What could lead us down a path towards civil war?

"She didn't leave Florida because Titor's mother was not living in Florida when Titor time traveled to 2000. She didn't take John to another state. She was already living in another state.

That's how I know she is not Titor's mom."

Titor Travelled to 2000 from 1998. Now whatever research we do I dont think we can spot them. Something tells me they are not in the US right now.
Re - a WARNING for what it’s worth.

Wow Creedo! This is great news!

My Credit card debt has been getting out of control lately. Now I'm going to increase it!

Yep ... I'll be off to the "GOOD GUYS" and I'm getting that plasma TV for sure!

... I think that I'll even tell the boss to "go and get %@#@ED" !

Hey Everaftergirl! How about a little romp before we are wiped out? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif
Re, Evergrl: on the possible need, for extra draft conscription, of draft age youth:

Note as said in the Sunday Wenatchee World Newspaper, in the article, "We need to complete the mission".
The width and breadth of the article admits that the nature to our securing Iraq and propping up its infrastructure, will be at least a long and arduous task, with no clear objective, due to the insurgents attacking everything that the west is trying to accomplish.

The article by Richard Whittle of the Associated press illuminates most the problems held in Iraq, as possibly being and overstepping of U.S. authorities reach, within their military capabilities.

This article can be reached at <a href="http://www.wenworld.com" target="_blank">www.wenworld.com</a>

Go to front page Sunday edition and the article in on the left of the front page.
Edit also check the A.P. posting index, which should carry same article, under authro, Richard Whittle?

The city is pronounced wen-atch-ee
The problem of a parallax view greatly complicated the telling of Pamela Moore.

This was so, as to begin with, she told in great detail what had happened via her said contacts with John Titor.

"This had to, have changed the nature of the timeline a great deal"?

The secondary consideration, is the say that time travelers, are constantly coming through this dimension, so this factor again varaites the timeline that we are in.
The Montaukians said that they had variated this timeline?

Well this does, still another addition to changing the timeline.

Now the Qualaist who make the Kabala, say that their people, via a web release have variated the timeline.

This could mean George Bush go to hairdresser school and tries to draft the nations youth, into the hair dressing core?????

Yes, I would say this stinker of a timeline, is by all means going to skate.

This as predicted, would mean that rainmantime, would end up wearing a bouffant.
We saw the protests of the Bush election.

To be honest our new in the UK is much less watered down then yours. Iraq is a good example. The protests to me seemed to be frustrated people letting of steam over an injustice they believed might be going on. However no-one that wanted civil war over it. Now it had died down to a point there not going to be a civil war.
A better Disneyland, or let's all please go to Iraq:

{Please don't talk about love tonight, please don't talk about your sweet lovin.

I like the nightlife, I've got to boogie, on the disco-riiide, oh" yees.}

From, Song of same name, I like The Nightlife.\\

Oh Olly, please tell me where it says Iraq is much like Disneyland?

I can only recant to the very first of the Jurassic Park movies, where Dr, Ian Malcolm, is laying on a utility table, hidden in a safe and secure bunker, as all of the dinosaurs, through the process of greed, have escaped from the containment paddocks.

Malcolm, Yes John'... but the Pirates of the Caribbean don't eaat the tourist/, when they come to visit.\

Iran is wonderful.

Fill those international flights now and book American families to tour and wander these streets, complete with sunglasses, shorts and road maps.


Excuse me Mr, Achmeed, could you tell me how much those rocket-looking things are, at your bazaar?

Yes, the ones with the pistol grips and the funny after-tube?

One hundred American?

Well' I bet that these RPG things, make pretty explosions, when you shoot them yup into thre air?

I'll take two of them and we'll celebrate our trip here to Iraq, tonight!
The thing that strikes me odd about the said Titor debacle, is the said damage done after said nuclear war.

There is extreme difficulty in procreating and if this is the case and the powers that be know this, then why chance the entire race into extinction, over and issue of redundantly stupidly attempted control.

Everyone knows that some aspects of the Islamic empire, just don't care for Westerns. So why force the issue with asinine statements such as, "Let's spread freedom all over the globe"?

The secondary question is also raised, after so many years of striving to perfect mankind, from the 1960s era, to what he is now.

Why purposely cull the best people that you have now, in a stupid war, with little of no, clearly defined objective?

With the invention of technology giving those that are in power feedback, somewhere along the line, they have to figure out, that this has to be one of the dumbest moves, every conceived.

What about the goal of letting the best people on Earth, reach out to aliens who are of note worthy, to meet in the greater galactic community?

I mean if this is true, then what about the adage, {let my people go.)?

