out

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Hi everyone, 

With all due respect, but the story about the "Waverider" sounds pretty ridiculous compared to the story that TimeTravel_0 provided us with. 

I don't think timetravel will exist for a couple of decades to come, maybe even centuries. But I strongly believe that timetravel will not be possible without the aid of a machine of somekind. 

Nowadays people are said to be using 30% of their brainpower and although people have accomplished many great things, I don't believe the remaining 70% is enough to travel through time. There are myths about monks and priests who were able to levitate by focussing their thoughts, but that's nothing compared to timetravel. 


Roel van Houten

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Hi Roel Van Houten,

Is it still raining over there?

You forgot the weather report at the end!  

I think time travel already exists.

One thing you have to remember that it doesnt really matter WHEN it was ever created but IF. because with a time machine you can travel to ANY time.

TTO has made me realize alot of different possibilities in time travel.Things I never thought of before I am now thinking on. 

New ideas have sprung up. new pieces of the puzzle possibly found.

about the priests and monks...I think that would involve more the will, spirit, and amplified thoughts than just the brain alone.

Does anyone have any thoughts on the "Z" machine? 



[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 02 January 2001).]

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I'm sorry but I don't believe the Time Traveler is from the year 2036. Pamela u seem like a smart woman how can you believe that he is a time traveler where there is nothing that he says could prove that he is. You even beleived the guy who called the Art Bell show and it's pretty sure that HE is a fake. The only thing that makes me think that Time Travel is possible was a incident that happened to me in 1995. It was a Saturday and I was living in Manhattan. I had to get up early to move the car from the meter.Standing in the corner of my block looking like he was waiting for the bus was a man that looked exactly like me.It really scared me. I saw him and he saw me. I just took off running (which I regret). Was that me from the future?? Or was that someone that just looked like me? I don't know and I don't think I ever will know

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TT_0 provided us with scanned government documents showing the components to a 2036 General Electric Time Machine..check out the other pages on this thread,and you'll find the url to them...


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You mean the photos of the paper that say 2036?? I could make those papers. I made birth certifcate and immigration papers that look more real then those papers. If u believe that those photos then I have a bridge to sell u in Brooklyn want to buy it is really cheap!!!!!

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can you tell again the link of that papers, which are you talking about, i wanna se it

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hmmm, I don't remember ever posting that I beleived the wave rider was true.

As for timetraveler_0 , I have not posted everything we have discussed. 

I have not been able to find a flaw in any of his discussions so far.

he has really opened my understanding of time travel.Things I would have never thought of before.

I will have to say, In some of his thinking he is "ahead of this time."  



[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 03 January 2001).]

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when you have a seamless story that you came from 2036 in a General Electric Time machine and brought documents from the year 2036,then ill buy your bridge.

TT_0 could have said bloody NASA made the time machine,why did he choose General Electric?possibly because his story is true..?

and the documents are scanned,and look unedited.they also look photocopied.



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I’ve been reading the last few postings with a bit of confusion. I see there is controversy over my “story” that is causing some people to ask themselves if they believe it or not. 

For quite a while, I have been stating that not only do I not expect anyone to believe me, it’s irrelevant and in my opinion, quite dangerous. Belief implies that you accept what I say as true and real. Over the internet, this is impossible. In fact, I have stated before, there are many people in 2036 who do not believe in time travel. 

As I stated before, I also think that unwavering belief is dangerous. One very disturbing thing I have noticed about your society in general is your blind acceptance of what you are told. Do you really think the news industry doesn’t have an agenda? Do you really think those hamburgers you stuff into your body are safe? Do you really think your government is telling you the truth? What proof do you have of any of that?

What I do want you to do is open your eyes to the events that happening around you that have nothing to do with me. Some of you have been reading for a while now about the war in 2015 and the breakthroughs in particle physics that would be coming soon. Doesn’t the CIA report on 2015 and news on the z-field compression at least support what I’ve been saying a little bit? I just saw another story today about the Russians moving Nuks into the Balkins to thwart any future expansion by NATO. I also haven’t heard anyone take me up on my “information experiment” on the IBM 5100 or check out the information I’ve given you about the UNIX failure in 2038. With all due respect… I find it hard to take some of you seriously.

