Time travel technology and method comparison according to Anderson Institute


Quantum Scribe

Look at the line regarding Tipler Cylinders. Look down the column "Technically Viable". It is marked that it is technically viable. That tells one all there is to know about David Anderson. Tipler Cylinders are not technically viable, not even in theory. That much is actually stated in Tipler's paper on the subject. The reason they aren't technically viable is because they are required to have mass and be infinitely long, which means they are infinitely massive.

Infinitely long has its problems. The first and most obvious problem is that it is...infinitely long. Less obvious is that this rotating object has to not only spin with an angular velocity of 75% the speed of light it has to be spun up. Spinning up requires some sort of force being applied that starts the rotation. However, the entire object doesn't start rotating as a single body. The force is transmitted along the length of the cylinder at the speed of sound for the medium (neutronium in this case) which is much much less than the speed of light. The torque will twist the cylinder apart.
Hi Darby,

Thanks or your input. What is your view on the following quote, about Montauk and a working Tipler cylinder? A fact in secret or fiction?

By the late 1970s at Montauk, furthermore, very advanced experimentation was undertaken in the controlled "warping" of space and time, utilizing some of Tesla's (long since dead), Von Neumann's and others' ideas and inventions. Tremendously powerful electrical currents flowing in specific configurations generated electromagnetic fields which created in effect a working "Tipler cylinder".

To simplify once more, psychics were again utilized to visualize and stabilize a target destination in a different time / space dimension which the vortex would then be focused upon. The Tipler cylinder, a concept formulated by the aforementioned physicist Frank Tipler, is presently one of the most widely accepted theoretical models in quantum physics of how to create an artificial, controllable "black hole", thereby achieving time-space and dimensional shifting and even the ability to effect alterations and manipulations of our time-space continuum.
Total fiction. You can't build a Tipler Cylinder, not even in theory.

Dave Anderson simply makes up things to put on his multitude of commercial websites. His activities have always run right up against financial scams. His original Time Travel Research Center (TTRC) was one such instance. The original site offered subscriptions and member fees to join the "world's most foremost expert" in time travel - himself. The membership fees bought you a monthly TTRC bulletin and access to the special, members only pages of the site. The "research" lab was a PO Box in Smithtown, NY. That's all there was. He also contracted an answering service to handle phone inquiries. When he got tired of being a time travel guru he formed the World Genesis Foundation (WGF) using the same PO Box and phone number. Shortly thereafter he went through a divorce, moved to Rochester, NY and moved the WGF with him, using his apartment address as the "worldwide headquarters" of the WGF.

While the TTRC was running those people who paid the membership fee received one, and only one, edition of his "monthly" time travel bulletin. As a part of my personal research I paid the fee to verify what I had heard - that it was somewhat of a scam. Verified. I received just the one bulletin. The special pages were nothing more than copy & paste text from other websites. It was total BS. But if there was any thread of truth in his listed membership numbers he made several if not tens of thousands of dollars from the membership fees before disappearing (and getting Art Bell to suggest on the air that Dave may have become trapped in time somewhere). He didn't disappear at all. He moved to Rochester.

I joined the WGF (no fees this time) to check out the "special, members only" pages of that website. There was nothing special about any of it. Soon thereafter he started asking for membership fees to see those pages.

He likes to drop the names of well known people into his webpages and make it appear that they are a part of and endorse whatever activity the site is associated with. Sounds good - on "paper". Unfortunately he doesn't always ask the people before dropping their names. I ran across one such person, a film producer, when I made a post on Anomalies.net where I stated that he was listed as a member of the Board of Directors of the WGF (because that's what the Directors & Trustees page stated). Boy did I get an angry earfull. He was ready to break out the lawyers. He backed away from suing Anomalies.net when I directed him to the webpage. Within 24 hours all references to him were removed from the WGF site. (I didn't put his name in this post because never again associating his name with the WGF was a part of our agreement.)

"Watch your wallet" is about the best thing that I can say about Anderson.