I don't think allot of people are either idly or moronically going to sit by, while the said under Titor's view of government euthanizes the greater percentage of societie's new hope.

This would be one of the most addlebrained moves, in the entire social history of planet Earth, by government!
OllyB do you not get the sense on the street that most people hate Americans? All I hear where I live is that Blair is a pet of Bush's, and this is the reason most will not vote for him. I have also gotten the impression that most beleive the vote in the UK to be fixed as well, so whatever we do to stop Blair he'll get in. Bush has said he will not recieve Howard if he becomes Priminister.

But, you need to look further afield than tv news to see what is really going on in the USA. Such as three friends of mine from Maine went down to Bush's Inauguration to protest at what they felt was a fixed vote. They arrived with everyone else and waited, they unfurled their banner stating Bush the Vote was Fixed!, but were taken to one side by police and told to get in the back of a police van parked down a side street. The request was really an order of course, anyway, three hours after the drive past of Bush, they were released without charge. Problem is there is no record of them being detained, they cannot find the station they were taken to, and none they have contacted know anything about it. So, either the people who detained them were not police, or the police are lieing, I cannot beleive the police would all lie about this so I can only assume these 'police' were either citisens pretending to be police so as to prevent protest, or government people pretending to be police, I mean, does anyone ever question a cop if he stops you in the street?

I do hear stories all the time from USA, but some are real some are fantasy, the above was emailed to me by a freind who moved to the USA. I'd be interested if anyone else here has any similar stories.
Problem is there is no record of them being detained, they cannot find the station they were taken to, and none they have contacted know anything about it. So, either the people who detained them were not police, or the police are lieing, I cannot beleive the police would all lie about this so I can only assume these 'police' were either citisens pretending to be police so as to prevent protest, or government people pretending to be police, I mean, does anyone ever question a cop if he stops you in the street?
There is another possibility that you seem to be ignoring: Your friends could be lieing. Of course, no one ever wants to question things that their "friends" tell them, but if they were already there to protest Bush, that means they are already predisposed towards making Bush (and any officials connected to him) look as bad as they can. Right? I mean, would you expect your friends to come back and tell the truth if they were treated well and there were no events? I wouldn't.

You must also understand that there ARE laws regarding protests. While we are "the land of the free" that does not mean a group of people are free to show up at any public place and start protesting. You must actually file a form to register your intent to protest, and if they did not then there are laws that would permit the police to disperse crowds for unlawful assembly, disturbing the peace, impeding the ability of a peace officer to perform his/her duties.... there are many statutes that they could use to act on. Certainly another thing that must be considered is that ANY US president is a target for assassination. If the Secret Service gets nervous about a group being a potential threat, they are going to take action.

My advice is: If your friends really think they were held improperly, then they should look into legal action. That is part of the American way and how the law provides for equal protection. If they are just interested in whipping people into a frenzy for how "Nazi-like" they were treated, I'd bet they would not be serious about legal actions against those who held them.


That's kind of funny to me that you would suggest that friends could be lying. You see that is why I don't participate too much with the John Titor story. Because I once had a friend that used to tell stories. He was good at it. The first month I knew him I never even realized he was lying the whole time. But even after I found out, he still continued to carry on his charade with a daily story. So I started to analyze some of his stories and what made them so believable. Pretty much all the stories had a common theme. Most all of them had unverifiable information in them. And they all had something in them that you could relate to. And that kinda sums up John Titor in a nutshell. I guess these people are few and far between. So people don't realize that story tellers like John Titor are a rare treat. And they are taken in by them not knowing that all it is, is just a story. I suppose all the believers could be thankful that John Titor wasn't a con artist out to get their money. Because it does appear he would have been very successful.

"Tanks Greet Protestors in Los Angeles"

"Protester Carrying Anti-Bush Sign Cited"

HEADLINE: "Thousands Protest Bush's Inauguration"
(If it does not come up, search the ABC website using that headline.)

TODAY'S HEADLINE: Left-Right Coalition Rises to Oppose USA Patriot Act Provisions

Thu Mar 24,11:20 AM ET


WASHINGTON, D.C., Mar 24 (OneWorld) - A novel coalition of conservatives and liberals normally at each other's throats over the nature of government and free speech have made common cause to oppose key parts of the USA Patriot Act anti-terrorism law.

The American Civil Liberties Union (news - web sites) (ACLU), long vilified by conservatives, has joined forces with right-wing groups the American Conservative Union, Americans for Tax Reform, and the Free Congress Foundation to spearhead the ''Patriots to Restore Checks and Balances'' coalition.

