The Death of John Titor.

TheSadOne: You bring up some valid points that I will address.
1) I am not TimeTravel_0 that was John and he will always remain TimeTravel_0 also knowing John he would want his legacy to continue if he wasn't truely dead.
2) Please I beg for you to come to our timeline and attend the funeral.
3) As John stated earlier Titor is not his true last name. Johns familey has left Florida in this timeline and moved to an undiclosed location.
4) In the future the Everglades was completely dried up and thus turned into an enourmous graveyard. Any other questions?
Yeah, I'd love to go to the funeral, one small problem, no time machine...

You give me an email, and I'll give you a time and place to meet, I'm not afraid of wackos with knives. Or better yet, I'll give you my email and you can Email me where we can meet, since you obviously have a working time machine, it wouldn't really matter when we leave right? Because we could always just go to the day of the funeral, then right back (pretty much). Right?

My email is [email protected] or [email protected]
I look foreward to your answer.
Well that's a cop-out answer if I ever heard one.
So far you have given no real 'proof' ... I don't know who you are, any number of wackos, or maybe you're actually telling the truth... But according to religion the Messiah is coming in just a few years, if you believe in that... so it's really one or the other. I'm waiting for them to fight it off, Jesus vs. nuclear holocaust.

Back on subject, Yeah, Maybe you're for real, maybe not... probably the latter, but you see, you offer no proof as to what you claim, isn't there anything you can bring?
From another topic on this board, posted by Cherno, under "Titor- a druggy?" there was this link to this board that a John Titor is apparently posting to, and he was posting the same thing he posted in 2000/2001. The dates for his posts are December 2003-January 2004.

It sounds EXACTLY like him, and he is talking about the same things.

He did not post as a "druggy", but he was posting to this UK Cannabis/marijuana discussion board, apparently drawn to it because he found a reference to John Titor on that board in 2006? Then went back to 2003/2004 to post on it??

Here is the link.. . Click on the "Find all posts by John Titor" link to read what he wrote. He suggests the civil disturbances starting with events in April and August of 2004. [Does April refer to the "April 29th is a day to remember" from his 2000/2001 posts?]

Do you have any comment on this? He was in this timeline very recently, and now he's dead? What is he dead from?

When the question about 9/11 was asked, I presumed it fell under the "will not disclose earthquake/bomb information" category. But you say it never happened on your worldline? Then for what crimes were people held "without due process" for? We've already had this happen on our worldline after the events of 9/11.
Good point Tyson, which is why I origonally thought they were the same person, and he was trying to put an end to it, psychologically they're reeeal similar, but it's late, he said it's not him, so I'm not gonna put up a fight. Let him be whoever he wants to be.

If it is in fact that he's lying... ooo, mysterious.
Oh for the love of we go again! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif

Again believe me or not. Just wait you'll see soon enough just wait till the civil war. It has already begun.

1) I'll choose the "not" answer, if that is alright by you, my wonderous time-traveling friend.
2) I can see, from your second sentence and other posts of yours, that diction, grammar, and proper punctuation are still not being enforced in the schools. Guess George Bush's "no child left behind" must have missed you!
3) It has NOT already begun, nor will it begin. Apparantly, your handlers sent you to the wrong timeline! You see, *I* am the only person in this timeline who knows the "true" secret to time travel. Inasmuch as I am trying to educate these people in the PROPER way, to avoid such polluted timelines that can give way to civil wars, I'd appreciate it if you would just shut the hell up, stop polluting a timeline that I was sent here to save, and go find a video game forum to spew your claptrap on!

Sincere Regards,
I asked my questions in an honest attempt at communication.

If you are not going to answer them, what topics would you like to talk about? Do you have anything you'd like to say?
I belive you, i dont know why but i belive you, but i think the other guys need a real clue for belive you, so, i think you can take a photo of your clothes and post it, or your credencial, because if you work for the goberment, you need to had a credential of the gob in the future, and of curse you need to have clothes from the future, or you travel nude?
And what about the social system in the future, its so like socialism, only there one thing wrong, on socialism theres no religion, so please tell me, in the future the church stop to steal money, and manipulate people, or how works the structure of the church in the future?

I had just another question, what happen in the future whit mexico and the latinamericans.

Atte: a fan of you, TT_1.

eeerr.............well look here. One of your first post. I guess your not from the future. lol... YOU are a FAN OF TT_0............ahahah
Hi TysonM:

I asked my questions in an honest attempt at communication.

If you are not going to answer them, what topics would you like to talk about? Do you have anything you'd like to say?
I don't believe I was addressing you at all. And if you were asking me to answer your questions, I don't believe I can, as I don't really care about John Titor or the people/person that ran this experiment.

Kind Regards,
how about this, one of us goes out and gets a tatto of the exact place that titor will be burried and then goes there when the time is right, then comes back in time to tell us about it? And since i'm the youngest and will for surely live to see 2036, assumeing i'm not killed in the war i'll be the likly choice, but I don't want a tatto so some one else do it
I tried reading some of the posts listed above but found them all severely redundant!!

The main question here is 'why' was this supposed time traveller unable to answer some simple questions relating to our immediate future?
I am aware of the 'Butterfly Effect' and that changing history even in the slightest could cause an even bigger catastrophe then this Nuclear semi distinction in 2015, but did titor even mention this as a reason for his silence? Not any where that I can find! Offcourse I am only new to this web site and the theory of time travel so I may be proven wrong there.

I want to believe in time travel but at the same time I refuse to be sucked in to some attention seeking freaks attempt to engross me in some sort of 'over the top' fiction story!
I'm sure you have all seen the evidence that proves Titor's 'Time Machine' to be an un-extraordinary machine built some time in the 1960's.

It frustrates me to become engrossed in something (Or someone) who seems to be the real thing only to find out that I may as well be watching ET without the knowledge that it is fiction.
It frustrates me to become engrossed in something (Or someone) who seems to be the real thing only to find out that I may as well be watching ET without the knowledge that it is fiction.
You have just described the single, biggest problem associated with the "wild and wooly" internet: Verification and Validation of information content! This is a particularly "nasty" problem when it comes to:

a) "Independent" news sources.
b) Conspiracy Theory websites.
c) New Age/Pseudoscience outlets.

If you ask me, the "trustworthy computing" moniker coined by Bill Gates should also include some forward thinking means to introduce TRACEABILITY into the massive information streams available through the internet.

No one benefits by mass confusion....except those whose purpose it is to confuse! Kind Regards,
What do you al think about this new development of Isreal swearing revenge for the assination? Didn't titor say somthing about Isreal?
If you would do some simple thinking you would realize that this person calling himself TimeTravel_1 has never traveled in time. Indeed, the person who represented himself as John Titor was not the actual John Titor. Whoever it was had some genuine equipment but also clearly had never traveled in time.

It is all quite simple to see if one thinks clearly for even only a moment or two.