After that just ignore anything that he says. Most of the information on his sites was copied from other sites. "Doctor" David Anderson, PhD does not hold a PhD in physics, engineering or any other physical science. He steadfastly refuses to respond to any inquiries about his education, military service, where he attended university or anything else to verify any of his claims to being a scientist. His PhD, such that it is - no verification, appears to be in metaphysics. For all we can tell it is a mail order degree. He has never run a science research laboratory of any kind. By trade he's a salesman/electronics technician who sells high-end burglar/intrusion alarm systems.
Thanks Darby for the clarification. So, which technology do you think most likely to be used in the Montauk chair project? Some people claim that it is real with working time travel technology.

Look at the line regarding Tipler Cylinders. Look down the column "Technically Viable". It is marked that it is technically viable. That tells one all there is to know about David Anderson. Tipler Cylinders are not technically viable, not even in theory. That much is actually stated in Tipler's paper on the subject. The reason they aren't technically viable is because they are required to have mass and be infinitely long, which means they are infinitely massive.

Infinitely long has its problems. The first and most obvious problem is that it is...infinitely long. Less obvious is that this rotating object has to not only spin with an angular velocity of 75% the speed of light it has to be spun up. Spinning up requires some sort of force being applied that starts the rotation. However, the entire object doesn't start rotating as a single body. The force is transmitted along the length of the cylinder at the speed of sound for the medium (neutronium in this case) which is much much less than the speed of light. The torque will twist the cylinder apart.
If we live in an eleven-dimensional infinite multiverse, each universe could have just a tiny portion of the cylinder. Starting the spin in one (or more) universes could get the entire thing moving, propagating like a wave or oscillation.
Besides, I remember something about them being made up of stars!!!!! Can you imagine that? The technology needed to move stars in an infinitely long line? We would be masters of the universe when we achieved such might.....which makes me think of.....we might not be interested at all in traveling in time when a being can actually move a star!!!!!
I heard a nice time-warp theory, by putting 2 micro black holes face to face, you should be able to create a local time and then changing the frequency of the device should do the trick to rewind this local time/jump to another verse...(assuming that Celerity was not the same earlier (plank lengh) due to space dilatation or velocity...)

L.H.C. researchers may be able to create one visible micro-black hole... or should I say black home ?
I heard a nice time-warp theory, by putting 2 micro black holes face to face, you should be able to create a local time and then changing the frequency of the device should do the trick to rewind this local time/jump to another verse...(assuming that Celerity was not the same earlier (plank lengh) due to space dilatation or velocity...)

L.H.C. researchers may be able to create one visible micro-black hole... or should I say black home ?

Sure! Why not? As long as we aren't using any facts to constrain ourselves to the universe we presently reside in. I suppose the length scale in this other universe would have to be reduced an incomprehensible amount as well. In order to have any type of local time interaction with the micro black holes at the micro length scales they are theorized to exist at.
Travel to the past is possible via rotating worm-holes or black-holes which is where Einstein’s general theory of relativity comes into play. Therefore, if you have a worm-hole you can have time travel. Anyway, the fun about time travel is the various paradoxes that arise, the most famous one being the grandfather paradox. you may also check this to know more about time travel.. Time Travel-Space Science-The Secrets of Science

Could you please stop creating posts with your website in it? That is bordering on spam. I post is sufficient to get a conversation going.
Travel to the past is possible via rotating worm-holes or black-holes which is where Einstein’s general theory of relativity comes into play. Therefore, if you have a worm-hole you can have time travel. Anyway, the fun about time travel is the various paradoxes that arise, the most famous one being the grandfather paradox. you may also check this to know more about time travel..

I get scared whenever someone refers to timetravel as fun!!!! It is not....by altering the minutest details you will be erasing entire lifetimes and timelines. Entire events will no longer be and the most important....people, people you love will no longer be.

The study of time should be undertaken with the greatest care and dedication into preserving what it was.
I get scared whenever someone refers to timetravel as fun!!!! It is not....by altering the minutest details you will be erasing entire lifetimes and timelines. Entire events will no longer be and the most important....people, people you love will no longer be.

The study of time should be undertaken with the greatest care and dedication into preserving what it was.
No need to fear you could make them comeback into existence by altering history again.You would need a sophisticated computer and a way to monitor reality.So that you could store the variables of what was.You would need to know what would cause what to happen.I believe it is not to hard to do.
You are kidding right? Do you even know how complex reality would be to monitor, let alone multiple timelines. My head is hurting just by thinking about it!