Titor Debunked, Announcement December 31st


Rift Surfer
Razimus of Hoax Hunter claims he has debunked the entire Titor saga and is going to make an announcement on December 31st. I told him I would keep an open mind, but as with ANY claim that I see for or against Titor and time travel, I will be looking for holes in the theory. I will post a link to his video here once it is complete and posted by him.

I am a skeptic as well, but I also have started to believe that time travel is real and being used for some time by a secret group of people. The problem as I can tell is that with such power it is likely that the TT technology has and is still being abused. The report from the person calling themselves John Titor may not have explained the well enough how the future may not turn out the way John has reported. If he is not the only TT out there, then that may explain why out future may not be as fixed as Titor reports it to be? Logic folks! Andrew Basiago has also claimed to have traveled back with many others doing the same. Andy once said that for each time he traveled back to the same event he noticed a small change in the event. Now we come to the skeptic "Debunkers"! Even if the Titor story is fake, this is still the reports of time travel being real by some very credible people. Ask yourself if you had the ability to travel back in time if you would use that technology to enhance your future? Be honest! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rMYRAonk6c

One more day to hear if the Titor story is false or not? Back in 1965 my science teacher shared super secret information that he received from his brother-in-law Phil Corso. One of the things he wanted to share with me was very strange at the time. I think he was trying to tell me the government was working on time travel. The information he got from his summer staying with friends and relatives at Los Alamos labs must have been a burden to keep to himself. John Titor may just be a person that has had contact with someone in the field of time travel studies? Either way I find the subject of time travel very interesting. From 1965 to now I have listened to many people share some very strange reports about high technology projects that have not been told to the general dumb public (GDP).

If this super secret information is ever dumped on the GDP all at once the public may go into a melt down shock. Hope that I get to see that day soon and get a chance to hear the skeptics and debunkers explain themselves.

We'll find out tomorrow. I'll keep an open mind, but I tend to find holes in peoples' theories. I don't really know what to expect at this point, though. And he may or may not be correct. We cannot make an assumption either way, right? Could be a Raz publicity stunt, too. I really don't know. Will keep everyone posted.

Agreed, and I wish people would just stop posting fake reports. I want to know why aliens are here on earth. Also it would help to know who in the government is keeping this a secret and why. Too many questions and very little help from this forum. I don't mind people posting false information that they may believe is true, but it would help to question the first person that gave the report directly. John Titor may not be his real name as a way to protect him from being harmed? Now we wait and see what unfolds!

Lots of repetitions, lots of strawmen, and nothing (in my opinion) conclusive ... Circumstantial evidence is NOT "conclusive evidence".

Razimus is coming across as a madman who pretends to know something that no one else knows. Sorry, I'm not swallowing the John Titor saga either, but this does not convince me unfortunately.

Here is the video:

The thing is, why are all the Habers involved if it isn't a hoax? If John Titor was indeed real, then only Larry would be involved. But somehow the entire family is trying to cover this up. As much as I want to believe that Titor is real, I am having serious doubts after watching this video. Ok, I only watched half so far.

Regardless, I am still a fan of the entire Titor story and I do believe time travel exists and I STILL believe there is some interesting evidence going on in movies like BTTF and BTTF2.

Yes Paul I feel like I've been had as well, but still question my deal with seeing what looked like myself as a old man and being told by my grandfather that he was me. I promise to do my best if it was me to return and let you guys know. I hate secrets as much as I hate liars!

Yes Paul I feel like I've been had as well, but still question my deal with seeing what looked like myself as a old man and being told by my grandfather that he was me. I promise to do my best if it was me to return and let you guys know. I hate secrets as much as I hate liars!
That is a phenomena that probably had nothing to do with Titor. How did you see yourself? There was a case of a man saying he went under his sink to fix it and ended up in a tunnel and came out and met his older self AND he took photos.

