I believe "Reactor" is aptly named...

Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...


On proving my theory wrong I have looked at it and what plays havick with it is the alternate reality. There is so much of it to filter out and trying to find what is real can be tough.

Excellent. Indeed, this area you bring up does pose massive scientific problems for your theory. And this is exactly the type of area where my suggestion to "dig deeper" will bring you more information about whether your theory is even plausible. Because this deals directly with your time travel information theory, I am going to lift this quote and reply to it, in depth, over in your main thread in TT claims... if that is OK with you. But suffice it to say, many scientists have pondered and worked on this problem area you bring up. And as we discuss who these scientists were and what their scientific conclusions were, I think you may begin to see the probability of your theory being "right" are very low. But let's examine this over in the other thread, OK?

But, it is also a plus in some ways because it can present new knowledge when the goal is not actual time travel.

That might very well be true. But the most important aspect of this statement of yours is that it is not at all relevant to proving (or falsifying) your claim with regards to time travel via computers and random counters. Do you agree that it is not relevant to your claim? You see, this statement of yours is a perfect example of where things can start to fall apart in a debate with you over your theory. This statement can be viewed as a means for you to try and take a discussion away from a point which poses a problem to your theory. From my side, a statement like this sounds like a "defensive tactic" that is invoked (perhaps even unconsciously) to try and derail a proper falsification of your theory.

Again let's remember the scientific approach: The best thing you can do is TRY to falsify your theory. And that means by trying to defend it with statements or claims that are not relevant to your theory, is seen as decidedly unscientific. So what I propose in the future of our discussions is this: If/when you ever make such statements like the above that are not relevant to your time traveling claim, and can be seen as trying to take the discussion off the prime topic (attempting to falsify your claim) then I will reply with the words "non-sequitor" (as in "this does not follow from, or is otherwise irrelevant to, your TT claim"). I will highlight your statement as not relevant to your claim. I would then expect you to admit it is not relevant so we can then return to the prime topic. If you do not admit when these things come up, then we will become engaged in another bickering match.

Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...


In reply to:

On proving my theory wrong I have looked at it and what plays havick with it is the alternate reality. There is so much of it to filter out and trying to find what is real can be tough.


Excellent. Indeed, this area you bring up does pose massive scientific problems for your theory. And this is exactly the type of area where my suggestion to "dig deeper" will bring you more information about whether your theory is even plausible. Because this deals directly with your time travel information theory, I am going to lift this quote and reply to it, in depth, over in your main thread in TT claims... if that is OK with you. But suffice it to say, many scientists have pondered and worked on this problem area you bring up. And as we discuss who these scientists were and what their scientific conclusions were, I think you may begin to see the probability of your theory being "right" are very low. But let's examine this over in the other thread, OK?

In reply to:

But, it is also a plus in some ways because it can present new knowledge when the goal is not actual time travel.


That might very well be true. But the most important aspect of this statement of yours is that it is not at all relevant to proving (or falsifying) your claim with regards to time travel via computers and random counters. Do you agree that it is not relevant to your claim? You see, this statement of yours is a perfect example of where things can start to fall apart in a debate with you over your theory. This statement can be viewed as a means for you to try and take a discussion away from a point which poses a problem to your theory. From my side, a statement like this sounds like a "defensive tactic" that is invoked (perhaps even unconsciously) to try and derail a proper falsification of your theory.

Again let's remember the scientific approach: The best thing you can do is TRY to falsify your theory. And that means by trying to defend it with statements or claims that are not relevant to your theory, is seen as decidedly unscientific. So what I propose in the future of our discussions is this: If/when you ever make such statements like the above that are not relevant to your time traveling claim, and can be seen as trying to take the discussion off the prime topic (attempting to falsify your claim) then I will reply with the words "non-sequitor" (as in "this does not follow from, or is otherwise irrelevant to, your TT claim"). I will highlight your statement as not relevant to your claim. I would then expect you to admit it is not relevant so we can then return to the prime topic. If you do not admit when these things come up, then we will become engaged in another bickering match.


Problem is you asked me to try to prove false my claim so I have cave you some reasons to help do that but that does not mean I can not find reasons to validate it either. You see I can fight one side or the other side or both sides at the same time as you suggested to try validate my claim. So, you expecting me to admit something is not relevant to my claim if I know it is relevant then I can not always do that for you. I can only do that for you if I can,t find reasons to support it. If I can,t find reason to support it then yes of course I would have to admit that to you. And, now I am going to give you a little example to back up my words.

But, it is also a plus in some ways because it can present new knowledge when the goal is not actual time travel.

Here I was trying to prove my claim wrong. Now here is me trying to prove it right.
Knowledge can be invented by some or discovered accidently. So if my method comes across knowledge that is not known to man at this time and I keep it to myself. So, 10 years later this knowledge is invented and used. Would that not be time travel because it became reality but I knew about it before hand? That is the whole purpose of my method because my theory is that information can be real or unreal. Only a very small part of information is real at any one time. Case in point. Before you were born the information that currently makes you up as a person was unreal. Your conception and birth made you real. Your information was here before you were born it was just unreal. Now it is real. What I am trying to do is make information real in the past before it becomes real in the future or the other way around. Even if you went thru a worm hole and traveled in time you would still prove my information theory right. You made your information unreal here and made it real someplace else.
The way that I will have to show this is time travel is to try to seperate the alternate reality from reality. To know which is which. On the bickering with you I will try to avoid it. If I can,t give you good reason for something only then can I admit it is not relevant. Which I will do if I have to so we can stay on topic.
Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

But, it is also a plus in some ways because it can present new knowledge when the goal is not actual time travel.

I will admit the words "goal is not actual time travel." took this off topic because we are only talking about time travel here.
Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

The way that I will have to show this is time travel is to try to seperate the alternate reality from reality. To know which is which.