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i have read all the 6 pages of this board, and i can see all is about the story of mister tt_0, i only can had 1 conclusion, its AMAZING; but just amazing, i mean the only thing we can do is belive or not, but cmon we are phisycs, we not belive, we KNOW, our knowledge is based on the brain, the belive is based on heart, its important belive in something but not be blind for this, i come to this board(whit another nick) a few months ago and you just talking about ways to travel in time, pure teorical phisics, but now this board seems like belive or not belive, love or not love the mister tt_0.

I am not against the m. tt_0, if he travel or not, for me is his problem, i mean the first time i read the m. tt_0 i think woao!!! a real time traveler!!, but a few seconds later, i was disapointed because i wanna be the man who make the time machine, i wanna be the first time traveler, and this guy come and said i travel in time, i was blue, but then i think may be i or we will be the builders of the time machine, but this only can hapen if we do phisycs, if we do teories, if we do experiments, ni mean, this cant hapen if we only are limited to belive and love or not belive and no love an "apparental time traveler", or if we just talk about "its true or not the time traveler".

In 6 pages of board you just talk about how will be the future, belive or not, our society is bad or not, cmon stop do this questions, the future we will see it in a few years, the society is so bad all of we know that, the war of 2015 will be (if be)for some valid reasons or not valid but we cant do anithing about that, or if we do it will be another line in time, so we never know if we do it or not.

So mi point is stop talk about "its true or not " and lets think about "how can we do a time travel". Just think, which one is the dream of all of us? and the chose betwen talk or think, belive or do it fact.

Sincerily andera

p.s. Answer me, i wanna know the comments of all of you

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It is not logical that you would post the papers and diagrams and picture accecpt to give credibility to your story. The reality is that you are useing this forum to post your very subject views. You and I both know you are not from the future.It is not that you will not, but you can not post any evidence to the contrary.

However you have done your homework and tell a good story. Useing the Karr black hole as the bases for your time travel drvice is very good, although it will not produce time travel as you claim.

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I think the point TT_0 was trying to make is wake up and look around. He really doesn't care if we believe him or not. He is just giving us a wake up call. I don't care if he can time travel or not. I am looking at the bigger picture. Him posting on this board is a small thing. So he can time travel or not. It's not such a big deal. In a world of infinite possibilities, every thing is probable. And what I believe doesn't effect this world at all, only me...........

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Its been a long time since anybody has had to worry about converting IBM legacy code into more modern language. I'm not sure even when the 5100 was made, I'm guessing the early to mid '70s. The term geek hadn't even been invented yet. Before 1980 only overworked men with bad hearts ever saw a computer. In short, the supply of 5100 experts is probably too thin to show up on this small board. So wadda we know?

Heck, Colonel Corsoe & Co. would have us believe that the IBM line was copied from a crashed alien sauser.

The 2038 date bug in Unix is no secret. It just runs out of bit space for holding larger date code numbers. I worried a whole lot about the Y2K bug. I got my butt fooled. I lost half of my net worth AND two years of work. Whoopie. LET the friggen thing blow up, maybe somebody ELSE will get a well needed lesson.

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I hope that you guys can see what I'm talking about. Look at the last post that Time traveler man posted. It's the same B.S.

I wonder if he knows of someone in the future with the initals JLR as he is 2 years old (the same age as our alleged time traveler). All I want to know is a simple fact from the future (other then the wars) like after GW Bush who will be the next President?? I mean if CNN can try to predict why can't our Time traveling friend.

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Well, no post in this forum can be complete without having my 2 cents added to it =). As an Activist, I agree with some of what TimeTravel_0 has mentioned. I have also been trying to get people to open their eyes. I have a website for just that purpose.

Please check it out. www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/9822/

However, there is one thing I would like to know. TimeTravel_0 if in fact you have been to the future, what happens to JCS- ME =)? Am I deeply involved in this Time Travel project as well? What of the resistance? 

Don't want to brag, but I too have had very real dreams of Time Traveling to the future. Some would seem like days, but be only a matter of hours passed. Other times I have visions and transmissions from the future. That's what one Dr. once said to me. I still experience these Time Distortions, or whatever they are. There pretty trippy.

Anyway's, it would only be natural that this is happening to me for a reason. ? So what do you know, if you have been to the future?

