Time-travel Paradoxes!


If you are really a time travler how is the President after GW Bush?

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To Timetravel Activist;

you've been here longer than TT_O and we are still waiting for YOU to prove that you have ever been to the future. I'm going to the future too, one day at a time. When I get there, I'll STILL be waiting for you to prove it.

Here is a little test for you. What is your opinion of the Montauk material?

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timetravel_1 whom's side will you be arguing for?

Anyone else?

Juanito, I am not a Time Traveler like TimeTraveler_0 claims to be. I didn't get into any machine from the future or anything like that.

No, my connection to Time and its nature is unique. I've had it since birth. There is no way to truly explain how I know or seen the future. Nevertheless, everyday I'm finding out new things .

And about GW Bush, I don't know what to tell you. Although I have an uncle that looks like him .


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Can u predict my future??

Why is the government watching you??


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Have I never explained my self?

Thousands of times, and in the best way I know how.

How many times have I said that the future is a @$#%!* place?

How many times have I said to band Time Travel?

Have you ever seen my website?

It's been there for the longest time, explaining how I feel about Time Travel, and what we as concerned people should do.

I don't need to say I am a Time Traveler like TimeTraveler_0 to tell you what I have seen. In addition, I don't claim to have been from the future how TimeTraveler_0 states he is. I have explained that I have this connection to it, enabling me to see things.

Check my past posts and my website, I don't speak of it directly like TimeTraveler_0 did, but you get the general idea of what I am trying to mean.

Here it is again http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/9822/ also read the information about me page.


Javier C.

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TT_0 thanks for the reply RE: sharing future technological reports, or publications...

You have expressed an inability to provide them now, for lack of having any with you, before you arrived in our "Worldline"

Could you please make a note, to remind yourself to bring them with you on your "Next Visit" here?

(Providing there will be another "Visit")

Meanwhile, why not use your memory to paint us a more "Specific" picture of your worldline, by providing us with some more "Detailed" information that would provide to those who may be more skeptical? in the least by accepting this challange (instead of avoiding it) what harm would it possibly bring? if you keep out any information that may not be acceptably permissable in order to prevent any clandestine repercussions of the future outcome of a series of events which are crucial to our future to come, so that they may play out their roles, as they were intended, I can only see that there are still many variable details that you "CAN" Disclose to us that would not be this detrimental, and only "Add" to your Credability.

One good example of such, I would like to ask you to disclose the names of these "Five Presidents" that you mentioned earlier.

*Who:> Who are they?

and who are those involved with breathing life into this supposed NWO, that many people in our current world-line are so afraid of?

*What:> A.)What are their primary, and post secondary functions within the New GVT?

B.) What is the extent of their Authoritive positions of power?

C.) What is our New GVT like, compared to our worldline's current GVT?

(is it anything Like the Dreded NWO as predicted?, or did this dictatorial NWO rise to power as prohecised, and suddenly get defeated?*(was this what you implyed by your earlier comment represented by the nuber of those slain, that attempted to "control" the free citizens?)

*Where:> Where do they reside?

*When:> When do each of them officialy acquire their respective positions of Authority?

Why:> Why did the New GVT suddenly enlist five Presidents?

(Anyone else care to jump on this & add more questions pertaing?)

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Slow down high speed … I don't know your future; it's what you want it to be. If you are determined to do something with your life, then you will do it.

How I am determined to do something about Time Travel someday, I know what will be my fate.

Nevertheless, if your looking for a fortune forecast, I'm not the right person to see about that. Maybe not now anyway's .


P.S. How I know I am being watched? You asked me in an e-mail. Let me just say that if you were to spend a day in my shoes you’d see what I mean. I can’t explain it, you have to experience it. A teacup cannot break the same way twice, or so I once thought.

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Assuming time travel is possible. I do not see how one could band it from being used. In fact, how would one even know that it was used? If you buy into the multiple universe intrepretation of quantum mechanics, would not the time traveller simply pop out of existence in our universe never to be seen again? How would it be possible to band time travel in the infinite multitude of parallel universes, since each universe represents one of an infinite albeit different sequence of events/choices? To "fight" against the infinite diversity of existence in all of its infinite combinitations does not seem logical (at least to me that is). And if you do not buy the multiverse idea, then if time travel is to be used it can not be stopped since time travel would only be possible on closed time like curves, i.e. self-fulfilling destinies in a manner of speaking. Personally, I do not even see how it is possible for one to realize that they were in a closed timelike loop much less escape it. For all things would be as they were as they are and as they will be. Actually, a lack of multiple universes seems a little depressing to me. It seems it would imply an unchangeable fate, for whatever actions we take we were destined to and no matter what technologies we may think up would be able to erase the mistakes of our past or change the past course of our existence. And if that is in fact the case, the only real benefit time travel would have is for scientific and historical purposes. Unless, you were killed by a time traveller from the future but if that happens you need not worry because it was suppose to happen!

I also like your thinking trott. The idea of "banning" Time Travel has already been dealt with in fiction. I can't remember the author, but it appeared in one of the Hugo Annual Anthologies.

The premise is, if you have a machine that can travel in time, you can just as easily use it to simply "see" into the future (or past) without having to actually travel there.

You can set it to whatever period you like. 1 million years from now. Or 100. Or even 1/10th of a second from now.

Why would you choose this latter setting? Why, to see into your neighboor's bedroom of course. 1/10th of a second into the future is virtually like being there now.

This is why it was banned.


