Is This a CIA, Navy Seal Time Traveling Disclosure?

Because the precise moment after death is an unknown, we can speculate to our hearts content, as to what actually occurs at that moment. That precise moment could bring about "nothing" i.e. a complete absence of awareness, the cessation of existence; it could produce an awareness of "God"; it may be the catalyst for the next journey of the soul, etc etc etc. The list could be potentially endless, as to what could occur at that precise moment. Conversely, there maybe no list of eventualities, only eternal "nothingness".

"they were feeling a universal knowledge they knew it all but they knew nothing"

Yes, I have come across people who have expressed a similar sentiment.
Thanks. Since taking an interest in the subject (after watching the movie 12 monkeys) the only way my mind could make sense of time-travel being one day physically possible, is by travelling forward and remaining in the future. By travelling foward, it eliminates all paradoxes to my reckoning; you will not have to contend with meeting oneself or meeting ones Grandfather, or altering history/timelines etc. Darby has pointed out that it is in fact theoretically possible to travel foward in time.

One question I've always asked myself, is this; do we walk toward "tomorrow" or does "tomorrow" walk towards us?

Travel to the future does avoid the paradoxes, but it's inconsistent with free will. If you travel to the future tomorrow and see me wearing a red shirt, that means when I wake up and dress tomorrow I'll have no choice but to wear a red shirt. But I stubborning think - though I of course cannot prove - that I and everyone else has free will.

Meanwhile, 12 Monkeys is easily my all-time favorite time travel movie.

As for your question - in natural life and time, tomorrow comes to us. In time traveling, we walk or otherwise go to tomorrow. Good question.
Travel to the future does avoid the paradoxes, but it's inconsistent with free will. If you travel to the future tomorrow and see me wearing a red shirt, that means when I wake up and dress tomorrow I'll have no choice but to wear a red shirt.

I suppose if free will is defined by us making our own choices, then me travelling to the future should not impact on your own particular choice of wearing a red shirt. People who claim to have premonitions of the future, I liken to this analogy:

If you imagine a person standing on an open road, he/she has a limited view of that road ahead. A 2nd person who has climbed a telegraph pole will see considerably further down that road, than the person stood below him. This is how I envisage people who claim to see "into the future". They have no effect on the choices/events etc that are going to occur, but just observe these events from a different viewpoint to the majority of people. Similiarly, the hypothetical time-traveller will observe those events to occur, with no interference on their part in the process of those events, imo. ( I may be wrong on this point Btw, I see you're a sc-fi author. I'll check out your site, when I get chance.
"The God Damned Particle."

Lol ??? He was really considering calling the elusive particle, "The God Damned Particle"? Lol! Reminds me of a joke I heard once (an unfunny joke at that).

The real story is rather humorous.

One more thing about the pop-sci hoopla over the Higgs. The Higgs Boson isn't responsible for all mass. It only accounts for about 2% of mass. It gives mass to particles like quarks - bosons. It doesn't give mass to just anything or everything.

Again, when reading pop-sci articles assume that the writer probably doesn't know what (s)he's talking about and is more interested in hype than fact.

Here's a link to Higgs' original 1964 paper on the subject:
I suppose if free will is defined by us making our own choices, then me travelling to the future should not impact on your own particular choice of wearing a red shirt. People who claim to have premonitions of the future, I liken to this analogy:

If you imagine a person standing on an open road, he/she has a limited view of that road ahead. A 2nd person who has climbed a telegraph pole will see considerably further down that road, than the person stood below him. This is how I envisage people who claim to see "into the future". They have no effect on the choices/events etc that are going to occur, but just observe these events from a different viewpoint to the majority of people. Similiarly, the hypothetical time-traveller will observe those events to occur, with no interference on their part in the process of those events, imo. ( I may be wrong on this point Btw, I see you're a sc-fi author. I'll check out your site, when I get chance.

