Time-travel Paradoxes!

Well, it looks like if anybody has any questions to ask TTO...now would be the time to do so.

I have learned so much over the past few months. with the added info I have gained I have went back and reread books such as hyperspace and string theories and blackhole books I had and things are really starting to fall into place with the additional info I have gathered. pieces are being fit together to create a beautiful picture of the nature of time. it is funny as I am reading some of the old info I had and now the new I will find myself saying "oh...now I understand..."

I am very busy studying at this time.

and yes,Daviper, always searching for the truth in new theories and beyond.as I have always said "science fiction of today may become tomorrows science fact."

I am sorry that you did not respond to my e-mail for an opportunity to chat with TTO,Mr. Schasteen and time 02112.perhaps you were busy. I tried to get a hold of you both yesterday.

I have had wonderful chats with TTO.

last night djayr42(Joe)and I talked to him for I believe over three hours. He is a wonderful person and I am sorry you may never get to know that.



[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 16 January 2001).]

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Well, I must say this thread has piqued my interest. I have a few questions for TT_0:

First, where does your interest in the (our) U.S. Constitution stem from?

Why do you think it is so vital for us to read and understand it?

Second, do you not like your "new" Constitution?

Or feel that it is not as effective as the original?

Third, you keep saying that you will be going back to your worldline soon, how soon will this be?

Can you give a specific day? Or week?

I have many questions for you and would like to be able to know how much time I have left to ask them of you.


Could you please space out your posts to make it easier to read - it is very difficult to read a post that is in one large block of words compared to one that has each thought, or idea, seperated by spaces.


Edited for clarification

[This message has been edited by Prophet (edited 16 January 2001).]

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I don't think you got my point... But your leaving, and I'm tired of telling you. So I just don't care anymore.

Yes, I was in the Army... But I was injured, I didn't finish going through BCT. In addition, I guess you can say I had a change in perspective about life, after my accident.

I don't wish to comment any further about that...

And as for you saying you didn't care about your worldline, here it is, you saying it.

Excerpt from: Time-travel Paradoxes! (Page 2)



unregistered posted 12 November 2000 16:41


(Have you considered the possible adverse consequences the person might face that you had post them for you since you remain covert? or don't you care since it is not your world line. what about the people that read the information and attempt to build one? what if they get injured in the process because they are not knowledgeable enough to handle the forces they are playing with at this "time".)

Yes, I have considered it but it is very easy to remain hidden behind a veil of disbelief. The people who understand what they are seeing are not aggressive. Everyone else just finds them entertaining. The obvious first answer is that the only world line of consequence is my own and I don’t care what happens here. That however, is not the case. I have shown these documents in order that people might consider the possibility. I do not expect people to believe them.



Javier C.

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Is it physically possible for you to get back to THIS time line once you leave?

If all 7 Billion of us here each had our own time machine do you think that would we would end up trashing the rest of the local worldlines?

Recomended movies:

Arthur C. Clarks' 2001

WaterWorld (Kevin Kosner)

Dances With Wolves

Chrimson Tide


Forest Gump

Little Big Man

There are a lot of good movies of substance. Good movies like good books are more than a mere passtime. I've got one heck of a book collection that I probably won't need come 2036. Any suggestions on where to drop it off? (It weighs about 3000 pounds.)

Watch out for the time cops on your way out.

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To TT_0, You have made a difference. You have at least opened some people's eyes to the possibility of time travel and what is going on around them. But like I said earlier, you will leave, and the memory will fade. Some peoples eyes will not stay open very long. Other people though, will grasp the spark, hopefully making a difference. I think this has been a positive experiance. I hope it has been for you too.

Safe trip home, and God speed. Maybe we will talk again some time ;~)


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To T-T-A,

Let me just say this.

Even before you came here criticizing this foumn and T-T-O , i was here from the beginning, asking the same questions. I have been watching this forumn and watching the same questions being repeated over and over to T-T-O.....

He doesn't answer your questions because there is no reason to. Read back and you'll see what i mean. He/She has told us before to read his previous posts for answers and yes, there they are.

To R-Grunt, Could you please, in future ,write your answers in paragraphs?