That is a phenomena that probably had nothing to do with Titor. How did you see yourself? There was a case of a man saying he went under his sink to fix it and ended up in a tunnel and came out and met his older self AND he took photos.
Here is a list of times I believe I may have met me. If time travel is real then it may have been me or a me from another world line? If it was me then I am worried about what may happen to me soon and want share this information with others as a way to end all of the secrets being kept by some very nasty folks in our shadow government:This is a report of a memory triggered the other month that I got when I looked at myself in the mirror.

I saw what looked like the old man wearing the same hat my daughter gave me for Christmas two years ago.

Each time this man I saw drove the same dark blue car that had no brand name. Funny how something can trigger a memory.

This could indicate that time travel may be real and that time travel is being used by some unsavory people in power.

I need to give this idea some additional thought because it sounds way off the hook.

The first time I remember seeing this man was on the farm in Blackistone, DE as a young boy. The dust made by a car driving down our quarter mile long lane would linger for a long time as it blew from east towards the west on the open field.

Less then half the lane had dust as I saw this car coming towards the farm house. That was odd but not as strange as meeting the driver that wanted to speak with my grandparents. How did he know they were not my parents?

The man looked like what I look like today and wearing the same kind of hat my daughter gave my two years ago.

He said He wanted to speak with them in private so I returned to the house to observe from the window.

My grand father appeared agitated at one point and returned to the house.

I asked my grandfather who the man was, but he just said he did not know. After several times asking what the man wanted he finally said not to ask him again.

My persistence paid off when he told me that the crazy man said that he was me.

I said that was crazy as I am me and he must be nuts. After that incident my grandfather would hold his palms apart left and right and ask what that was as a joke for many days after the visit.

He would ask " what is this" then answer with " It's a box and what's in the box?" with the answer "Nuts and then you shake it".

It became a private joke between us.

Second incident:

Around the mid 60s standing with my best friend Jim Walser in front of his home at Pendrew Manor, about seven miles west of Wilmington, DE, a same type of blue car drove up a parked behind the car Jim and I were sitting on in the street at curb side.

The man that looked the same wearing the same hat as he asked us if George Walser was home. Jim walked him up the drive to the door to meet his Dad.

He said he would like to speak to his father in private. The body language was about the same as with my grandfather at the farm, and then after awhile they hugged and walked down to meet Jim and I.

He told Jim: " I heard a lot of good things about you young man and shook his hand.

He then turned towards me a said "And you better behave yourself and keep out of trouble" Do you understand"?

He declined to shake my hand and just went with Jim's father to look into the passengers side window for a long time.

As I was about to walk over to see what they were looking at in the car window George told me to stay back. Very odd!

The car made no engine sound and seem to just vanish as it drove around the corner.

George would never tell either Jim or myself who that person was or where he know him from, also very out of character for George.

Third Incident:

While living in North East MD we returned from a day of shopping to have a neighbor Bill Carter tell me that a guy in a blue car parked in our driveway and opened our back door to let our dog Sam out.

He said that our dog played with the man for about an hour and then let Sam back inside. Bill went over to talk to the man and asked him if he was looking for us.

Bill said he look a lot like he could be related to me but the man never said how he was related after Bill asked him twice.

Bill described the car and the man looking just like the the other three time as above.

Either I or someone that looks like me is a time traveler.

I am starting to think that I may not be normal?

The only good thing is that I may one day drive the fastest car ever!

Fourth incident:

This took place around 2005 while living in Idaho where the same dark blue car with no brand name drove by down and back very slowly and the man kept staring in the window at me with a stupid looking grin.

He was wearing the same hat and looked the same as the other two men in the past.

The next time I see that guy I will confront him with questions and a camera. I have not seen anyone that looks like him around town before or after.

If time travel is real I now think that I may be getting close to finding out for sure.

And No, I am not John Titor! I also gave a listen to John from Hoax Hunter and his report of Andrew Basiago and found it also had merit.

Then I met a guy that claimed to be in the secret space program that I found had lied to me. I am getting rather pissed off with all of the BS.

I just want to get answers to the aliens I saw as a kid and I can't find others that are telling the truth anymore. Many folks have seen flying saucers and a few have seen grays that I do believe are telling the truth, but I hate the SOBs that give false reports just for shits and giggles.
