Hey Rainman!!!!


Just a guess, but I think the TTA should be careful of the lies he posts here. Some could be considered libel and/or slander.

That's an interesting picture Ray, and childish at the same time.

But I would wager there are an equal amount of people who think you are funny here too /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif really!

Just a guess, but I think the TTA should be careful of the lies he posts here. Some could be considered libel and/or slander.

The TTA, lying? I've never heard of such a thing.

But yes, please spin it for us one more time Ray. That is what you do best!

You've had your chance to refute and challenge my statements. Did you?

Now you want to discredit me by calling me a liar. Please!

If anyone is attempting slander of anyone's character here RMT, it's you.



You're a smart guy. You've had a lot to say on how people develop personalities, especially when it comes to the formative years of childhood. You may be in a good position to analyze or describe what people really mean when they use the term "childish" to pass negative judgment on some form of perception, understanding, or communication. Am I too far off the mark here?

In my own view (and tell me what you think here), I know that some people think the humor of South Park is "childish". I'd even guess (from your Time here at TTI) that people have judged some of your forms of communication as "childish". But children perceive things in very unique, very "fresh", very "unbiased" ways, don't they? Indeed, I would hazard to guess that the "purity" with which children perceive their world is probably one of the best things for trying to achieve high (and rapid) levels of Understanding of the world around them.

Freud, you focused much of your work on the formative years of how we develop as children. What would you have to say about some of the following thoughts about how a child perceives their world and communicates their understanding of it?
Children are born pantheists. The whole world seems divine to them, full of mystery and power. They look at each thing and study its form and texture. They smell it, feel it, turn it round, stick it in their mouths.


Tell us what you think, Freud.
Re: Freudian

Yes Freud
, please heed RMT’s plea, as you are his only hope!

He needs you to back him up… but I think that’s pretty obvious.

It's spin city!

Re: Freudian

Is that the best psychology majors can do now a days?

Perhaps you spent too much time partying in college, and less time taking the profession seriously.

Pretty pathetic if you ask me. You were being counted on for something “smart” and enlightening, not this cheap attack. But hey, I guess that is the best you and Ray can do against the TTA

Re: Freudian

Yes, Freud, Yes....

Rich with double-entendre! But I'll bet the play on the word "fit" in that pic may have slipped-by our self-educated friend. And how funny that the he calls for something "deep" while not seeing just how DEEP that pic is!

I have to be fair to you, Freud, and let you know at the outset: You see, TTA is special. No, not special in THAT way! The TTA is a legend, you see. (Or at least that is what he wishes people would believe). And as we know, with a legend there is just no winning. The people (or is that Peepo?) will rise-up and crush anyone who attempts to soil their legends.

We must be cautious, Master.... one can feel the power of the Dark Side.

Re: Freudian

Your threats here, just like in the PM's, have been noted Ray.

You see, TTA is special. No, not special in THAT way! The TTA is a legend, you see. (Or at least that is what he wishes people would believe).

Oh please, spare me your green jealousy for the TTA being labeled a "legend," so I gotta take a stab at him approach. You still have not refuted a single fact I have stated... so much for calling me a liar!

Mr. TT Hunter, a.k.a. Spinmaster, who is always asking his victims for proof of their claims, cannot do it himself, so he has to be annoying & immature when it's him taking the hot seat.

And as we know, with a legend there is just no winning. The people (or is that Peepo?) will rise-up and crush anyone who attempts to soil their legends.

Are you kidding me? That's you to a "T" RMT. If anyone rises-up, to crush anyone on this forum, it's you and your people Ray. As evident here.

2 against 1.

I guess you like to go hunting with a buddy /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

We must be cautious, Master.... one can feel the power of the Dark Side.

With all facades aside Ray, we both know who's really on the Dark Side here. It's obvious who is constantly having to assert his power and strength over people on this forum. And as much as you want to play this angle against me, you can only spin history so much, until it becomes crystal clear obvious to the rest of us, that that someone, is full of B.S.

Re: Freudian

Ive read in other threads you claim to be a debunker but you are harping on RMT because he asks for evidence. Explain that please.

You did proclaim on this board that you and Pam were legendary. Pam I have heard of...

Thankyou John's parents!!
That means John made it ok!!! I was so worried!
Alright John!
John, If you are reading this in the future....
I will treasure it always.
smileys for you.............. x100

Darby is well known too because of Titor.

TTA on the other hand, I have NEVER heard of before. And honestly, what are you trying to accomplish referencing yourself in the 3rd person?

