time and motion - is the mathematics understood?

Sorry astroboyuk, my day job of reverse engineering alien UFOs has kept me busy as of late! :) That's a joke!


RainmanTime, do you or do you not work in a secret Antarctica base on U.S.A.F. U.F.O. time travelling craft?!? Are you a card carrying M.I.B. Counter-Intelligence Agent working for Big Brother?!? He, he.

Was your grandfather part of Operation Paper-clip?
Sorry astroboyuk, my day job of reverse engineering alien UFOs has kept me busy as of late! :) That's a joke!

We are wholly unpaid mods here. We do it in our spare time, and as such we don't even attempt to police threads to keep them on target. Basically, we just try to keep the riff raff out and make sure people are not being attacked ad hominem (but it is OPEN SEASON on ideas!).

What can I say? It it the "wild and wooly internet". You seem to be a level-headed person, and seem to have the same scientific outlook as myself and Darby. So as for the others....just kind of go with the flow, and ignore them if they get you to freaked out. But by all means, CHALLENGE THE BS if you feel up for it! I have been here so long, I used to be quite the combatant for rigorous, veridical science. But my work has become a lot more interesting than debating people with conspiracy theories.

Now I must get back to my Bilderburger task masters! :D

You mean what I said is BS and what should I say to what you are saying ? You are just saying that debating with me have no interest because I fell like the best "true" is a conspiracy of the power.

Why are you so closed-mind on theses subjects, that not because I like an image and post some "speculations" that I'm a anti-Illuminati bullshit !

Why don't you accept that the philosophers of light, when they did French revolution became some kind of new monarchy to a global thinking ? Is this not anti-scientific reaction that closing your mind on a prejudice ?

What I said in my posts is the same as Darby, the only thing that is separating our thinking way is that darby keeps his feet on earth and is only thinking with theories instead I'm making hypothesis and I try to be more like a scientific... Don't the science is well know for having evolved ? Don't thinking other-way forgetting some many theories that are incomplete is not the best way to interpret a new phenomenon ?

do I cite the source and poses prerequisites for the assumptions? So what are you reproaching to me ? Having a good fresh new thinking way ? -that may be false or whatever- you don't argue in anyway so to me that is not scientific but BS.

Edit :
Then let get back on topic again and well to be more comprehensive here is the problem :
Our theorizes are made on the assumption that our universe is only atoms.
It has been proved using our theorizes that here is dark matter and dark force.
Our theorizes seem to don't give any more answers.

So as each Copernicus revolution we have to set a new model that validates more or less past theorizes and that give answers optic to the questioning.

So what are you reproaching to me ? Having a good fresh new thinking way ? -that may be false or whatever- you don't argue in anyway so to me that is not scientific but BS.

I don't have the energy anymore, my friend. I have over 6000 posts on this forum. If you go back and research how steadfastedly I debated veridical science "back in the day" (I think my debunking of the 9/11 conspiracy theories were particularly good), you will see that I used to engage your type of "open mindedness." No offense, but it is quite clear from all my years of TRYING to debate people with your beliefs, with strict facts on my side, nothing stops you from insisting you are right and the reason you are right being you are more "open minded" to things that....wait for it....YOU CANNOT PROVE.

You asked about what Darby meant by falsifying... I suggest this is your biggest Achille's Heel on this forum, because in displaying this ignorance you clearly do not have a sound understanding of the foundation of the scientific method. Look up and read the history of Karl Popper. In essence: a theory that cannot be properly falsified is NOT scientific. A lot of what you post as "theories" of who is pulling strings is not falsifiable. It is politics, not science.

I have to go to work now...
wiki: Politics (from Greek politikos "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the art or science of influencing people on a civic, or individual level, when there are more than 2 people involved.

Fore sure I do not have the full science education but when I saw Darby was not answering this I've been back to the search and understood.

And why something we cannot prove should not get sense ? Weren't we thinking about atoms since Antique Greece and only proved this hundred years after.

To finish, I do not believe anything, I'm just debating them.
wiki: Politics (from Greek politikos "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the art or science of influencing people on a civic, or individual level, when there are more than 2 people involved.

Fore sure I do not have the full science education but when I saw Darby was not answering this I've been back to the search and understood.

And why something we cannot prove should not get sense ? Weren't we thinking about atoms since Antique Greece and only proved this hundred years after.

To finish, I do not believe anything, I'm just debating them.

I guess as time goes on the term changes its meaning. So to me the term would apply to two politicians having a debate. The winner of the debate is considered the better LIAR. Since he would be the one to fool the most people.
Jpco... whatever it is you think you are on to.. could you please summarise it in 40 words? is that possible? would you please take on this challenge for me?

the rules are:
  • 40 Words no more, no less.
  • No JARGON.. plain plain english.. i repeat NO JARGON or non-standard, pseudo-scientific words
  • Do not assume knowledge on the part of the reader. Assume you are telling someone for the first time.
  • make it releveent to the thread: are the mathematics of time travel understood?
the stage is yours...
Sorry astroboyuk, my day job of reverse engineering alien UFOs has kept me busy as of late! :) That's a joke!

We are wholly unpaid mods here. We do it in our spare time, and as such we don't even attempt to police threads to keep them on target. Basically, we just try to keep the riff raff out and make sure people are not being attacked ad hominem (but it is OPEN SEASON on ideas!).

What can I say? It it the "wild and wooly internet". You seem to be a level-headed person, and seem to have the same scientific outlook as myself and Darby. So as for the others....just kind of go with the flow, and ignore them if they get you to freaked out. But by all means, CHALLENGE THE BS if you feel up for it! I have been here so long, I used to be quite the combatant for rigorous, veridical science. But my work has become a lot more interesting than debating people with conspiracy theories.

Now I must get back to my Bilderburger task masters! :D

thanks Rainman.. I understand now.. and those spacecraft wont reverse engineer themselves. someones got to be at it.
I'll keep your guidance in mind: no ad hominem, but will maintain the BS bashing.. cheers!
Okey let's take the challenge.

Accepting dark matter (aether) and black force (anti-gravitation / dilatation) represent 95% of the universe and that all our searches are about to describe those 2 elements - we do not know anything - so you can theorize whatever you want respecting measurements.

[I cannot do better and get more relevant because of the 40words restriction. haha !]