Three Time Travel Paradoxes


Chrono Cadet
This is a fun video to watch about three time travel paradoxes. It has a guest appearance from Bill Nye the science guy. The paradoxes he covers in the video are the Bootstrap, Butterfly, and Grandfather paradoxes. He breaks it down to be easily understood and shows it in an entertaining way. Thought you guys might enjoy the video. Do you know of any other types of time travel paradoxes?

Cool video! It was realy enjoyable to watch. I loved the Ocarina of Time clip. LOL What this video tells us is that we know nothing about time travel, and the possibilities of actually experiencing it. It's so mind-boggling to even think about! The Grandfather paradox practically gives me a headache!

It is quite interesting and also, good video and is right about how humans do not know what can happen and also what they do is only things that have happened in the movies or books and in the real world may not work like that. The time paradox is kind of confusing and also, hard to know what theory will work and also it is interesting what can or cannot happen when doing the time travel. I think, understanding the basics is hard and even testing it would most likely not be approved and some people will tempt it anyway which is amazing to see them do it.

vegito12, That's our biggest problem in understanding any of it. All we have to go on is what we have seen out of Hollywood, and from Science Fiction writers, and we don't have any real hard science to corroborate it. I don't like to think that mankind CAN'T grasp something like time travel, but I have to say, nothing we've discovered so far gives us any hope that it might be a reality anytime soon. I find that very sad, as the idea has always fascinated me.

vegito12, That's our biggest problem in understanding any of it. All we have to go on is what we have seen out of Hollywood, and from Science Fiction writers, and we don't have any real hard science to corroborate it. I don't like to think that mankind CAN'T grasp something like time travel, but I have to say, nothing we've discovered so far gives us any hope that it might be a reality anytime soon. I find that very sad, as the idea has always fascinated me.
I think humanity is going to find out that going to the future is like walking down a sidewalk - you'll be there when you get there, and that's all there is to it. And trying to go back in time will be like repaving the sidewalk every time you want to walk down it. We'd be stuck in a perpetual time loop of going back and changing things, until somebody starts slicing off any fingers that touch the 'Go!' button.

Quite fun video. I know all of them and he explains it in very down to earth way so that it's accessible to all of us. The explanations are clear and concise from my point of view even though the Grandfather one was a bit messy to understand at first yet a good clip to watch :)
