CERN now 99.999999999% sure it has found the Higgs boson


Quantum Scribe
CERN now 99.999999999% sure it has found the Higgs boson | ExtremeTech

In one of the last updates before the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) shuts down until 2015, CERN has announced that its observation of the Higgs boson (or a particle that is Higgs-like) is now approaching 7 sigma certainty.
5 sigma — 99.9999% certainty, or more correctly a 0.00001% chance that you have made a faulty observation — is the threshold for an observation to be labeled a scientific discovery. CERN crossed the 5 sigma threshold this summer. At 7 sigma, both the CMS and ATLAS teams are reporting that there’s only a 0.0000000001% chance that they haven’t found a Higgs-like particle.
Over the last few months you may have noticed the use of the phrase “Higgs-like,” rather than “Higgs boson.” This is because CERN and the scientific community can’t be certain that they’ve actually found the Higgs boson — all they know is that they’ve found a particle, with a mass of around 125 GeV, that behaves as predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics. With its discovery now completely and utterly confirmed, further analysis (due in 2013) will now focus on the particle’s spin, and other properties. Eventually, perhaps after upgrades are completed and the LHC turns back on in 2015, the particle will be officially announced as the Higgs boson (or not, which would be much more interesting).

Well Titor may of been years off but here the Higgs Boson is.... Does it lend anything more to Titor's claims
....probably not to the skeptics.... then again they seem to think a guess that the stack market will bottom out at 6500 is just a lucky guess..... maybe they are not so skeptical after all but rather men of anti faith. LOL

And so now they shall focus on the spin... Titor spoke alot about it.... give it 20 years now that we have found it... I wonder who among yall will live l0ong enough to see it.
CERN now 99.999999999% sure it has found the Higgs boson | ExtremeTech

Well Titor may of been years off but here the Higgs Boson is.... Does it lend anything more to Titor's claims
....probably not to the skeptics.... then again they seem to think a guess that the stack market will bottom out at 6500 is just a lucky guess..... maybe they are not so skeptical after all but rather men of anti faith. LOL

And so now they shall focus on the spin... Titor spoke alot about it.... give it 20 years now that we have found it... I wonder who among yall will live l0ong enough to see it.

Titor never mentioned the Higgs Boson period. That is a fact. Something you don't seem to be able to comprehend. Another fact is that Titor claimed CERN would discover miniature black holes. That hasn't happened yet.

einstein is correct. Titor never mentioned the Higgs Boson. The only direct references to the Higgs Boson in any of the four Titor related threads were made by Dave Trott. Dave was doing his PhD in physics at the time. Titor's reference was that the only thing missing was sufficient energy and a "few subatomic particles" - which would be discovered "within a year or so" (2002 or 2003) at CERN. That one was not a very difficult prognostication considering that the entire purpose of the LHC is to discover new particles. Where he really got it wrong was the start-up date for the LHC. He missed it by about a decade.

Dave's appearance on the "I am from 2036" and "Time Travel Paradoxes" threads was interesting. Titor engaged him for a while but when Dave told him the he was doing his PhD in physics Titor very suddenly discovered that his "time window" was magically opening and that he had to go back to 2036. Correlation? Maybe.
The video above is about mini black holes and the LHC, not about Higgs Boson. Please read the title of the video...

The post is related to what Einstein said about Titor's claim. Please read his post and see what am I focusing in the reply with the video.
CERN timeline:

September 2012 The LHC has reached a record luminosity of 7.5 * 1033 and the current data set is four times that accumulated in 2011. The LHC will run until November with proton proton collisions and then switch to heavy ion running through January 2013. The LHC will then shutdown until late 2014 to upgrade the energy by a factor of two. The 2011 and 2012 data will be used to search for new discoveries. These searches include supersymmetric particles, dark matter particles, miniature black holes and evidence for string theory and extra dimensions. The next few years will be truly exciting as the secrets of the Universe are revealed.

Large Hadron Collider - Purdue Particle Physics

Mini-Black-Hole production at RHIC and LHC.
Elias Kiritsisa,b, Anastasios Taliotisa
a Crete Center for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, University of Crete,
71003 Heraklion, Greece
b APC, Universit ́e Paris 7,
Bˆatiment Condorcet, F-75205, Paris Cedex 13, France (UMR du CNRS 7164).
Abstract: We argue that heavy-ion collisions provide the best testing ground for mini- black hole physics as MP ≃ 4GeV for the gravity dual of YM and give concrete evidence for a new extra dimension, that is visible only to the strong interactions. We analyse the process of production evolution and decay of the mini-black-holes by using recent results on gravity duals of YM. There are several novelties compared with the traditional story of black hole evaporation, including Bjorken scaling instead of sphericity, evaporation via bubble nucleation instead of the Hawking mechanism and lepton-poor final states. Multiplicities are estimated using shock-wave scattering techniques. It is argued that high- multiplicity/high energy pp collisions will also show similar characteristics of mini-black- hole production and decay.
I may of been confusing the higgs boson quote from the words on Stephen Hawking changing his mind about hawking radiation,

Shit I'm human, I can be mistaken from time to time..... Thank goodness the internet never forgets...

That is the logo for the LHC....

Now ,I am not saying that looks anything at all like dual singularites overlaping.. Not at all .........

but it is an interesting logo.
Interesting logo or not has nothing to do with the topic you started here.

As I previously stated, Titor never mentioned the Higgs Boson. Not once. Dave Trott and only Dave Trott made the reference. "Confusing" the Higgs Boson with Hawking Radiation is a sign of ignorance. They are unrelated relative to the topic at hand in this thread. The Higgs Boson is a reference to how mass is propogated at the quantum level. Hawking Radiation is a reference to how black body radiation at the event horizon of a black hole relates to the evaporation (escape of energy) of mass from a black hole.

The Higgs Boson discovery, if it as been discovered, has nothing to do with the John Titor Saga other than Dr. Trott's reference.
Any links between the LHC and these sink holes?


Well there would no risk to earth because the earth is moving away from the spot it was as the seasons pass by.Maybe the blackholes can be detected if you look back to where the earth was with a telescope and detect the hawking radiation.That would mean that the earth would be losing mass and would be become smaller.The result would be weaker gravity.
Interesting logo or not has nothing to do with the topic you started here.

As I previously stated, Titor never mentioned the Higgs Boson. Not once. Dave Trott and only Dave Trott made the reference. "Confusing" the Higgs Boson with Hawking Radiation is a sign of ignorance. They are unrelated relative to the topic at hand in this thread. The Higgs Boson is a reference to how mass is propogated at the quantum level. Hawking Radiation is a reference to how black body radiation at the event horizon of a black hole relates to the evaporation (escape of energy) of mass from a black hole.

The Higgs Boson discovery, if it as been discovered, has nothing to do with the John Titor Saga other than Dr. Trott's reference.

Well.... one could say it is fundamental to the Titor sage considering..... And what should you care for anyways ? It is not like your hawkish critique was adding anything more to the topic. Really , It was unnecessary of you. You repeated yourself for your own amusement not for anyones intellectual benefit.

So cern found the higgs. so what? If we talk about it in seriousness or in jest so what? Do you really benefit following people around repeating yourself to them over and over regardless if they heard you or not? ... Cause, some times people hear you... and you still repeat yourself.
That is a moderately impressive measurement certainty, but if you're looking for a means to construct portals I may be able to help.

My First Post an Titor was Hoax !!! Hiya guys .. all evidence shows it a tech nerd at time ...OK ..

My theroies of TT are quite strange but I hope knew .. ;)