The "Myst" series, initially developed by brothers Rand and Robyn Miller under the banner of Cyan Worlds, stands as one of the most iconic and influential franchises in the history of video games. Launched in the early 1990s, "Myst" defied the frenetic pace and action-centric conventions of many contemporaneous games, offering instead an introspective, meditative experience steeped in atmospheric visuals and cerebral puzzles. Its worlds, known as "Ages," are intricately crafted landscapes brimming with mystery, inviting players to engage deeply with the environment and unravel an intricate narrative tapestry. Using a unique point-and-click interface, the games emphasize exploration, keen observation, and logical deduction. Beyond its gameplay, the series is celebrated for its pioneering use of then-nascent CD-ROM technology, elevating video game storytelling with stunningly realistic pre-rendered visuals and immersive soundscapes.
A journey through enigmatic worlds connected by linking books, where players solve puzzles to uncover a story of betrayal and manipulation of reality.