How to improve TTI

Thank-you for stepping up and posting your concerns.

From a personal perspective, whenever " any " member of Time Travel Institute comes across something I write that is questionable, I encourage that member to utilize the Private Message feature available, or even use the e-mail address I posted in my bio-section to address any and all issues and/or concerns.

We all have "good" days, and we all have "bad" days. Sometimes, our mood will be reflected in our replies. No offense is necessarily intended, but, will inevitably occur. Such is the way in an imperfect Muiltiverse, and mistakes will be made.

I have a dry sense of humor and/or sometimes do not express myself as intended.

When this occurs...send me a Private Message "and say so". We then can address those concerns and/or issues together and hopefully work out a resolution and step away with a better understanding of each other.

However, I believe I made it clear through-out this site what my attitude is regarding people that use scare tactics to increase their own bank accounts.

IF my language and attitude seem harsh, mean and cruel, so be it. I feel that people that engage in despicable tactics to scare people to further their own greedy interests are worse than anything that I could possibly write in any post/reply here in TTI.

That is "my own" opinion and in no way necessarily reflects the opinion(s) or policies of the Administration of Time Travel Institute, itself.

That is what I can offer up regarding my own self..

Speaking in more general terms...

The issue being addressed, straight up, is "structure".

The term "structure" doesnt apply to how the forum has been formatted, but to the "structure" of Terms of Service, what is allowed and what isn't allowed.

Obviously, any forum without any structure what-so-ever will become a free-for-all, and that includes having spammers posting all kinds of garbage, advertisements, trojans, infected links, and some people posting messages of sheer hatred and anger who actually have no interest in any kind of discussion at all.

On the other end of the "structure" spectrum are forums that will ensure that nothing but what the Administration wishes to convey is seen by readers. This means deleting the "perceived" negative posts, or editing the contents from negative to positive, and numerous suspension(s) and/or banning(s) of members for material that even merely "hints" towards a different perspective than that of the Administration.

We ARE striving to achieve a balance between the two extremes. There are actions taken that aren't published in the forum for all to see or to know, but are done to try to ensure that the members of Time Travel Institute are provided a "safe" environment to participate within as much as possible.


I know that what you are referring to is the manner in which some members respond to specific posts. The "de-bunkers", as you put it.

Obviously, every topic has two or more points-of-view. IF a claim is rendered, other members are granted the privilege of presenting either questions, or opposing views, or providing proof that refutes the initial claim.

IF any one takes offense with the manner in which the replies are written, instead of bickering in the threads, any and all member's have the option to bring the issue to the offending member via a PM, or to bring the issue to the attention of either of the Moderators, or if it is a Moderator that anyone has issues with, address it with the other Moderator OR to bring it to the attention of the MOP.

There IS a process in place. Unfortunately, not many people use that process.

This forum is an environment for not only discussion, but also for debate, and as such, will result in material that "somebody" won't like...and thats just the way it is.

As Administrators, we understand the issues and/or concerns you mentioned in your post above.

The creation and posting the "new" Terms of Service, and creation of this Suggestion Section are a few of the steps being implimented towards resolving several issues ( as you mentioned ); to encourage people to post new things, encourage creativity, let people be themselves,
and create a safe, more enjoyable site for the members of TTI.

As far as the "hard cases"...seems that would fall into the "let people be themselves", wouldn't it ?

From the claimants to the de-bunkers to the hard cases, each member is responsible for the material they author, and will held accountable IF the Terms of Service are violated. and the account of the violator(s) will be actioned as determined by the Administration.

Since this forum is directed to and for adults, then it is up to each individual to act like an adult. IF the members of this come across something written in reply to something they wrote and don't like it, the members of Time Travel Institute DO have several options available. Use em.

I have been surprised by several members that chose to run away instead of using the options available to work towards a better understanding of what may have been said in the forum.

Discuss, debate, share, learn, laugh, cry, chuckle, shout, scream, stand up for what "you" believe in, but "always" learning. Not only about different perspectives and/or concepts, but also learning more about yourself and about others. No matter what happens, I say stay !

After several years here at Time Travel Institute, for those who do remain, they will build up something that is truly quite remarkable.

TimeCrime1986, I have to disagree with your assertion. If by "dry", you mean the site is plain and the design is weak, then yeah. That's true. I haven't revamped the site in years. But if by "dry" you mean the discussion is uninspired, I really do have to disagree. There are forums here for all manner of discussion. Not only Time Travel, but also the Paranormal, Aliens, UFOs, Conspiracies, etc. We even have an "Off Topic" forum if it doesn't fall into any of the other categories. People can talk about anything they like here.

I have shut down a total of two posters at TTI for making nonsense comments. And I'm not talking about being off-topic and posting in the wrong forums. Rather, I'm talking about posting in a language which looks suspiciously like English but clearly does not read as English. I try not to censor anyone here beyond the rules we have established for ourselves. These rules are here to protect you and to protect us. Don't do anything illegal (libel, slander, etc.) and everyone should be good. You want to diversify the discussion? Then do it. Want to talk about Tiger Woods or the Health Care Bill? Then do it. Just be prepared to accept what others have to say about it. There's nothing here that's stopping you.
Re: Sign out front a little old.

Lol. He has been the most talked about subject on this website whether people want to admit it or not. With all the great minds on here I am surprised their minds are mostly stuck in "debunk" mode and can't come up with anything new to talk about in the area of time travel. ..just Debunking constantly is well...boring. I say bring forth the exciting, the creative, the new ideas, and if all else fails post a topic about something going on about john titor. For some reason that is like sharks being attracted to blood in the water. Lol.... Iam just saying.... ;)
All this debunking and other things which I wont go into referring to my first sentence has peed off and ran off most of the users here from what I can tell in my time here.

