Alien Disclosure Coming?


For some its plain to see while the virus is taking the worlds attention, there is something being done/planned behind the scenes.

There's always going to theories bouncing around about disclosure im not sure an announcement would be aired in the near future.

Might cause even more panic.

My thought is that we are already panicking and most are safe in their homes. Would it be a good time to announce or not?

I don't know what the Space Council is used for, unless he is just building up the Space Force.

Press ignored his Executive Order.

I think that it is almost a definite that they are trying to change the narrative on the UFO topic by making it more mainstream, as seen with the navy video and getting people to call them unidentified aerial phenomena instead of unidentified flying objects. Whenever they want to change a narrative, they seem to always change the language with it.

I think that it is almost a definite that they are trying to change the narrative on the UFO topic by making it more mainstream, as seen with the navy video and getting people to call them unidentified aerial phenomena instead of unidentified flying objects. Whenever they want to change a narrative, they seem to always change the language with it.
I noticed that. But a UAP isn't as cool sounding as UFO. They also like to rewrite history, but there isn't much UFO history as of yet.

I guess alien disclosure didn't happen. We just had the soft disclosure, as you mentioned. I still believe America was under threat of some sort of attack, which is why we had "too many" hospital beds, but it was somehow averted. (Trying not to get off topic).