Much easier to read, I might say. Thank you.


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Well excuse me... I just saw the post the first day I got back to this board, and jumped right in to respond. As I'm sure that's what most people in this forum do anyway's, am I right?

I read all his past post though. And that's why I cut and paste something that he said. The man said to quote him, or did you not read that part...? He still hasn't replied.

You seem to know him pretty well, are you his friend or something? I tell you, a man can't get a decent unbiased review in this board now a days.

Well maybe from DaViper, he doesn't sound like he's on anyones side.

Good night,

-Javier C.

P.S. I'll bet you the next topic after my post will be on sides. Care to place any bets who will take a crack at it?

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n the future, sociologists spend a great of time discussing the collective mentality before the war that led to the demise of “Homo Materia”. Many of them point to an experiment that was done in the 1970’s or 1980’s. The experiment isolated various sizes of rat populations in varying cage sizes with varying food and cleaning schedules. It was discovered that no matter what, there was a certain ratio of rats to space that once overtaken by population would always lead to aggressive and destructive behavior in the rats until enough of them had died or been killed to get back under the ratio. This was true even when the rats that were given plenty of food and had their cage cleaned every day.

Besides the occasional school or office shooting and violent video game, I can’t help but think about that experiment every time I see someone stranded on the highway or walking on the side of the road carrying an empty gas can. I ask my parents why we don’t stop and help and they tell me they are afraid of being attacked and of the possible consequences of helping someone they don’t know. I would respond by pointing out that it’s our duty to help someone, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because we can never know that person’s true worth and the risk of losing then is too great. I didn’t fully understand their stubbornness until I saw a news story about a doctor who was sued for applying emergency first aid to an accident victim who died. I believe your society is biologically geared for self-destruction. However, I feel strongly that does not excuse me from my responsibilities as a temporary member of this community.

Although TTA is a bit quirky and eccentric, he does belong to us. He’s this community’s quirky and eccentric guy and although he can be aggravating, I can’t help but feel protective of him. As I’m sure most of us believe, under all of his postings, he has some interesting things to say. When I first read one of his postings, I first shake my head and then I begin to question my own understanding of not only the English language but of the real meaning of the odd things he brings up. If it’s done on purpose, it’s quite effective. I am often forced to go back through the dictionary or grammar handbook just to make sure there’s not some obscure punctuation or grammar rule I was unaware of.

As an example, when I read his mission statement, I do think the effect of not writing a complete sentence before the period is dramatic but I am forced to examine the word “it’s” and wonder if it represents the contraction for “it is” or if it means the possessive of the understood subject from the first part.

Please understand, I do not point this out to cause harm. People are often first judged by the way they write and speak. I can’t help but think a great deal of anger is a result of frustration to make ourselves understood. Throughout our lives, a real understanding of how to communicate would help anyone express themselves better. As I find myself double checking how to use the English language I only recommend that TTA do the same. I am quite anxious to his ideas or set of rules on the use of time travel.

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Although, I do not wish to take sides in this argument. TTA if you re-read what you quoted, you will notice something.


(Have you considered the possible adverse consequences the person might face that you had post them for you since you remain covert? or don't you care since it is not your world line. what about the people that read the information and attempt to build one? what if they get injured in the process because they are not knowledgeable enough to handle the forces they are playing with at this "time".)

Yes, I have considered it but it is very easy to remain hidden behind a veil of disbelief. The people who understand what they are seeing are not aggressive. Everyone else just finds them entertaining. The obvious first answer is that the only world line of consequence is my own and I don’t care what happens here. That however, is not the case. I have shown these documents in order that people might consider the possibility. I do not expect people to believe them.


TT_0 says that the obvious first answer to the question is that he must not care for what happens on any worldline except for his own. But notice immediately after that sentence he says that is not however the case. That the true answer is that he just wanted people to consider the possibility and that is why he posted the material. He never says that the only time line he cared to protect was his own.

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i dont understand why all these people are like 'TT_0 touched me and opened my eyes to the world'..

and TT_0 seems to change his opinion of the people of "this" time every other post of his.

first he despised us,now he admires us for shaping the things to come??


PS No tt_0 no questions were directed toward you in the making of this post.

