Website updates and change notes


Staff member
Just a quick note that I launched a new "minimum viable product" frontend for the site today, so you'll find a bunch of weirdness and things that shouldn't be there. I'll get that cleaned up this week so I can move on to other aspects of our upcoming fleet of radness, but let me know if you spot anything especially distracting.

The forums are getting a bit of a cleanup as well. Nothing crazy, but turning off some redundant features and trying to keep the BBS... Well, as the BBS.

Using the time I have to get this all tidied up before big boy internet gets here so we can get back to streaming and doing cool things ASAP.

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I found some more time this weekend to get the homepage nailed down. I'm using Webflow for the initial mockup at this point, and will eventually convert that over to a custom WordPress theme or maybe something else someday in the future. For now I'm more worried about "done" than "perfect" ;).  Feel free to check it out here:

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Version 1 of the new site has been launched!

A proper fresh start to act as a platform for the stuff we're aiming to do soon. Suggestions for TTIDB will be done here on the forum, and I'll get that set up soon. There will be a "guest mode" form on the main site, but the stuff submitted here by you guys will take priority.

Also, the TTIDB entries have a different commenting system. I'm keeping those out of the BBS so we don't flood the place with empty threads as I add more and more entries. I said I'd keep the BBS as the BBS and that's the reasoning there :)

Let me know if you find anything outlandishly wrong or you have any suggestions. This will keep evolving with each iteration though, an I think this is a good version 1.

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A few other notes:

  1. The Library here will get phased out. I can implement this idea better on the main site, so once I get all the time travel stuff moved over I'll get rid of the one here.
  2. Non-time-travel stuff in the library will be moved to Curious Cosmos at a later date. This is basically a clone of TTIDB, but focused on cataloging things like Betty and Barney Hill documentaries across different media. A centralized place to find where to learn about or watch that stuff.; That's a project I'm giving to my oldest kid and she'll take that over, with some help from dad.
  3. In a future iteration, I will be piping new posts and Member Zines to the front page of the site.

I've pushed some updates to the TTIDB Books section, adjusting some fields and cleaning a few things up:

I've not read ALL of these books, but I've filled the data in as best as I know how for the time being. If you know of a mechanism or time period that's missing, let me know and I'll be happy to update it. Likewise, if you know of a good time travel book you'd like to see included, let me know that too and I'll take a look at it.

Things are progressing nicely, happy with the results so far. Something I'm working out how best to approach is a TTI Book Club in order to give or receive book recommendations, and fill in missing data at the same time.

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We're now on a more robust community platform, where some of the TTI programs and initiatives can find a better home without interfering with the primary time travel theme.

This move goes hand in hand with the new main website, now that I've got it nailed down and in a good spot to keep developing the way it is. This also sets the stage for the release of a revised Chronovisor (a mechanism to index and explore now-defunct fringe/paranormal forums from the internet's golden age). You'll start to see this in the upcoming month or so.

Programs now have their own specialized area on the BBS, some of which will be opt-in to keep the main discussions focused on time travel. This also means we won't have to divide the site too much while still having the option to appropriately cover other topics. After all, we're the Time Travel Institute, and we discuss and study far more than time travel.

I'm also starting a book club, a gaming club, and a movie club. There, people can make suggestions, ask for recommendations, ask questions, and talk about entertainment in general. We'll also start showing off some entries from the TTIDB (and the future CCDB) in those groups.

This system also includes an events framework, making it easier to find out when and what we'll be streaming. For the time being, that calendar is empty, but that will change once our fiber connection is fully installed. Soon™

There's still a few rough edges and some things to flesh out, but I'll continue getting things "just right" in the meantime.


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