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i wasnt aware that time travel had been banned..


if they wanted to ban time travel,"they" could kill you off when you returned..


i remember some time ago on the artbell show,some woman claimed to be a "born time traveler".She said she would occasionally slip in and out of other time lines.she said she always returned to where she left off in our time.

is this the way it is with you?


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Hi people,

I agree with Trott here... Banning time-travel (if time-travel is possible in the first place) seems virtually impossible.

However I find it very disturbing that people would want to ban time-travel. That's like trying to stop the invention of computertechnology. Time-travel may prove to be very useful in the future.

TimeTravelActivist: You are right, I haven't been around long enough to know what you're all about. However, after reading your website I decided that your story is just as trustworthy as Timetravel_0s'story, but it lacks evidence. Yet you want him to prove that he's a timetraveler. Don't you think that's a little bit unfair?

Greetings from rainy Amsterdam

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Roel van Houten

How is it unfair? He says he can prove it, he has the evidence necessary to.

What do I have? Just my own experiences as proof. If anything, it's unfair to me. I have nothing to bring out in the open.


I'd like to hear this news broadcast. Sounds like something I might be experiencing. Once when I was 7, I told my sister, Abraham Lincoln wasn't supposed to have been killed. Ever since then, she still thinks I'm a bit crazy . Go fig…


P.S. Baning Time Travel to exploit the past is what I meant. You people took me to literal, everybody knows that that’s what I always mean by baning it …

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she said that she had woken up in other times,and came back with bruises that she didnt know where she got..

ever since Art Bell quit the show,they've stopped holding his Streamed Audio Shows,so you'll probably have to look around..or call Art.


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To T-T-A

Im in though i will have to decide "For" or "Against" i shall message you when i have an answer.

Sidenote No.2-----Gullible or Open minded?

Makeing a long story short:--- OPEN MINDED

(Take in the information given,opinions of others,your own opinion, throw in a few theories, Quotes and more information, and go from there!) Naturally there is more to that but the basics are there. Its all about the scientifics. Who would have thought that we could clone animals? Whats to stop us Cloning people?(As you may have heard)


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Good evening, morning , or afternoon everybody,

For a year or two I have started to pay attention to a phenomenon that most people including myself had noticed but taken for granted. The phenomenon is that some days appear to be longer then others. I cannot count the number of times that I felt it was 5:30 pm in the afternoon then go to check the clock and notice that it is only 2:00 pm, merely an hour after I had last checked. Also, I cannot count the number of times that I have thought that it was 2:00 pm in the afternoon and go to check the clock only to find out that it is 5:30 pm. One or two years ago I began to suspect that time itself was indeed fluctuating. So on days that felt longer I asked others if the day was going by fast to them. To my surprize the answer was unanimous. Everyone also felt that the day was going by slower then usual, too. I was looking at an astronomy book last week and noted that space-time is expanding. At the begining of the universe the temperatures of the universe was extremely high and decreased as space expanded. Now I questioned whether there would be any difference if the actual size of the universe were getting bigger as the universe expanded keeping space uniform in density or whether the size of the uniform were fixed and the addition of new space-time resulted in an everincreasing space-time density. I reasoned that the results would be the same for energy occupies space. If the quantity of energy is kept constant and more and more space is crammed into the quantity energy ones first intuition is to assume that the energy per unit volume will increase as a result of the increased compression of space. But this is wrong in fact the energy per unit volume will decrease as a result of compressed space. The reason is that when one compresses a greater quantity of space-time into a constant quantity of energy the energy occupies a greater volume of space. As energy occupies more space the density of the energy decreases as a result of expansion of the energy which is defined as energy occupying greater volumes of space. Now If mass occupies a greater quantity of energy: the energy(that is not mass) will expand and decrease in density. Also energy is generated by friction as the mass is crushed to a smaller volume. This extra energy is neglected in the former statement in that it is the free energy in the form of heat/light that we are interested in not the energy created by the crushing of the mass nor the energy added by the exertion of kenetic force to crush the mass to a smaller volume. As mass increases the energy expands. As energy increases mass expands decreasing in density which is the principle behind the function of hot air baloons. As space increases exponentially and as the number of points increases exponentially the density of space is increased. As the density of space is increased the temperature of space is decreased as the constant thermal energy constant occupies more space. If space increased from all pionts no energy will be created by friction since no space is forced to move into tighter quantities on acount that the number of points is increased symetrically to the increase in volume of space. Now as energy is increased per unit volume time becomes accelerated for that volume as is manifested in a heated object as the molecules of a heated object is sped up relative molecules in cooler masses outside that object.

Edwin G. Schasteen

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I noticed last week that time was dragging nearly taking up nearly twice the time then normal for a given day. I also noticed that it was sunny and the humidity level was low and thermal properties high. Today is monday and I and the rest of the people I worked with noticed that the day went by dramatically faster then normal...taking up nearly a quarter the time for a day then any given day last week took. I also noticed that there was a large increase in humidity and it even rained today harder then it had in the whole year. As temperature within water decreases within water the molecules slow down and time also slows down for that object on acount that time is a measurement of a number of events accurring per given instant multiplied by the velocity of those events squared. (If those events have a velocity of light) and the number of events accuring per given instant multiplied by the velocity of events.(if the velocity is subluminal) I could be wrong in that time may be the number of events times the square of the velocity regardless of the velocity with respect to the velocity of light.) So as water increased in the atmosphere the energy perunit volume expanded by occupying the water molecules in our area resulting in a decrease in the velocity at which time traveled within our given region which is why my day went much faster today.


Edwin G. Schasteen

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Do you realize that the english language lies mortally wounded at the feet of your previous two posts?

Ok, so time is subjective. Scientists disagree.

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