Poll 6 in 10 Americans think WWIII Likely!

Not everyones that smart Ovrlrd.
If so, then I think that person's parents ought to step up to their portion of the blame. One of the GOOD things about growing up in a free country, with the freedom and right to bear arms, is that we all learn what guns are (even if we or our parents are against them). If someone's got a gun pointed at me, you can bet I will be thinking twice about anything I do... and if it is a law enforcement officer, I will be kneeling down and putting my hands behind my head, even if I didn't do ANYTHING wrong. There are some things that truly do NOT take a rocket scientist to figure out the right thing to do!

Not everyones that smart Ovrlrd. In Israel, they have to say a little more than 'STOP' in at least 3 languages before they're allowed to open fire, even if they're under fire themselves. The rest of the world could take a note.

I can understand those sentiments...however, this is not the world we live in today. It would be nice to be able to use different languages in all situations, but, not realistic. The English made a mistake, but under the situation, it was justified. IF...he had been a terrorist and the police took the time to shout stop three times in different languages... we would be reading how incompetent they were for allowing the guy the time to detonate a bomb. I am sure that anyone in the same situation would do exactly what the English had done.

Sad, yes...but, the real blame should be on those who ARE doing the bombings.

Guns speak there own language...it doesnt matter how many times or what language is used...the guns themselves make a fairly clear statement all their own. I learned a long time ago, when I was in my teens, running from the police never resulted in positive benefits. And, once I did have guns drawn on me and I might as well have been frozen in ice. In the excitement, I couldnt really hear what was being said, but the police officers body language told me all I needed to know.

And if you are that stupid to run away..then the principles of natural selection come into play.

As a side note, our police officers usually yell "STOP" after they already emptied their guns. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
To call the Brazilian man stupid for not stopping is just as bad as blaming the London police.

You CAN'T know what was going on in his head. What is his perception of guns? What are his experiences with people who have guns? Did he have a bad experience in Brazil? The police were plain clothes...for all he knew at first, they could have been criminals. We will never know why he ran.

Flat out, this was a tragedy...a mistake. And should be blamed on the terrorists. The police can't afford to be timid, the population can't afford to be "stupid", and the fact that terrorists are actively attacking the population makes the whole thing even more high-strung.

Just what a terrorist would want.
To call the Brazilian man stupid for not stopping is just as bad as blaming the London police.

I don't see why it's stupid to blame the police. Police risk their lives by trying to apprehend a suspect and give him his due process. There's no risk in shooting people in the head because you think he might blow up, there's no pride, and because they refuse to release video, there's no integrity either.

But february made me shiver
With every paper I’d deliver.
Bad news on the doorstep;
I couldn’t take one more step.
Come on, if anyone was placed in the same situation as those officers, they would do exactly the same thing. I dont care which country it may be, people are people and would react just as they did under the conditions. It is easy to point the finger when you are not in their shoes. I have many friends in Law Enforcement and the crap they see and go through, it is amazing they dont shoot more people.

I agree it is a terrible "accident", but unavoidable. His death should be added to those victims of the other bombings. Essentially, that is what he is. As I mentioned, what would you be posting if it had turned out he was a terrorist and they yelled for him to stop...waited..and then he blew up the station killing many others? Hmmmm?
I mentioned, what would you be posting if it had turned out he was a terrorist and they yelled for him to stop...waited..and then he blew up the station killing many others? Hmmmm?

You want to play WHAT IF?

WHAT IF he had a nuke wired to a dead man's trigger?
I look at this type of police behavior with dismay. What would you do if you heard a gunshot go off and the you saw a man with a gun pointed at you.

This is described as a classic Fight or Flight syndrome. Your body percieves a threat to it's survival. Unless you are continually experiencing this kind of stress, you really have no choice at all in a life or death situation. I think most people would run if someone threatened their life with a gun. And because this is an automatic responce to this kind of threat, a man's reasoning ablity does not get to override the bodys will to survive. The victim believed his life was in danger and he did make an all out attempt to stay alive. Now he was shot in the head multiple times. So we will never know his side of the story. But that is pretty damn accurate to hit a moving target in the head. Why wasn't a leg aimed at instead? To me this looks like public murder committed by a police officer and should be treated as such.

With an example such as this I believe the use of lethal force should be outlawed. There are other ways to apprehend a suspect without triggering an automatic fight or flight responce.

My take on this is that I think the police know about this fight or flight responce syndrome. That would suggest that they are hunting people for sport. And I don't condone that type of behavior in law enforcement at all.
I think most people would run if someone threatened their life with a gun.

It wasnt just someone, it was the police. I understand what you are saying, but under the circumstances, I have to repeat what I have been saying all along. I believe you would have done exactly the same thing as an officer if you had been in that situation.

What would you do if you heard a gunshot go off and the you saw a man with a gun pointed at you.

Shoot back!

The victim believed his life was in danger and he did make an all out attempt to stay alive. Now he was shot in the head multiple times

Obviously, the police thought that he was a risk and had to be stopped. If he had been wounded, this would have given him an opportunity to detonate any device. Yeah, yeah, if..if..if..however, I dont think the scope of the if is to far out of possibilities. It is close to what may have been. They felt he had to be taken down and they did it.

Now, here in Los Angeles, we have an entirely different situation in which the police officer should be prosecuted for his actions. He fired off ten rounds at a kid joy-riding in a car. He said he felt his life was in danger, but an investigation as to the tragectories of his bullets proved he was not in any danger. The link below is a brief descrition of the incident before the investigation was started.

Devin Brown