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Dear Richer18,

I do not want to be hasty in making any oppinions but what you stated from my stand point sounds like a perfectly legitimate possibility to me. As I know it the substance of 'quantum stuff' has been held to actually be composed of the substance chance or 'waves of chance' to be more precise by many quantum physists for some fifty odd years now.?

I myself subscribe to this model. I believe that the dynamics you stated in your last transmission are plausible and possibly correct. I must add that I am not a physisist and unfortunately am not educated fully to the current model. Some of my knowlege dates back one hundred years or so. I can say this because it was not to long ago that I learned that it has been known for many years that light slows down through a medium such as glass and that this property is responcible for convexing(is this the correct word) of the light.

I do not let this stop me from thinking and I do not let this stop me from coming up with theories. I believe that in the future I will have a wealth of knowlege that I have gathered and ascertained about various processes and functions and this gained knowlege will enable me to affectively adapt my theory to fit the current more accurate current model(As long as the current model is not completely and obviously flawed in some very obvious manner-that is- I do not believe in accepting flawed interpritations that are come too as a result of misunderstanding the proscess or more accurately misunderstanding the intent and content of the proscess.)

I believe that trott might be able to answer your theory and mine more accurately based on his education. How about it trott? Will you evaluate our theories?

Thanks for the replies?


Edwin G. Schasteen

P.S. ( I am not meaning to inply that you are not educated richer18 just that I am not) So please forgive me if that was offencive. Surely, I meant no offence by the form of my paragragh.

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ok first of all i do NOT wish to take sides
on belivers or non-belivers, nor do i want any enemys because of my actions.
i will be the"common sense" adviser when i find somthing i dont think is possible in your little....hmmm how shuld i put it.....SQUABBLES tha u online peeps have.
i have seen the pics of TT_O time traveling machine and... well to say the least it looks primative. I mean why doesnt it look like the inside of a jet or something?
secondly, not to demoralize u because i am NOT choosing sides, but if u guys(and by that im tlaking about TTA and TT_O)
are really time travlers, isnt your most important task warning of plage and/or other life thretning situations and not how many pages u can post on your lovely forums?
just thought id ask.(hehe imagion the troble im in now)

"if its not dead,its not within one hundred feet of me"
ok first of all i do NOT wish to take sides

on belivers or non-belivers, nor do i want any enemys because of my actions.

i will be the"common sense" adviser when i find somthing i dont think is possible in your little....hmmm how shuld i put it.....SQUABBLES tha u online peeps have.

i have seen the pics of TT_O time traveling machine and... well to say the least it looks primative. I mean why doesnt it look like the inside of a jet or something?

secondly, not to demoralize u because i am NOT choosing sides, but if u guys(and by that im tlaking about TTA and TT_O)

are really time travlers, isnt your most important task warning of plage and/or other life thretning situations and not how many pages u can post on your lovely forums?

just thought id ask.(hehe imagion the troble im in now)


"if its not dead,its not within one hundred feet of me"

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Dear Fellow Time Travelers:

In about 30 days, I will be leaving this worldline to return home to 2036. I first want to say thank you for the wonderful conversation and insight into your society. I have learned a great deal and my opinion on quite a few things has changed dramatically.

I will finish the questions that have been posted on this site up to this date. Unfortunately, I must now spend my spare time preparing to leave and I will not be on the computer very much. I do however want to repeat my offer and add a slight twist.

After going over my flight plan home, I have discovered my VGL holdover period is a bit longer than I expected. I will be spending at least three weeks in April of 1998 as I make my way back to 1975. Therefore, I not only offer you the chance to leave a message to yourself in 2036 but I offer you the chance to leave yourself a message in 1998. I will take any compiled messages and email addressees you provide and send them on the net when I get to 1998.

Granted, this will not affect you on your worldline now but you make take some comfort that another “you” on another worldline has the advantage of knowing something you wish you knew three years ago. Based on the earlier questions I’ve seen, I’ve decided a day-to-day record of the Dow a day in advance should convince you that the messages are real in 1998.

In addition, I am hopeful a series of photocopies and photographs will be available for you that may give you more insight into the technology of the distortion unit. I will let you know the address of the site when it is available. I also plan to have my parents videotape my departure. If they succeed, it will also be posted after I leave.

I look forward to these last few weeks with my family and I will check in periodically to check this site.

Live in Peace 2001,
Dear Fellow Time Travelers:

In about 30 days, I will be leaving this worldline to return home to 2036. I first want to say thank you for the wonderful conversation and insight into your society. I have learned a great deal and my opinion on quite a few things has changed dramatically.