It sounds to me like what you are really saying want claimants to be able to post whatever they like, without anyone being able to interject with actual scientific fact.

I can well bet that the hoaxers DON'T like their bridge in Brooklyn being subjected to proper analysis. But then, your comments can equally as well be perceived as saying that the hoaxers and storytellers are just not up to it.

And it seems to me that is the real problem here. Titor was at least entertaining and spun a good yarn. Most of those who have arrived since.....just leave me yawning. They are so OBVIOUSLY fakes.

10 years on from Titor, it is not the debunkers who have driven people away....but the quality of claimant, which has deteriorated. One would think that with 10 years experience of handling criticism, the claimaints would by now have developed Titor style hoaxes into such a fine art that even the sceptics would be impressed.

What this forum needs is either en exceptionally good and 'convincing' hoax.....or.....a genuine time traveller.
What this forum needs is either en exceptionally good and 'convincing' hoax.....or.....a genuine time traveller.

in my opinion, what this site needs is to delete everything, except for tt discussion. they could also add a tt classroom, where you can learn all things tt related.

right now, this site is just a bunch of fantasy bs, but it could be so much more. it could have a goal.
Re: Sign out front a little old.

With all the great minds on here I am surprised their minds are mostly stuck in "debunk" mode and can't come up with anything new to talk about in the area of time travel. ..just Debunking constantly is well...boring.

You make it sound like being unable to believe every piece of BS one reads on the net is somehow a deficiency.
Re: Sign out front a little old.

Debunking constantly is well...boring.

Actually that is simply not true. There is great pleasure to be gotten from looking into claims and establishing the facts. Certainly, those who just say ' that is all nonsense ' and never provide a reason why are just boring. Personally I always try to provide an alternative....more 'scientific' explanation. My aim is not to 'debunk'....but to simply ask 'could there be a more conventional explanation for this ?'. And I enjoy finding one.

There's a famous 'ghost picture' that allegedly shows the ghost of a child looking out of the window of a house. Indeed, it DOES look just like that. I spent hours looking at it...not to personally I do 'believe' in ghosts. What I had in mind was more ' is this REALLY what it purports to be ?'

To the believers, the pic was 'obviously' that of a young girl in a blue shirt, staring out of the window. And just as in this forum....on the ghost forum there's a clique of believers with whom any questioning of the belief is met with ' omg ! you can't be serious ! '.

Well....I looked at the pic...and looked. Some aspects of it were just not right. The 'face' is somewhat distorted. And then it hit me. It was SO obvious on hindsight. What one was really seeing was not a face and shirt at all ! One was seeing through the window of the house.....into the doorway and contents of another room at the back of the house. The 'face' was actually the view through a doorway into another room....and with higher magnification one could clearly see that the 'eyes' of the girl were actually pictures on the wall right at the back of the house. The 'mouth' was a table in that back room. The girls blue shirt was actually the carpet of that back room.

The minute the perspective was changed, it was suddenly so obvious that the 'girl in the window' was actually an illusion..largely due to the pixels of the picture being just at the limit of proper resolution. The 'girl' was clearly no more than a doorway and contents of a back room.....seen through the window of a house from the outside.

Of course...this was met with howls of derision from the true believers. But I had looked at the image totally objectively. I WANTED it to be a ghost. But I was not prepared to accept it as such when a PROPER scrutinty of the evidence had clearly shown it was just an optical illusion.

And my attitude to time travel claims is no different.

TRUE investigation of any issue is such that one should only decide that something is a ghost, or UFO, or time traveller......when ALL other more simple possibilities have been ruled out. Anything less is for those who simply want to believe regardless of the evidence.
in my opinion, what this site needs is to delete everything, except for tt discussion. they could also add a tt classroom, where you can learn all things tt related.

right now, this site is just a bunch of fantasy bs, but it could be so much more. it could have a goal.

I agree. Someone should do that.

I would say simply let people be themselves. Some are truthful, others are mischeivous, and some just don't care. Let people build a reputation for themselves, be it good or bad. The only useful rule is to forbid harm to others. It would be good to implement a feature whereby one can ignore posts by individual users, just like in a chat room. Also, a chat room for time travel would be great. For those seeking real science, an area for fostering knowledge and collaboration could be a fine addition. Much repetition in experimentation could be avoided by having a library of theory and experiment in wiki or other format. Maybe this would be better done on another site. These are only suggestions so take them as you will. :)
Re: Sign out front a little old.

I wish i would have been here during the time of titor, I've read a lot about him on here but never really understood what set him apart from all the other alleged time travelers in here, Would anyone like to elaborate on that?
Re: Sign out front a little old.

Not in this forum, James. Please repost your question out on the TT Claims board. I cannot move posts from this forum, otherwise I would have done that.

Now, this is some very neat stuff. The forum feels brand new. TTI went back to the future. :D

Congratulations guys for the great work! :)
We're very fortunate to have had Cosmo do all this work. And so long as he sticks around, we'll be happy to have him help us continue moving the site into the future.

The old message board software was clearly showing its age and the fact that it was out of date was inviting a great deal of malicious behavior that was driving away our regular visitors and frequent posters. Hopefully, with this new software, we can get back on track and discuss the real question: Would you kill baby Hitler?
I know part of the nostalgia and value of TTI (at least for me) is reading it in her original format, no matter how outdated it may be, so I'm working on an HTML only version of the original TTI that I'll make available as soon as I'm able.