Interference with the future is not the point about the free will argument, however. If someone is able to look ahead in the road of time - not guess but literally look, whether from the ground or atop a telephone pole - that would mean that the viewed future actually already exists, including me with the red shirt. If you're saying, well, what's to stop me from wearing a blue shirt, so the guy on the telephone pole suddenly sees my red shirt turning to blue, well ... if you take that to its logical conclusion, the man on the telephone pole could in principle see all possible colors of shirts, which would make his viewpoint on the pole no different from the man on the ground, or from someone not looking that way at all.
The main thing I would like to point out is that we all have freedom of choice as to what future path we will choose. So suppose my buddy jumps into his time machine and goes into the future by one day. He sees me and notices I have a red shirt on. Then he comes back in time with his time machine to tell me I'll be wearing a red shirt tomorrow. I decide to wear a blue shirt instead. This little episode tells me that even with a time machine, no one can predict the future with any certainty. In fact this would indicate that probably a very large number of outcomes for the future already exist. And with freedom of choice we can choose any one of those outcomes to be our future.
Jack Wade

"The reality of time travel is contained within the frequencies of what Physics describes as a Proton
The Protons frequency is relative to the frequency of the body of which it resides, Earth in our case.
Earth frequency constantly changes the pitch gets higher everyday.
Slow the frequency of a Proton and you go back, Speed it up and you go forward.
Sounds easy but your not dealing with a tennis ball and racket.
However there are Phenomena we use everyday that would explain this if they told us.
but they don't... why would they... isn't everyone greedy today? well they are too!

You might do a youtube search for Data travels time through the electric grid
you should have time well in your hand after that

Always keep God in your equations."

I'm just curious to know, why must we keep "God" in our equations?
Should not must, the ultimate decision is that of the observer.

I have always questioned everything but God.

But if you think about how we actually exist as forms of energy
Then it quickly becomes relevant how we may not only be siting next to God but may actually be residing in God.
Imagine if this great energy source is God.

Whether you choose God as a supreme being or simply the Source.
I think there is much we need to learn and definitely much more that we haven't been told. (phenomena)
I also think in regards to society in general, those things that are kept from us are there to prove God's existence.
As humans we sense things through sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste and thought.
We are inquisitive and need information to fill our senses in order to make proper decisions.
Blind faith should not play a part in this, and has been used against us throughout time.
You would never buy an invisible car from a stranger that said "trust me it's really there"
Real phenomena is there to make you think,
"where is all of this coming from?"
"what is our purpose?"

I think when they say we were created in his likeness, most insinuate Human but I think it would be better stated as Energy. I think it's time society was shown a Phenomena that simply proves it.

as to the video displayed on the original page, ehhh
Living is the NOW is exactly why the world is so disturbing. We should learn from the past enjoy the present and plan for the future as a society. I have a hard time watching news videos of mothers selling themselves and their children in distant lands for rotten food while I'm sitting at my dining room table enjoying the Now.
"Imagine if this great energy source is God."

Yes, a great deal of people do not perceive God as an elderly Father Christmas figure, adorned with white hair and beard, sitting amongst the clouds. They view God as the source of all, that pervades everything within the Universe.

"I think when they say we were created in his likeness, most insinuate Human but I think it would be better stated as Energy."

Yes, this fits in with the Judaeo-christian concept of God. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; likewise nobody created God & God cannot die, God just is. Energy is transferable, likewise the Judaeo-Christian belief is that the spirit of life returns to God.

I personally believe that there is an "order" to the Universe and all that resides within it.

"Then it quickly becomes relevant how we may not only be siting next to God but may actually be residing in God."

It seems a few people have speculated that the world we live in is nothing but a holographic simulation that is being "operated" by a higher force.

I took a look a quick glance at your YouTube video. Do you claim to be a time-traveller? And are you connected to the Titor saga? (nice song choice btw, ZZ top)
No, no no
I am a person who is visually gifted, I see things with excellent detail.
I did not do well in school I can not be lectured to. I will not learn that way.
When the Scientists presented their information they did it in a way that they new a person with my learning style could understand. Since i did not do well in class I did not understand the notion most have of quantum mechanics.
I had the idea that if Electricity needs to move through a conductor so does light being it's alternate.

When presented with the phenomena, I gave them my best guess as to what my be happening.
I was right, but I did not do it or prove it alone. Someone else found the phenomena, a team of researchers and Neuro scientists helped me learn what I needed, a team of physicists at a lab proved it. There were many involved everyone equally as important as the next. I just have a gift, they had to work much harder than I did.

I have never Time Traveled myself, don't know if i would want to.
but I have seen the phenomena and used it.

