point of recurence light& time


Temporal Novice
time accelerates faster the closer an obejct gets to light speed,so the big man stieny said, he also said that if faster than light speed is achieved time wold reverse,it would be fair to asume that it would slow down at the same rate, however if an object were to pass light speed by a fraction,it would travel back in time a fraction to the pointat wich it achieved light speed, to the pilot of such a craft it would seem that he or she could only maintain light speed ,but to an obsever the craft would seem to be staionary the infinitly small journey in time inperseptable, would a constant infinitly small journey in time have an effect on the crafT? IF an obsever set 2 watches to 4 oclock and gave one to the pilot after the experiment both watches would show the same time ,however the age of the watch would be less by a fraction at an atomic level again difficult to prove. this is assumeing that light speed is the holy grail perhaps light speed isnt all that fast as has been proven recently by scientists achieving 300 times the speed of light...is possible the big man is wrong?
Hey good point, about bouncing back in time at the light speed barrier. If you consider that a photon goes both directions in time... maybe that is exactly what is going on The harder you hit the wall the faster it vibrates, that is why higher energy equates with higher photon frequency.
youve got!!! is it possible that process of recurence ...or ..frecuency is detructive & thats why all matter decays?