I will finish the questions that have been posted on this site up to this date. Unfortunately, I must now spend my spare time preparing to leave and I will not be on the computer very much. I do however want to repeat my offer and add a slight twist.

After going over my flight plan home, I have discovered my VGL holdover period is a bit longer than I expected. I will be spending at least three weeks in April of 1998 as I make my way back to 1975. Therefore, I not only offer you the chance to leave a message to yourself in 2036 but I offer you the chance to leave yourself a message in 1998. I will take any compiled messages and email addressees you provide and send them on the net when I get to 1998.

Granted, this will not affect you on your worldline now but you make take some comfort that another “you” on another worldline has the advantage of knowing something you wish you knew three years ago. Based on the earlier questions I’ve seen, I’ve decided a day-to-day record of the Dow a day in advance should convince you that the messages are real in 1998.

In addition, I am hopeful a series of photocopies and photographs will be available for you that may give you more insight into the technology of the distortion unit. I will let you know the address of the site when it is available. I also plan to have my parents videotape my departure. If they succeed, it will also be posted after I leave.

I look forward to these last few weeks with my family and I will check in periodically to check this site.

Live in Peace 2001,

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Thank you for the offer TT_0 but, I will pass. If I ever have the chance I will always go forward and come back to my starting point and go no futher back. I preffer things as they were. (Even though in some timeline this is not the case.) It has been really nice hearing your story. Remeber that drink when you get home.

<This message has been edited by djayr42 (edited 11 March 2001).>
Thank you for the offer TT_0 but, I will pass. If I ever have the chance I will always go forward and come back to my starting point and go no futher back. I preffer things as they were. (Even though in some timeline this is not the case.) It has been really nice hearing your story. Remeber that drink when you get home.


[This message has been edited by djayr42 (edited 11 March 2001).]

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John has asked me if I wouldnt mind collecting the emails for him again and forwarding them to him.
anybody who wants to can write me using my email address found in my profile and I will forward your letters or "messages to 1998" ,"messages to 2036" to John.
All messages I receive I will keep confidential and they will be forwarded right to John.
John has asked me if I wouldnt mind collecting the emails for him again and forwarding them to him.

anybody who wants to can write me using my email address found in my profile and I will forward your letters or "messages to 1998" ,"messages to 2036" to John.

All messages I receive I will keep confidential and they will be forwarded right to John.



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Take it one step further.

He travels back 1/10th second in time to his neighbor's bedroom at a most delicate moment, which is virtually identicle to going there NOW. The first time this happens, Time Travel will be outlawed forever.

I go back to last night when the Met Museum is closed and steal a valuable painting.

I go back to last week and stop the school shooting by taking the gun from the house the kid used.

This can get even more absurd as we go here.


Take it one step further.

He travels back 1/10th second in time to his neighbor's bedroom at a most delicate moment, which is virtually identicle to going there NOW. The first time this happens, Time Travel will be outlawed forever.

I go back to last night when the Met Museum is closed and steal a valuable painting.

I go back to last week and stop the school shooting by taking the gun from the house the kid used.

This can get even more absurd as we go here.

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Daviper and Darby: There is no paradox in what you propose, if you were to accept the multiple universe theory. Once you flip the switch and actually go back to your previous location, you will in fact see what appears to be yourself. It's not, however, you. This being's existence is in a universe that is very close to yours, but is not solely regulated to follow the same timeline as yours. As soon as you appear in the parallel reality you break it away from your own, in that you decouple the two parallel timelines.
after your encounter, your twin may or may not enter his time machine, and the path of that reality is not altered - it only continues to branch. There is no change in any future, because that future has not happenned yet, in all cases.
Daviper and Darby: There is no paradox in what you propose, if you were to accept the multiple universe theory. Once you flip the switch and actually go back to your previous location, you will in fact see what appears to be yourself. It's not, however, you. This being's existence is in a universe that is very close to yours, but is not solely regulated to follow the same timeline as yours. As soon as you appear in the parallel reality you break it away from your own, in that you decouple the two parallel timelines.

after your encounter, your twin may or may not enter his time machine, and the path of that reality is not altered - it only continues to branch. There is no change in any future, because that future has not happenned yet, in all cases.

