Sleep Paralysis

Not automatically accepting everything I percieve as reality, and requiring soe form of proof for the more extraordinary claims.

I will not deny that there is faith that all of us hold - I have faith that I wasn't created with false memories a nanosecond ago, that America actually exists and isn't some big conspiracy even though I've never set foot in the place, that when I wake up tomorrow gravity will still be working, and so on. these things it serves me to believe, and I have found consistently to hold true. That is, at the most basic level, no guarentee that they will remain true in the future, but until they are proven to be wrong, I think my life will be best lived by continuing to assume they are true.

On the other hand, I must have more than just the word of someone* to believe that their consiousness can leave their body as someone's consiousness, in my opinion, is nothng but electrical and chemical changes in the brain. Now if people can travel millions of miles, or can move a few feet, at their discretion, as is claimed, then surely it's not too much to ask for them to read a word on a bit of paper?** I've been told that people can home in on souls, and that souls can be read through the internet. So, anyone that claims these things and wants to convince me of their truth can find my soul, find my sleeping body, look round my room and tell me what my guitar looks like. It's a very small task, a very small request on the side of the person making the claim, and yet will be a major, major thing to me.

*I include myself in this, BTW. I was more credulous for a period in my teens, and believed I could Astrally Project and see Auras. As I grew older and learned more, I doubted my experiences more and have accepted that I was deliberately sheilding myself from some things that were self-evident, because these were things I wanted to believe, partially because they made me feel a bit special. Now I'm more demanding of myself, and of those around me.

**This is an even smaller request and would require much less effort. And would earn a million dollars. They wouldn't even have to leave their house. Details here:
everythings much better...theyre back and we're on level again! i figured out what i was doing wrong and everything was forgiven!

thank you for youre help!

That is very good news. I hope the info I sent was of some assistance. Welcome back, Rho.
Whose to say which one is the fantasy, and which one isn't ?

Well, certainly, the vast majority of the world regards the corporeal world as not being a fantasy. It's certainly a more useful definition, as one has to be able to function in the corporeal world to exist - you have to eat, for example, whereas there is no universal consistancy in the dream world.
i have a question for anyone familiar

last night me and a friend decided we'd start an experiment with telepathy where we'd send each other things at any give time during the day. so last night at around 3 in the morning i dig very very far into my mind to calm it down and block out anything i didnt want to think about so i could put all my mental energy into what i was trying to send/recieve. about 15 minutes into it i was really deep into the pits of my mind to a point where i was completely at peace and silence with the i started to say, ok if anyone wants to talk im open to whatever....IMMEDIATELY i started getting very dizzy and stomach sick...i actually thought i was going to throw up. im not sure what i did? has this happend to anyone else?
Never leave yourself open to whomever. Whomever may not be whom you want to respond. I posted a website address for Trollface, and I suggest posting in that forum. They are very involved and experienced with what you are doing, and will provide far better advice than I.
whereas there is no universal consistancy in the dream world.

This place you speak of is exactly as you describe. It is the place those of us who claim to be Magicians slip within to impose our wills and produce an effect on the physical realm.

The power stems from hidden passions, primal desires, and emotional obsession. The ability to truly know and harness one’s raw emotionality and desires, a useful tool for increasing potency , opens gateways to an entirely new level of power.

Being the border between the real and the unreal, it is a direct link between the mind and reality as we know it.

The dream is affected by the desires and emotions, and reality is, in turn, affected by the changes to the dream. Creating change from this level is difficult due to the volatile nature, but with practice, experimentation, and wisdom one learns to anticipate for any distortions.

The creation of a dark and blighted landscape filled with decay and death may manifest in the material as a method to cause despair. Minor Necromantic functions, for example, may be given unique properties when cast from the dream.

Nothing short of intense study and cautious experimentation will make this possible. The unique art is one which knows no bounds and has no limits, except those which are allowed by the user.

You have yet to ask me why I have been using horizontal thinker in some of my replies.
The creation of a dark and blighted landscape filled with decay and death may manifest in the material as a method to cause despair.

Actually, funnily enough, I really enjoy nightmares.

You have yet to ask me why I have been using horizontal thinker in some of my replies.