The Patriot Act's supporters have said it has kept America safe since 2001 but opponents have said the law is intrusive and threatens to let the government spy on innocent Americans. The new coalition will lobby Congress to roll back provisions allowing law enforcement agents to look at library users' records and to conduct unannounced searches of homes and private offices.

''Checks and balances are absolutely essential, even and especially during times of threat,'' said coalition leader Bob Barr, a former Republican Congressman from Georgia who voted for the law in 2001. ''Our message is universal. Liberty is not divisible, even in the face of terrorism, and we must not allow any part of it to be sacrificed in our efforts to defeat acts of terrorism.''

Article at: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=655&u=/oneworld/20050324/wl_oneworld/45361083571111681239&printer=1

List of Communities that Passed Resolutions to protect themselves from the Patriot Act, 375 communities in 43 states including 4 state-wide resolutions:


How to Pass a Community Resolution:

USA Patriot Act:
Hello Einstein,
That's kind of funny to me that you would suggest that friends could be lying. You see that is why I don't participate too much with the John Titor story. Because I once had a friend that used to tell stories. He was good at it. The first month I knew him I never even realized he was lying the whole time. But even after I found out, he still continued to carry on his charade with a daily story.
I have known such people as well. It has helped me shape my BS detector to the point where now I will ask myself an important question before I ever decide if I wish to believe them: Does this person show any sort of bias or agenda that would induce them to tell something other than the truth? If so, I'm not buying the story, even if their story may confirm some of my own beliefs, until there is objective evidence that would give me reason to believe it.

And that is precisely my position on the John Titor hoax.
Do you live in a glass house, Creedo? You are making some strong accusations here, and I must caution you against this, as this has caused you trouble before.

You've threatened people here.
Not only is this a complete lie, but it smacks of your attempts to denigrate my character. You'd better supply some evidence for this if you are going to throw this kind of accusation around.

Read their personal mails
Another complete lie. Not only do I not hack, but I consider someone's personal privacy of the utmost importance. In fact, one user who I am friends with offered to let me read their personal mail, and I declined and never even attempted to log into that person's account. Once again, you had better have some good evidence on your accusations, as these are clearly ones that could/should be taken to Mop, as you so often do.

berated them and acted in a way that is mostly fascist.
And that is clearly only a personal judgment for which no objective evidence could be presented. And so I ask you: What are you doing to me right now? Berating me? Hmm?

You also don't say your sorry, and apparently have no personal conscious.
Looked in the mirror lately? When have you ever apoligized to me for the personal invective you have hurled at me, or your "clever" little stories in which you use my name?

So...should I take your behavior to Mop?
Hey Everaftergirl,

What do you think that Bush's reply to your accusations would be?



The bottom line is a civil war in Bushland aint gonna happen the way that JT suggests.

Anarchy …maybe!

Civil war ... no way!

You can make any assumption you want, but if you're not a United States citizen, then you are not really qualified to make an accurate assumption.
1.)Not many in the UK hates US citizens. Some of the other Europeans might, But they tend to hate everyone other then themselves anyway, so its no loss.
2.)Our (UK) votes weren't Fixed.

3.)Blair is a lap dog to Bush, in a sense, Yes. Hes also the only one to lend any credibility to Bush in the face of the rest of the world.
4.)Blair will get into power again - not because of fixing, but because there really isnt a better alternative at the moment. He will lose votes but not enough.
4.b.)The fact anyone will vote for Blair quite happily (which people will do) is amazing considering what he has been a part of. Civil war over this issue is not going to happen. This was also a breach of human rights. Leaders took the vote away from the people. Perhaps the leaders know more then the people do?

5.)War on Iraq most likely goes way WAY beyond the assumptions of freedom, oil and defenece. In fact, Iraq had likely been planned for a long time, and the true reason of this will probably not be released. Surfice to say, i believe they went for a very worthy cause, yet there application was twisted to a rather shocking and horrendous degree. Its painfully obvious that they tried to make the 45 mins MOD prediction fit into their plans to go into iraq. The prediction was a joke and merely speculation on some peoples parts.

6.) There is now a Western presence in the Middle east. After a Time, this will not be a bad thing, and will set about a chain reaction. For good.

7.)People are more amazed by the US peoples over the top [rather] blind patriotism rather then Iraq.

People are more likely to hate the US for talking about Iraq like they did it all on their own, rather then mentioning the other nations that have sacrificed for the Iraq war, and all the other countries that have been fighting and losing people due to terrorism over the years. People don't like this this.

8.)Some people view the US as the worlds police, some like it - others hate it. The problem, is that the US tend to police the things only that immediatley affect them rather then others.

