Zero point time travel


Rift Surfer
i have created a way to time travel by focusing rf waves, infrared waves, and wireless 802.11b waves into a single point. the energy created in this point opens a rip in space and time. i used a sony psp and a small amount of power to create this. it is a variation of the hutchison effect. i will post some links so you can get an understanding behind the principle.

any questions?

a little more info:

and i apologize for the triple post, but i thought this might help you grasp your mind around the ideas.

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by focusing rf waves, infrared waves, and wireless 802.11b waves into a single point
802.11b is a wireless networking specification... Wireless networks use radio frequencies (RF), so those are the same thing. Why the distinction?

great question! "IEEE 802.11b-1999 or 802.11b, is an amendment to the IEEE 802.11wireless networking specification that extends throughput up to 11 Mbit/s using the same 2.4GHz band."

because it has to be exact. there are also "handshaking" protocols that will only work with 802.11b. everything has to be exact, or nothing happens.

you are but a mere level 3. how dare you question me! respect mah' authority!

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Oh, man, i can't understand a word (I don't speak english at all)... But this looks like trash... (No offense)

If you still believe in your thought experiment, please, explain the mechanics with easy words and logic..

i have created a way to time travel by focusing rf waves, infrared waves, and wireless 802.11b waves into a single point. the energy created in this point opens a rip in space and time. i used a sony psp and a small amount of power to create this.any questions?
I... Can't understand that logic.

Dude, use (n) ; so much faster than (b)! Wait, no, use 802.11 b/g/n for better compatibility! No, wait...

