Who is the real time Travellers in TTI

If you have an interest, just start reading old posts. Start with Titor. Almost none of the old predictions of any of the supposed travelers are accurate but some are and besides that, they are fun to read. Someone posted a while ago (years ago maybe?) that the travelers have code phrases that they share. Is it true? Who knows! Interesting either way. 

Good luck to you. 

I have already read all the post of who claim to time traveller.

Yes,some of the prediction is right and many are wrong as they tell us the future of their timeline and we are at different timeline. 

May be Man, If multiple timelines exist then it is very much possible that there are different pasts and as well as future.

Aside of everything, who knows if someone would be a time traveler like Mike Marcus or Titor were once the part of this community. 

Hey! I was fascinated by a mind bending concept that if TIME TRAVEL would be invented then won't it be much easir to invent a 'Chrono Computer' like Quantum Computer before Traveling in the Time. 

It's not like the movies. I do believe it's been done and not one time. If you create a electromagnetic field bubble, space warps just a little at the field vector. It requires a lot of juice and unconventional circuit construction. 

The quartz question is interesting though, it's not necessarily the crystal itself but the lattice structure of certain crystals. Mica, quartz, gold, silver, copper and spark gap crystals specifically. Saltwater circuits, non metallic stuff... but it also requires money, and unusual building techniques, well... basically just MONEY, a lot of it. Imagine a machine you grow rather than actually assemble with hand tools. 

The experience would also not be like BTTF or The Time Machine.

You wouldn't vanish from today and pop into next week. You'd enter the warp capsule, and run the machine. From the inside you'd see everybody speed up gradually. From the outside perspective, you'd see the time traveller slow to a stop. It would appear to outside observers that the traveller had gone into stasis. It would appear to the traveler that everyone drank way too much coffee this morning! Lol!

It's not like the movies. I do believe it's been done and not one time. If you create a electromagnetic field bubble, space warps just a little at the field vector. It requires a lot of juice and unconventional circuit construction. 

The quartz question is interesting though, it's not necessarily the crystal itself but the lattice structure of certain crystals. Mica, quartz, gold, silver, copper and spark gap crystals specifically. Saltwater circuits, non metallic stuff... but it also requires money, and unusual building techniques, well... basically just MONEY, a lot of it. Imagine a machine you grow rather than actually assemble with hand tools. 

Ah like all things In the end then. The flow of money controls the flow of time.