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It has been fascinating to read your insights on the social flaws during this time period. Since you are not a part of this society (or at least new to it) it is more obvious for you than many of us.

Your observations strike a deep meaning with me, because I've spent the last 4 years writing a science fiction audio drama about the greed of humanity around the year 2000.

What disturbs me is that, yes, there are many who understand these problems of greed. Most of us know it exists, but cannot attribute the source. Some think greed is the necessary thread which tightly holds our economy together. There are the many that just accept greed as the normal way of life, even though they know there is something wrong about it. Action is never taken to fix the mindset of what money is really for.

There are always those who enjoy cheating, weaseling, and playing tricks to gain false respect. Those people thrive on knowing how to get ahead. As long as they win their steadfast race to personal satisfaction, they will always influence others. It doesn't matter how many of us become outward, collective, and self-less... the greedy individuals will always rise.

So TimeTravel_0, having lived through the self destruction of the human race, what sort of future do you imagine after 2036? Will humans colonolize and expand through the solar system?

Or will we be forever bound to our inward existance, measuring the past, fearfull of the future.

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With, I hope... *smiling*

Life is short and battles need to be chosen with care...

*little shrug* There are few concepts in my life I expend emotional energy on... The important ones gain my full attention. I simply believe that everyone has something to contribute...even if we do not like it...agree with it... or even understand it.

A personal value I hold.

Anything that challenges me to think beyond what I thought yesterday..opens doors for me now and tomorrow *little smile*

*little shrug*

Life is good *grin*

Be safe and dream sweetly.


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That's very nice of you Trott, answering for TT_0. But I'm sure he's a big boy now and can answer his own post, thank you very much.


By being the eccentric & aggravating guy in this community, do you mean the guy that brings up things that are in opposition to the common ideals of this board? Then sure, if you wish to define my actions like that, I really don't care.

As long as I am aware that what I am doing is looking at things from both sides, and advocating freedom. What people say won't make me give in to your followers.

You can tell which ones they are by reading their posts. All this praise, like if you were some God.

And further more, it's a good thing you don't know what my voice sounds like. Or you'd criticize the way I pronounce things too, because I have a slight accent.

After all, I am fluent in Spanish and English. Spanish is my native tongue though. And it's pretty hard to lose it, look at Ricky Martin, and Antonio Banderas.

See Me here: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/9822/pic8x.jpg


There's not much we know about you. You made a little comment about your life, but that's just it. No real insight as to who is giving this wisdom (since your so good at giving it). Don't you think we must first know who is giving it? And how has it helped you? You just preach, even church preaches give examples about their lives and others how it's helped them. Think about doing that, might make your posting seem less creepy (at times) and make your words more effective.

Gotta Go,

Javier C.

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Nahhh I'll read. Observe. ... and draw my own conclusions based upon what is presented here. Like many others, I gleen alot out of everyone's postings.

I am a nobody *little smile* If others gleen something from my sporadic postings...wonderful...if not...not.

Be safe and dream sweetly.


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To borgus

Greed is a compass that points to The Conspiracy. It is a conspiracy of secrecy to hide/deny the fact that Homosapiens are as a species SELF-PREDITORY. Period.

Oops! I just spilled the beans. Ah, what the heck we all know the truth, we are just a little shy in admitting it.

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To Shadow...

Other species kill each other too ? Its all about protecting DNA lines.

To TimeTravel_0...

Can you record a quick voice message for us before you leave?

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eah TT_0, OK.

I'll go ahead and run with the way you want to tell it.

You are obviously a thinker on social issues, a contemplator of paradox, and hypothesizer of possibilities.

Correct me if I'm wrong here but I see you as a Libertarian who expounds on the need for humanity to get back to certain basics. Like the issues defined by the Constitution and your comments earlier on firearms tend to make me believe you are a Gun Rights activist.

So, no critisism intended here but...

(and you know I see your scenario as pure fiction on your part), could you give us your thoughts on how us "less enlightened" ones here in this worldline of the here/now can solve the technical problems of time travel so that we may be able to enjoy the same first hand knowledge you have that gives you these social insights?

I mean, EVERYBODY hates a tease right?


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