Looking for John Titor


In my travels through time, I find it to be futile to try and get others to challenge their beliefs. So I guess I wont be flogging you. The only person that can challenge your beliefs is you. But you have to open your mind to the possibility that your beliefs may not be true, and should be challenged.

Just look for the facts. You might be surprised how few facts actually exist. If any at all.

In my travels through time, I find it to be futile to try and get others to challenge their beliefs. So I guess I wont be flogging you. The only person that can challenge your beliefs is you. But you have to open your mind to the possibility that your beliefs may not be true, and should be challenged.

Just look for the facts. You might be surprised how few facts actually exist. If any at all.

I have a very open mind which led me to INVESTIGATE and STUDY THE FACTS. 99.9% of the public will create an opinion with ZERO investigation. People make on the fly judgements. That is ignorance. I have my facts. So do the 2 others I study this topic with. We have our facts.
6. I have found evidence in books such as Alas, Babylon and the Bible.

7. I have been doing investigational research that I don't plan on sharing. Only 2 other people know.


Is statement number 7 referring to statement number 6? If not, then I would be interested to know what evidence you have found in the Bible.
In 1st Samuel chapter 10:2-13 kjv, Samuel told Saul exactly what was going to happen and it did, to a t. So the God of Israel wrote out the scene and had these 2 play it out. So they traveled in a time that was already wrote out for them.
Has anyone read Barrett titors notes? Any thoughts on them on their own, or in connection to the jt op? If authentic, this man had knowledge of pope ben. Resigning and the quake in japan years in advance, and with exact dates. If you believe them to be authentic then we should see a market crash next month....China did just dump us t bills.... And the latitude the poster provides is a satellite city financed by China in Africa.... Interesting?
Has anyone read Barrett titors notes? Any thoughts on them on their own, or in connection to the jt op? If authentic, this man had knowledge of pope ben. Resigning and the quake in japan years in advance, and with exact dates. If you believe them to be authentic then we should see a market crash next month....China did just dump us t bills.... And the latitude the poster provides is a satellite city financed by China in Africa.... Interesting?
We will wait and see if there is a market crash next month.
Although I would be in financial ruin if a market crash were to occur, I am still curious to see what will transpire. Lead market analysis are predicting a market crash end of q1:2014 comparable to that of 1929. While this is certainly not a desirable outcome it would be a smoking gun at least in regards to the Barrett posts. I'm not sure how my views would change, but certainly I would be forced to reexamine my position.
I decided to comment on this particular page because I noticed a reference to Jon Titor. Yes, even we have heard of him. Let me explain more in depth. From what I am aware of, he and his colleagues were among the very first to achieve success with time travel in both directions (although of very limited ranges of approximately 40 years, more or less). There are very inadequate records regarding their collected project data, their equipment, and so forth. However, enough does exist, even 200 year later, to validate his work at least to some degree of authenticity. For example, some of his/their research was prerequisite for future work in this field, and as such, proves his validity to some extent most assuredly (Our base models utilize the same basic principles, however much more advanced). Now, to fully express the fundamental processes required to achieve any lengthy range of reverse time travel which also allows for a forward retrograde of the same, in order not to die or lose valuable collected data, the scientist must utilize a large facility with a full staff of scientists. This sort of thing is not achieved by a small number of people and a simple machine. It simply does not work in that fashion.
To close, I would enjoy some knowledge that anyone here would like to share concerning Jon Titor and his journey, his claims, etc. It is of a professional curiosity that we ask.

Tr. Jameson and Co.
Darby knows the truth about all this.
Oliver Williams and Larry Haber recently did an interview on Jimmy Church's show.
Listen to this on YouTube.
This is what I think is happening.
The John Titor story started as a hoax by a team of guys.
These guys are fans of cars, time travel, RPG role-playing and the writing of Pat Frank, David Brin and Karen Haber.
Then other people much later, who are either psychic or time-travelers, took over this hoax story as a cover for their activities.

John Titor recently predicted that Japan would host the Olympics. He is quoted to have typed '5 Ringu' way before Tokyo bid on hosting the Olympics. He even put a future date before his statement. This was on the GodLikeProductions forum.

"2012 Oct 28 The 5 Ringu have landed."

Furthermore, in this discussion, someone named SonOfTitor and SignalSeven predicted the Japan Earthquke just hours before it happened!

So you see, there is something more than just a hoax going on.
Although I would be in financial ruin if a market crash were to occur, I am still curious to see what will transpire. Lead market analysis are predicting a market crash end of q1:2014 comparable to that of 1929. While this is certainly not a desirable outcome it would be a smoking gun at least in regards to the Barrett posts. I'm not sure how my views would change, but certainly I would be forced to reexamine my position.

Yes, I've read a couple posts on other forums that have mentioned this "impending" crash. I also saw a pic that compared the stock market chart of late Jan 2014 with the stock market chart of 1929, and they were very similar to say the least.
These guys are fans of cars, time travel, RPG role-playing and the writing of Pat Frank, David Brin and Karen Haber.
Then other people much later, who are either psychic or time-travelers, took over this hoax story as a cover for their activities.

But Ren, you know as well as I do that there is much more to Alas, Babylon than anyone will fricken acknowledge (except myself). For example, did you know that the color blue was referenced 29 times? Why? Characters named after places....safe zone map......

And if you're a time traveler, stop by and show me the device. You have my address.

Current activities? You did not specify time travel as the activity. It could be anything from Mafia to movie making.
I bet I could name one of those people.

"2012 Oct 28 The 5 Ringu have landed."


In my travels through time, I find it to be futile to try and get others to challenge their beliefs.

I have a mentor that challenges my beliefs almost weekly. He does so in a respectful, non-judgemental, and educational manner. If flogging me helps you sleep at night, then flog away. Don't let me stop you.

Just look for the facts.

I study a lot of facts that I don't share.
Some of Ren's "guys" are in Arizona. I have a photo and an address. No, I won't reveal it.