I have heard of the Jacobs ladder experiment where a man through a screw through the bottom aura of a jacobs ladder
and it is said to disappear for a brief moment less than a second though. Hard to see so how can you believe it?

I have heard of ghost stories and time travelers but it's hear say, blind faith, can't prove that so can't believe it.

This is provable, it can not be removed, it is integral part of the principles of electricity.
There is no way to get rid of it. so it is there, right now.
But you can easily research the information in regards to the filters, you will find information but it says it's to keep info from getting out. unfortunately when someone wants info from your computer they get it by hacking a server or sending a virus. These filters remove a frequency located within the electrical supply entering your computer.

You can research the internet it was formed in the 70's but we really didn't get it until the 90's. 20 years later.

This might be hard to choke down but anyone with knowledge can prove it for themselves.
alot easier than building a flux capacitor for your Delorean :)
I still don't see how travelling foward is inconsistent with free will. What's your definition of free will btw?

Free will means I can do whatever I want to do. The results may not be as I intended, but neither will they be locked into a pre-ordained or pre-determined certainty. So, to get back to the red shirt example: You travel to tomorrow, and see that I am wearing a red shirt. But when I wake up tomorrow morning, I'm more in the mood to put on a blue shirt. If you were really in tomorrow, and your eyesight was ok, that would mean I would have no choice but to put on a red shirt. Or, if I put on a blue shirt instead, that would mean you were not really in (or correctly seeing) the future.
The main thing I would like to point out is that we all have freedom of choice as to what future path we will choose. So suppose my buddy jumps into his time machine and goes into the future by one day. He sees me and notices I have a red shirt on. Then he comes back in time with his time machine to tell me I'll be wearing a red shirt tomorrow. I decide to wear a blue shirt instead. This little episode tells me that even with a time machine, no one can predict the future with any certainty. In fact this would indicate that probably a very large number of outcomes for the future already exist. And with freedom of choice we can choose any one of those outcomes to be our future.

Right, but let's say your friend who sees you in the future decides to stay there. What would happen if you decided to put on a blue shirt - what would your friend who was looking at you in the future see? You would suddenly, magically change from red shirt to blue shirt, right before your friend's eyes? Would your friend remember that he had just seen you wearing a red shirt? That sort of scenario requires the same kind of multiple universe matrix that is required to surmount the grandfather paradox in time travel to the past. That's why I said, at the start of this discussion, that travel to the future does not relieve time travel of all its paradoxes.
Think about the letter D.
Right now we are all on the back of the D, the straight part heading forward
Monday You create a time machine
Tuesday you travel from 2013 back 20 years to the past to give me a time machine,but leave strict orders not to tell the you of 1992.
Wednesday you return back to 2013

You travel straight forward to the time you left in 2013
but now we must take the loop, an alternate dimension until we meet you in the future on the day you come back. at the exact same time in which arrive on Wednesday.

You know of a 2012 that did not have a time machine, you remember when I did not have one and wished I did.

I don't you gave me one in 1992, we have all used it ever since. So everyone I shared it with traveled an alternate dimension as well as those I effect by it.

There is more than one me, like when you hold a mirror up to a mirror.
Endless possibilities for each of us. intertwined like spaghetti.
Maybe I am just here for you. This is your reality, I only exist in your imagination and you in mine.

Back in 2013 we converge again. We may have known each other for a lifetime worked together everyday but have had two entirely different experiences.

Not so much like the movie Matrix, more like the reality of life.
Free will means I can do whatever I want to do. The results may not be as I intended, but neither will they be locked into a pre-ordained or pre-determined certainty. So, to get back to the red shirt example: You travel to tomorrow, and see that I am wearing a red shirt. But when I wake up tomorrow morning, I'm more in the mood to put on a blue shirt. If you were really in tomorrow, and your eyesight was ok, that would mean I would have no choice but to put on a red shirt. Or, if I put on a blue shirt instead, that would mean you were not really in (or correctly seeing) the future.

I'm still not sure I fully understand what you're trying to convey (it's probably due to my bias and selective viewpoint, lol).

"but neither will they be locked into a pre-ordained or pre-determined certainty."

Your own free choice produces a fixed path for you to travel. That path is created by you and you alone. So we are in agreement on that premise.

"You travel to tomorrow, and see that I am wearing a red shirt..."

