Could we ever travel to a parallel universe?


Staff member
One very prominent mind twister in both science fiction and real-life science is the concept of parallel universes. This is hardly surprising, since the idea of multiple copies of yourself existing at the same time is both existentially disturbing and thrilling.
I think it depends on how you define "parallel universe" and what school of thought you subscribe to. String theorist Brian Greene (of Columbia University) says that if you're an advocate of multiple big-bang multiverses, you'd have to leave your existing universe to visit another one... Which is about as possible as traveling back in time to BEFORE the big bang happened (read: not likely).

If you're a subscriber to the quantum mechanics school of thought, there's no need to leave your current universe as you're already inhabiting multiple alternate universes at the same time.

Michio Kaku believes that our universe will end up in a "big freeze" and that we'll be able to devise technology that'll allow us to travel between these realities.

All in all, NOBODY really understands how this works, not least of all because such a theory is completely un-testable at this point. It's definitely something being looked at and thought about though, as you can see in the videos below:

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Quantum mechanics school of thought is my best guess of how it may be. Dimensions of other frequencies may be another way it works but as a separate world along side ours? Just a guess on my part and nothing more. Andrew Basiago and I do not have the same view as I have told him so many times. He talks as if his view was the only possible truth. I am not fixed on either view. You did open this can of worms first?

No clue only a SWAG at best. The word universe and dimension may or may not be the same? If you give a listen to Dan Sherman you can hear what the alien shared with him about Space/time and how the alien answered his question about the alien being able to travel through time. The alien told Dan they can not travel through time, but they can travel around in time. Now that I found to be of some interest!