This is the problem. And I can assure you that you will never be able to do this. To find out why, read the post I just completed in your thread under TT Claims. Computability and Completeness are issues that have been reasearched long, long ago... before we ever even had access to the computing power we have today.

Again, not wishing to insult you, but this is where I say that there is a LOT more "out there" that you need to study and learn about before you will come to realize that your theory and claim are unworkable. And your discussion about "real vs. unreal information" is highly unscientific. I know what you are trying to say with those words, but again I am telling you that these words would not be accepted by a scientist as they are poorly formed and not falsifiable.

Read my response in the other thread, and we will see if we can continue to have a discussion on this. We may not be able to, because some of this may be out of reach for you. That is not an insult. It just means there are scientific facts that are out there that may require advanced knowledge that you have not had time to assimilate (yet).

Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

Would that not be time travel because it became reality but I knew about it before hand?

No. You can decide to call it a "form of time travel", but it is clearly not time travel in the sense that science discusses it.

That is the whole purpose of my method because my theory is that information can be real or unreal.

Unscientific. This is not Popper-falsifiable. This is an example of where you think that words can overcome the scientific method. But in fact, trying to make sense out of words like this is highly unscientific. This is the reason why Karl Popper codified the concept of falsifiability. If something cannot be falsified (and that statement above of yours cannot be), then it is not scientific... it cannot tell us anything useful that we could come to rational, scientific conclusions about.

Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

That is the whole purpose of my method because my theory is that information can be real or unreal.

I can understand that this has a problem because this currently goes into the realm of philsophy instead the realm of science. Problem is "what could I do to prove this is scientificly correct?" Answer is "at this time I would need a scientific experiment to do this which I have presented none." so I can see your point of view. Now my point of view is just because there has been a lot of study and debate on this does not make it less of science it is just that I have not fully proven it yet. People once thought the world was flat and even when good argument against it came along it was still rejected at least for a time. So, I just need a better way to prove it as you say. I can accept that. I have given you words that I have not scientificly proven correct with the scientific method.
Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

I can understand that this has a problem because this currently goes into the realm of philsophy instead the realm of science. Problem is "what could I do to prove this is scientificly correct?" Answer is "at this time I would need a scientific experiment to do this which I have presented none." so I can see your point of view.

No. You have not yet understood my point. You really need to completely understand what Popper Falsifiability really is all about before you can argue your point. Reading here about when a theory/claim is "falsifiable" or not:

<font color="red"> For example, "all men are mortal" is unfalsifiable, since no finite amount of observation could ever demonstrate its falsehood: that one or more men can live forever. "All men are immortal," by contrast, is falsifiable, by the presentation of just one dead man. [/COLOR]

This is very much like your statement:

my theory is that information can be real or unreal.

You can never falsify this. It is a classic example of one of Godel's "undecidable" statements. The reason science requires a theory to be falsifiable is specifically to avoid arguing about nonsense. What good would it do to try and "prove" that this statement of yours is correct, if there is never any hope that it could be DIS-proven? Do you understand this yet? I realize it is difficult for some to comprehend. But try reading more about Popper and Falsifiability, and perhaps it will sink in. Another way to state it might be: "To be a FAIR and SCIENTIFIC theory, there MUST be some way possible to prove it wrong, even before you come up with a way to prove it right. If there is no way to prove it wrong, it cannot be scientific."


Re: I believe \"Reactor\" is aptly named...

No. You have not yet understood my point. You really need to completely understand what Popper Falsifiability really is all about before you can argue your point. Reading here about when a theory/claim is "falsifiable" or not:

For example, "all men are mortal" is unfalsifiable, since no finite amount of observation could ever demonstrate its falsehood: that one or more men can live forever. "All men are immortal," by contrast, is falsifiable, by the presentation of just one dead man.

This is very much like your statement:

In reply to:

my theory is that information can be real or unreal.


You can never falsify this. It is a classic example of one of Godel's "undecidable" statements. The reason science requires a theory to be falsifiable is specifically to avoid arguing about nonsense. What good would it do to try and "prove" that this statement of yours is correct, if there is never any hope that it could be DIS-proven? Do you understand this yet? I realize it is difficult for some to comprehend. But try reading more about Popper and Falsifiability, and perhaps it will sink in. Another way to state it might be: "To be a FAIR and SCIENTIFIC theory, there MUST be some way possible to prove it wrong, even before you come up with a way to prove it right. If there is no way to prove it wrong, it cannot be scientific."


I would have to change my statement somehow If can,t prove my current statement. I was thinking about attempting to show with math how much reality, alternate reality, and non-reality can be found with my methods. It would take some thought and some testing. If it was put into some type of math form as you and Darby first suggested to me when I got here then I think it might have a chance to fit into proven it right and wrong test. Of course that being said if someone before me has not already done it. Yes, it has been difficult for me to comprehend. Im working on it.

My math form first would take the approach of sending a messages both ways from a to b. a &amp; b would be different location times in space.
a &amp; b would search between ranges C and D for their messages and reconstruct those checksums.
Then I would show a method of reconstructing file H.
Then I would have to show mathematically how much reality, non-reality, and alternate reality could be found mathematically. Anyway setting this up with math as you suggested and putting a proper scientific theory to it this seems to be the way to go. Of course you said someone has done this but I am not sure if someone has done this wity my method. My method is a off-shoot of the Rsync method and I am not sure when the experiments were run by the people you said ran them if they had this type of method for sending or receiving messages. Rsync works with a weak connection. My off-shoot method works with no connection at all. Rsynce was used by me because of their rolling checksum and I found I could but that on a counter which fit well with my theory and it was for finding information which fit well with my theory. So, I created a off-shoot method from it. Well based on our discussion this is where I am.