Okay, this is how I understand it. I have travelled "forward" to tomorrow (Tuesday) and you are already there in your red shirt and I see you wearing the red shirt. You have made the choice to wear the red shirt.

"But when I wake up tomorrow morning, I'm more in the mood to put on a blue shirt."

This is what I do not quite understand. How can you wake up tomorrow morning again? How can you be in the mood for a blue shirt, when it is already Tuesday and you are wearing a red shirt? I have travelled forward to the future and witnessed you in a red shirt, which should not have impacted on your free will (your choice that has produced the fixed path of you wearing a red shirt). Unless you mean I travel "back" to Monday with the knowledge of you wearing a red shirt on Tuesday? But I thought we were exploring:

"Travel to the future does avoid the paradoxes, but it's inconsistent with free will."

P.S. I now understand what you mean about my analogy about the telegraph pole. If certain people can "see" into the future, then it implies there is a fixed pre-determined path in life, that cannot be altered.
Right, but let's say your friend who sees you in the future decides to stay there. What would happen if you decided to put on a blue shirt - what would your friend who was looking at you in the future see? You would suddenly, magically change from red shirt to blue shirt, right before your friend's eyes? Would your friend remember that he had just seen you wearing a red shirt? That sort of scenario requires the same kind of multiple universe matrix that is required to surmount the grandfather paradox in time travel to the past. That's why I said, at the start of this discussion, that travel to the future does not relieve time travel of all its paradoxes.

Okay, so now I'm a day into the future. And I chose the blue shirt to wear. But my buddy with the time machine went to a future where I chose a red shirt to wear. He is now on another timeline. If I do run into him, the version I meet will be an alternate version of him. He may not share the same memories of the past that I do. And that's a match to a phenomena that I have experienced and possibly you too.

Have you ever run into a family member or an old friend that you haven't seen in a while? You compare memories, and the other persons memories don't exactly match yours. It does stand to reason that since we all have freedom of choice as to which future we choose, not all of us will choose the same future. And those of us that don't, will have different memories of the past than we do.

This does suggest that our minds have the ability to take us physically to alternate timelines. A hidden ability that we all have and unconsciously use all the time. Try taking conscious control of the ability and pay attention to your surroundings. You might be surprised at what you find out.
As we don't know under what form we are interacting with the past or the future, to me we can't know this.

But why are you searching paradoxes where there has not !

Whatever you can do, from the very moment you do it changes everything and as you can see what people will do, the machine has to know what you will do too ! The free will has to be calculated if you wanna go to future so it's a sort of destiny based on probabilities it returns to the "computer universe theory".

But as the present is, there is no possibilities to alter with the past and there will be not. History is written and you can't change it. Peoples made what they did. And even if it is possible, what you will do in past, will not be as you would because what happens is here written so whatever you will do it has already be done so if you do it you do what you should do ! Be what you are.
As we don't know under what form we are interacting with the past or the future, to me we can't know this.

But why are you searching paradoxes where there has not !

Whatever you can do, from the very moment you do it changes everything and as you can see what people will do, the machine has to know what you will do too ! The free will has to be calculated if you wanna go to future so it's a sort of destiny based on probabilities it returns to the "computer universe theory".

But as the present is, there is no possibilities to alter with the past and there will be not. History is written and you can't change it. Peoples made what they did. And even if it is possible, what you will do in past, will not be as you would because what happens is here written so whatever you will do it has already be done so if you do it you do what you should do ! Be what you are.

There are what appear to be physical paradoxes. And some of those paradoxes appear to alter the past or present surroundings. For instance, a building appears in a field that was empty yesterday. At least that's how you remember it.

So I do disagree with you. Even history changes. But that may be more of who writes the history books. I just view it as a freedom of choice thing. The point I'm trying to make, is the choices you make today, will and do affect the history of the past as you remember it.

What I am suggesting, and it is just a theory for now, is that every time you make a choice, your brain automatically transposes you with another version of you on an alternate timeline. And that version of you, chose another version of the available choices. Now each individual timeline may have a fixed history. But through freedom of choice, you don't stay on one timeline. If we all share the available timelines, however many there are, it does stand to reason, that not all timelines would share the same past. And we all hop to another timeline every time a choice is made. So that to me might explain how a building popped into that empty field overnight.