One more thing - divergence WOULD be a factor, no matter how short the trip. It is not possible to have a non divergent trip, as far as time travel is concerned. as soon as you leave your time-line, you can only get back to one that is similar to it. it may be similar by 99.99995%, but it is still a different timeline. it is free to break away from its once-parallel (to your original universe) line of motion, so altering it is not possible. You can only cause it to branch, and that is what it is doing anyway. As far as violating the exclusion principal, that is not of concern. you must have hardware that can map out the entry position so as to prevent your being trapped in a solid structure, but the immense field that would be produced as a product of the time travel device would clear a path for you, by annihalating the particles in its vicinity, then gradually diminishing to reveal its contents.
One more thing - divergence WOULD be a factor, no matter how short the trip. It is not possible to have a non divergent trip, as far as time travel is concerned. as soon as you leave your time-line, you can only get back to one that is similar to it. it may be similar by 99.99995%, but it is still a different timeline. it is free to break away from its once-parallel (to your original universe) line of motion, so altering it is not possible. You can only cause it to branch, and that is what it is doing anyway. As far as violating the exclusion principal, that is not of concern. you must have hardware that can map out the entry position so as to prevent your being trapped in a solid structure, but the immense field that would be produced as a product of the time travel device would clear a path for you, by annihalating the particles in its vicinity, then gradually diminishing to reveal its contents.

TTO can I go with you? Your time sounds awesome...I dislike now, especially with how we(those who are in school) are being controlled by the government...I really dislike being forced to 'learn' to help our nation keep up with other nations. Whatever happened to our liberties? our freedom? I asked my teacher at school that question and he said that in school we have no liberties...almost like prisoners.

TTO can I go with you? Your time sounds awesome...I dislike now, especially with how we(those who are in school) are being controlled by the government...I really dislike being forced to 'learn' to help our nation keep up with other nations. Whatever happened to our liberties? our freedom? I asked my teacher at school that question and he said that in school we have no liberties...almost like prisoners.


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I get the drift of the CTC's and closed null geodesics but that may be just a bit too deep for this particular thread. If I were you and wanted to continue to cast doubt on John's story I'd continue with using John's own data as your weapon.

For instance, he has stated that his society is not involved in space travel. He's also stated that the temperature in and around his device while in use is approximately 100 degrees (approx 375 kelvin).

If the Hawking Radiation of a black hole stated in Kelvins is:

6x10^-8/M) where M is Solar Masses and John has given a temperature of 100 degrees (approx 400 kelvin), then the mass of his singulatities should be about:

3x10^20 kg. (1/6,600,000,000 Solar Masses)given that the sun contains approx. 330,000 Earth masses and the mass of the Earth is 5.98*10^24 kg

Or - he's taken a slice of the Earth about 1.2 miles wide at the equator from pole to pole down to the center of the Earth and compressed it into a singularity. And his machine has two of them, GE has a larger unit (C206) and there are multiple machines of each model (C204 & C206).

If his society doesn't space travel - then they are gobbling up the Earth to make their singularities.

I get the drift of the CTC's and closed null geodesics but that may be just a bit too deep for this particular thread. If I were you and wanted to continue to cast doubt on John's story I'd continue with using John's own data as your weapon.

For instance, he has stated that his society is not involved in space travel. He's also stated that the temperature in and around his device while in use is approximately 100 degrees (approx 375 kelvin).

If the Hawking Radiation of a black hole stated in Kelvins is:

6x10^-8/M) where M is Solar Masses and John has given a temperature of 100 degrees (approx 400 kelvin), then the mass of his singulatities should be about:

3x10^20 kg. (1/6,600,000,000 Solar Masses)given that the sun contains approx. 330,000 Earth masses and the mass of the Earth is 5.98*10^24 kg

Or - he's taken a slice of the Earth about 1.2 miles wide at the equator from pole to pole down to the center of the Earth and compressed it into a singularity. And his machine has two of them, GE has a larger unit (C206) and there are multiple machines of each model (C204 &amp; C206).

If his society doesn't space travel - then they are gobbling up the Earth to make their singularities.

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((For instance, he has stated that his society is not involved in space travel. He's also stated that the temperature in and around his device while in use is approximately 100 degrees (approx 375 kelvin). ))

I’m not sure I understand the connection between no space travel and the temperature around the device.

((If the Hawking Radiation of a black hole stated in Kelvins is…))

The singularities are not unstable; therefore, uncontrolled evaporation is not possible. In addition, there is no extemporaneous matter near the singularity that would cause it to give off radiation or heat.

((Or - he's taken a slice of the Earth about 1.2 miles wide at the equator from pole to pole down to the center of the Earth and compressed it into a singularity. And his machine has two of them, GE has a larger unit (C206) and there are multiple machines of each model (C204 & C206). ))

A singularity about the size of an electron would only require the mass of a large mountain. The singularities inside the C204 are much small than that. And no, I didn’t make them.

((If his society doesn't space travel - then they are gobbling up the Earth to make their singularities.))

You know… E = MC squared can be written to solve for mass too.