"The future ain't what it used to be."

Have you ever seen a UFO/UAP?


Staff member
Have you ever seen anything strange in the sky?

There’s been two times when I MIGHT have seen something:

I was in 1st or 2nd grade, so this was the late 1980s. We lived in Northern California in the Rohnert Park area, and were driving along Emily Ave coming home from school. In this part of town, you can see some of the valley hillside off in the distance


The trees are much taller 30+ years later so I’m not sure where exactly I saw it from along the route home, but it was around Emily Ave or Ellen St, looking out my passenger window able to see those hills.

High above that hillside in the distance was a cigar-shaped craft moving slowly to the left… It was not a plane from what I could see, I’d never witnessed anything like it (and I was a little boy who loved machines and gadgets). No wings, just an oblong shape about this size from my vantage point (the red thing in the sky):


I observed it for a moment before turning to my mom to point it out, but when I turned back it was gone, and then we turned down another street so I couldn’t see the hillside anymore. I’ve never seen anything similar to that since then.

The second time was in 1997. I was sleeping on our trampoline one night (one of the big fourteen footers), listening to Art Bell and staring at the stars. This was in the Happy Valley, OR area near Sunny Side Rd. It would have been extremely late because Art was only halfway through his show, but I started to notice a triangular formation of lights that appeared to be moving high across the sky.

The stars were out and I didn’t have my glasses, so at first I thought it was just starlight and my brain playing tricks on me. The lights were about the size of the other stars, but a bit brighter and weren’t “twinkling”.

I stared at it for a long time trying to figure out what I was seeing. It was slow moving, but after observing for a few minutes I could determine the three lights were definitely moving independently of the stars around it, and at one point could tell that stars it passed in front of weren’t visible. It appeared to be about half or a third the size of my hand held at arm’s length. I have no frame of reference for how big or high it actually was though.

I ran inside to get my glasses, but couldn’t find it again after I came back. I spent most of the night into the early hours taking my glasses on and off trying to figure out what I’d been seeing, but couldn’t reproduce it and eventually fell asleep.

I’d be interested in hearing about any encounters you might have had in this thread!
I am uneasy talking about this and have been in trouble in the past for doing so actually, but…

I have seen multiple, mostly when living in the netherlands, me and my partner saw one together even, though he is usually sceptic and not receptive to these kind of things.
He still remembered this years ago though not sure how now. Though luke’s been going crazy with those stories and blowing them out of proportion, to the point of someone interpreting his words like that I am a borderline schizophrenic that claimed to have been placed in a white cell together with UFOs (and that is simply not the case, he did not say such a thing either).

I was however at one point indeed placed in a white cell with no windows and this was following an incident where i became lost in the town following a great confusion, but in reality I was being haunted by this “space signal” that birds and even dogs started to bark in the tone of it. Not humans usually, but because I was extra perceptive I was affected by it. If I had to explain how it worked I’d say that it was carried via the Aether directly somehow.

Suffice it to say following this incident and what the government started to do with me, I had a massive amnesia and still didn’t get everything completely back.

You may disbelieve me but this is how I experienced it. Its almost a decade back now. Actually I fear each year that has 4 in the number as I usually end up loosing my memory in one way or the other in those years.

Also I don’t actually believe most time travel theories and only believe about one of them at most. Not necesarily even the stuff about John Titor to be honest with you. Even though this forum is built on that.