And hey Juanito, I like your critical perspective. Not to critical, and not to gullible, ? I sure could use someone like you in my resistance.


Javier C.

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Thanks, I try to keep things real. I believe that Time Travel is possible but I don't think TT_0 is a time traveler. 

Sure I will like to join your quest for the truth where do I sign up.

Pamela and the other beleivers do u guys honestly believe this guy. Or is it that u want to believe. 

I believe in GOD because I want to believe but I never seen GOD. 

There is a big difference!!!!!


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This is some thread huh! The longest and most debated one I've ever seen on this board.

(I trust everyone had a Happy New Year for the true Millenium.) 

And especially want to wish Pamela the best in her continuing pursuits for truth in the next Thousand years.

For rgrunt:

It appears I may have publicly judged you too harshly. And I hereby appologize for anything that came across as a personal attack. Your post above has opened the door to a world of dialog that we may indeed find a way to come together on. You are no longer the faceless, dogmatic spewer of antiquated rhetoric I once thought you to be. (It does seem that this "paradox" issue has taken conversation on this board into directions I never thought possible. But then... God is the ultimate paradox is He/She not?)

Please understand that when you say ... "I do admit that the information I recieved came second hand so I trully cannot vouch for the accuracy." ...is something I suspected all along but can't help myself when it comes to jumping on the particular type of dogma that it represents. No Personal offense was ever intended.

Please also understand that when you say I "...claims that creation is completely proven wrong " ...

... that I DO NOT claim THIS at all. I merely state (without CLAIMING anything at all) that the account of creation as is metaphorically described in the Book Of Genesis in The Bible, first version, is just that. A metaphor. Not a true depiction of actual history in the literal sense. 

I'm not disclaiming the existence of God here, or the CONCEPT of Creation per se. Nor am I saying that in so denying, that I am therefore subscriptive to the A-Theistic point of view. On the contrary. 

In the true sprit of Paradox, (which this thread's topic is all about), I merely offer the easily verifiable evidence and duplicatable proof that such an occurance as the so-called Biblically depicted "great flood" is in itself a physically impossibility.

It would be a great leap of faith indeed for anyone to PRESUME from this statement that I in any way dispute the existence of God. But also be aware that while I do not refute His existence, I also do not accept it unconditionally. At least based on the words of one anthology that exists from the ancient days of Western European Mythology. Particularly since this Anthology to which I refer (The Bible) never existed in it's present form until the late 15th Century when Guttenburg invented the printing press that brought all these previously unconnected "Books" together. And even then, after much language translation from various sources such as Hebrew, Islamic, Christian, etc. 

To place scientific credibility in such a document would be folly on the "wishful thinkers" of the world to say the least. 

This is not to say that the document does not have value as a representative example of the moralistic values in any society in folklore, (including our own), but it needs to be studied in the true context of what it is. A historical account of the world as THOSE WHO LIVED AT THAT TIME saw it. The moral lessons contained therin may indeed be timeless, but the science is purly from the point of view of the then ignorant. (No offense to them, they simply didn't know any better.)

So ultimately Mr. Schasteen, please understand that from what I see in your last post, we may indeed not be that far apart on the moralistic or philosophistic level, but at the purely scientific level, well, as Einstein said, "God does not play Dice with the Universe."

And He (if he truly exists), DID NOT flood the entire Earth 6000 years ago, nor did He "create" the Earth in a matter of what we call "six days".

"He" MAY very well have "Created" it, and the rest of the Universe for that matter. I take no issue with this nor do I advocate the possibility either way. I'll leave the possibility of these matters to the likes of Dr. Stephen Hawking and others of his ilk who can present logical arguments that support BOTH points of view far better than my humble ability to elaborate upon.

For specifics though, I've already provided links to a number of sites where raidiometric dating processes can be studied and understood (I'll leave you to chase those down and do the same research I've already done), and hopefully leave you with the understanding that I also meant NO insult to you in any personal way. 

After all, "rgrunt" and "DaViper" are just handles anyone can use to sign onto a BBS/Message board anywhere on the net and represent themselves to be anyone they wish to present themselves as.

In the end, it's the words and what one has to say that matter here. 

And very little else.


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