Can you provide any evidence you are actually a debunker?
Re: Freudian

Greeting Bogz,

Ive read in other threads you claim to be a debunker but you are harping on RMT because he asks for evidence. Explain that please.

You want to know why I am harping on RMT because he asks for evidence? And to explain this to you?

Please read over this thread one more time, if it's not entirly clear to you yet what is going on.

You did proclaim on this board that you and Pam were legendary.

I may have said it... but I did not proclaim that I was!

Read a little closer... I said this:

I know you are just you, and I am just me too. But on this internet forum, we are playing a role, for we are crucial characters (legendary characters at that) deeply involved in this grand play that one named John Titor began over 6 years ago. Or at least that's what many seem to believe in some way or another.

You said:
TTA on the other hand, I have NEVER heard of before. And honestly, what are you trying to accomplish referencing yourself in the 3rd person?

You must of been living under a rock. Check out: The Dual Language Diagnosis of John Titor

Can you provide any evidence you are actually a debunker?

I'm surprised you didn't find any, looking through all those threads

But I don't believe, I've ever called my self a debunker.

You can just call me the TimeTravelActivist.

Re: Freudian

You want to know why I am harping on RMT because he asks for evidence? And to explain this to you?

Please read over this thread one more time, if it's not entirly clear to you yet what is going on.

Sorry I'm too dumb. I need it explained. Why is an activist (as ambiguous as that term is) such as yourself upset when another person asks a claimant for evidence?

Or at least that's what many seem to believe in some way or another.

Are you one of the "many" that believe this? You didn't say...

You must of been living under a rock. Check out: The Dual Language Diagnosis of John Titor

Oh I read that, I meant that I had never heard of you back when Titor was posting with Pam. That's the only way I would qualify you as "deeply" involved.

we chose to become involved in this since day one. And as much as we now wish to have that anonymity back in our lives

Never heard of you. Just Pam (sr. supporter) and Darby (sr. debunker).

You can just call me the TimeTravelActivist.

Maybe it's just bad luck on my part, but every thread I clicked on, including this one, RMT was miding his own business and start trolling. Can I call you TimeTravelTroll?
Re: Freudian

Sorry I'm too dumb. I need it explained. Why is an activist (as ambiguous as that term is) such as yourself upset when another person asks a claimant for evidence?

Yes, you must be. This isn't the reason at all.

RMT can ask any person for evidence to their claims that they make; that is not the problem.

The problem Bogz, is that when it comes for RMT to provide the same for his claims that he makes, against anyone, i.e. the TTA. I'm afraid this is where the double standard kicks in, and somehow the same rules don't seem to apply to him.

Are you one of the "many" that believe this? You didn't say...

How prespective of you /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

No, I'am not one of the "many" that believes this.

Oh I read that, I meant that I had never heard of you back when Titor was posting with Pam. That's the only way I would qualify you as "deeply" involved. Never heard of you. Just Pam (sr. supporter) and Darby (sr. debunker).

I've dropped out of posting 4 years ago. Unlike Pam and Darby who stayed behind to continue the discussion on Titor, my involvement was isolated to just a few years.

But I personally don't care if you've heard of me or not. I've answered your original question and directed you to the thread. It's not my place to defend to you if I was or wasn't involved. As I could careless about John Titor.

Maybe it's just bad luck on my part, but every thread I clicked on, including this one, RMT was miding his own business and start trolling. Can I call you TimeTravelTroll?

Yes, it must be bad luck on your part. RMT minding his own business? Oh yeah right!

That's truly a credible fact. But I see he has you to vouch for him though.

I am reminded by something that RMT just recently said:

And as we know, with a legend there is just no winning. The people (or is that Peepo?) will rise-up and crush anyone who attempts to soil their legends.

Then I said:
Are you kidding me? That's you to a "T" RMT. If anyone rises-up, to crush anyone on this forum, it's you and your people Ray. As evident here.

2 against 1.

I guess you like to go hunting with a buddy /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

RMT, here is your up-rising /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif, as the TTA predicted.

3 against 1... is TimeTravelTroll the best you got Bogz?

Re: Freudian

Bottom line is, RMT is a real scientist, working on technologies that, if you knew about, he'd have to kill you... and your mother's kittens. You're a dork who believes that some dude named "John Titor" really came back from the future to steal and Atari 2600.