For example; Pollution, the US has always been stubborn in regards to world resources and pollution levels. This not only effects them, but every other nation. The time when a nation looked out only for themselves is over. These days many national policies directly and indirectly effect others.

7.) perhaps its time to set up global governing bodies, You can't do that in the Middle east unless you create a western presence.....

//8.) Theres a lot more evidence to suggest 'Titor' is a story rather then a fact. Much more. I see no evidence of civil war. I would give the US citizens more credit then to find only one alternative means of forceful protest - that is to take to the streets with weapons.

9.) Hopefully 2006 marks this forum as a 'timetravel' related forum again. Personally i would love for the site Admin to create a temporary Titor section, that way - we can all stay in this section while they go play 'Titor' while the rest of us can be left in peace to talk about our TT interest.

Kindest regards,

P.S. i would also like to mention the one fact which does make me laugh at Bush and is pathetic attempts to articulate a speech. I find it a joke and a total offence to everyone that he (and his script writers) always try to link his actions to religion. I'd say this much P.George Bush is about as religious as a rusty old old vacuum cleaner (you know - the ones that didnt even plug into the wall). Its simply a ploy, folks. Its a ploy to win over the US people, which is a much more religous country then the UK - which is perhaps why to us it's such an painfully embarrasing tactic. I could compare this tactic to other world leaders in the recent and distant past, however, it would make a very depressing read. Does bush also forget that many of his people don't follow 'his' religion (or at least the one he pretends to) therefore his attempts to justify his actions in the eyes of god.

If Blair tried to do this, He'd be laughed out of the country. I have never once heard Blair mix religion with politics. And fair play to him.
Ray, point taken, but not without a reason for the post.

As you and I had talked before it seems our fallout, my answers were, some of these people possibly could have migrated to other systems AND the robotics series, because it was in a series, may have descendants today.

I won't go to the last in the series under protest.

On what your group is doing, there were others who had same level complaints.

Did you want me to quote to everyone what others had said, or can we just call it a detent?

Ray' what is between you and me, should be considered precious and you should not judge me.

You don't understand the full implications of what your doing.

Now read the complete sentence once again:

“While you sit by and watch your Constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food, buy manufactured products no one needs and turn an uncaring eye away from millions of people suffering and dying all around you.”

Now this is a SINGLE sentence. Only a Yellowstone eruption would FIT this sentence. Notice “WHILE” once again and “Constitution being torn away from you” and “you WILLFULLY eat poisoned food “and “turn an uncaring eye away from millions of people SUFFERING and DYING all around you”.

Now in this case, where a person turns an uncaring eye away from everyone suffering will unite with them to be united?

Don’t compare 9/11 with Yellowstone. Yellowstone is about hunger and starvation. People can kill one another for food. That is what the government will do.

This is the Yellowstone Aftermath.

You were saying something the other day about people eating poisoned food. But why would they eat poisoned food “WILLFULLY”? Now today, do you think an average person will eat contaminated food if he knows it is contaminated? He will go for some other food.

The food is poisoned on a LARGE SCALE so that there is no other way for the people other than “WILLFULLY eat poisoned food”.

The other thing:

“A Soldier's Winter
The day before it wasn't snowing.
The trees are strangers, leering, disapproving in the ash of winter ..my world, my life, my wandering path.
I pray God's eyes may once again gaze upon me and remind me that I am still His child.

I only (think) I remember the first line but the last one I remember. It has quite a few more lines that I don't remember. It is rumored this was written first as a letter by a soldier. After he died it was added to and edited by others. In my opinion, it has become a symbol for the collective guilt my parents' generation feels for what became of the world.”

This is an answer to the question,

“Do you remember any poetry after 2001 in your past?”

But today, whom do you call a “SOLDIER”? AN AMERICAN FIGHTING IN IRAQ. So dont confuse it with the Nuclear War in 2015.

Read it once again:
“The day before it wasn't snowing.
The trees are strangers, leering, disapproving in the ash of winter ..my world, my life, my wandering path.
I pray God's eyes may once again gaze upon me and remind me that I am still His child.”

A Soldier in Iraq has written this poem in the Yellowstone Aftermath.

The SUPERVOLCANO, the ASH, the NUCLEAR WINTER, the Yellowstone, may be u can search for these things on the internet. Moreover,

“it has become a symbol for the collective guilt my parents' generation feels for what became of the world”

You are thinking that something “small” like a cracker can blow up a mountain.

“Unfortunately, I have decided not to discuss events that you or I can do anything about. It is important that they be a SURPRISE.” –JT.