Me? I like eggs.
Re: Freudian

Good Morning, bogz:

I do appreciate you setting out some facts in this thread. And of course you know as well as I do that I did not request you to even enter this thread... although some might not believe it. As I warned my friend Freud, I should also let you know that you should not feel obligated to put yourself up against the TTA (the man, the myth, the legend). You've seen his track record since his return, so I don't have to tell you what is in store for anyone who crosses the TTA.
Maybe it's just bad luck on my part, but every thread I clicked on, including this one, RMT was miding his own business and start trolling.
Interesting observation. Maybe I should tell you a little story. It might be a boring story, but (like episodes of SouthPark) there is a "message" embedded within this story. Tell me what you think:
Once upon a Time there were two friends. For sake of reference let's refer to them as Mr. F and Mr. R. Mr. F had not spoken to Mr. R in awhile, and when Mr. F tried to contact Mr. R via their usual form of contact, Mr. F found that he could not reach Mr. R. Mr. F being a crafty and intelligent guy figured out that he could contact Mr. R by posting a thread with Mr. R's handle in the title on an internet forum. Viola, the two friends were back in touch again. But this is not where our story ends... it is just getting started!

Suddenly, someone we will call Mr. X barges into this friendly cyber-reunion. Mr. X makes some brash (and unproven) assumptions about what is going on in this thread, and so Mr. X begins to go on a tirade and begins to make accusations about Mr. R. The actions of Mr. X, while puzzling, are also found to be somewhat humorous to Mr. F and Mr. R. Seeing as how Mr. X had burst into their cyber-reunion and was now slinging [self-censored] all over the place, Mr. F and Mr. R decided to have a little fun. Of course, Mr. F and Mr. R knew that their fun was going to wind-up Mr. X to no end. As a result, Mr. F and Mr. R allowed Mr. X to turn this friendly cyber-reunion thread into whatever sort of dark, and evil tool that he wanted in order to proceed with his attack.

Now, what Mr. X doesn't realize is that he had entered this thread with an accusation that he did not (and could not) prove or validate in any way. IOW, the premise of Mr. X's tirade has not been established. But Mr. X seemed to think that this did not matter, and so he launched into more allegations against Mr. R... and once again failed to realize that he could not provide definitive (that means not-subject-to-corruption) evidence of the allegations he was making. Mr. R pointed out that he believed Mr. X was engaged in perjury in these unfounded allegations. So now (being a tad unsure in the disciplines of science, logic, and validation) Mr. X begins to demand that Mr. R provide evidence of said perjury... and all the while, Mr. X does not realize that he has never provided definitive evidence that his own, initial allegations were true.

But now, instead of trying to go back and validate his own allegation with which he barged into this thread, Mr. X begins an assault on another friend of Mr. R's... let's call him Mr. B. Mr. X attempts to deftly (or so he thinks) shift the tactical offensive in a different direction, and as such he attempts to bring allegations (implied, but allegations nonetheless) of people "ganging up on him". Now what is really ironic (and terribly sly) about this change in tactics is that Mr. X was the one who barged into this friendly thread in the first place and started slinging accusations.

Now you are a smart enough guy, bogz, that I don't have to spell-out the moral of this story, right? So I won't. But I must say, I see some dark clouds forming on the horizon. The forces of Light and Darkness seem to be gearing-up for some kind of epic battle. Such confrontations are rarely pretty, and the outcome would never be considered "positive" for either the forces of Darkness or even those of the Light. But sometimes Darkness has a ceaseless tendency to constantly want to push away Light, and it tirelessly challenges the Light. And so, such epic battles sometimes cannot be avoided.

I just hope no one "pushes the button", because it could result in less-than-desireable consequences for not only the powers of Light and Darkness, but also for many innocents who yearn for nothing but peace.

Re: Freudian

Hi Freud,
Me? I like eggs.
Me too! Fried, poached, whatever! In fact, I just had an awesome Tex-Mex breakfast enchilada with eggs and chorizo this morning! Yummity, yum yum! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

On a slightly related topic.... is it just me, or is Nigella Lawson one smoking-hot BABE!?!?!?

Man would I enjoy fertilizing HER eggs!!!

Re: Freudian

The problem Bogz, is that when it comes for RMT to provide the same for his claims that he makes, against anyone, i.e. the TTA. I'm afraid this is where the double standard kicks in, and somehow the same rules don't seem to apply to him.

The topic here is Time Travel. RMT asks for evidence of time travel claims. He himself does NOT make claims that he is a time traveler.

RMT, here is your up-rising , as the TTA predicted.

You repeatedly attack someone who wants to have serious discussions about the topic on this board and eventually the other people who are serious about wanting to have discussions will tell you to STFU. It has nothing to do with RMT, and EVERYTHING to do with YOU. When you make other predictions with the same difficulty level such as "the sun will rise" tomorrow, do you keep score anywhere?

MMmmmm. English Muffin.
