Why don't people from the future come to our time?

I guess. The only thing is now you have to explain how there is now a dead and live version of the child in your timeline. And a missing person in the other timeline. Kidnapping is a crime.

Pure philosophically, the creation of the time machine will become true some day after reaching a certain moment of the development of science and technology. It simply does not have a chance not to happen.Then why people from the future does not come to us? How do you think? What could be the possible reason(s) to stop the people from the future to come to our era? ...
DHS and FBI comes to mind. NSA Utah data center, totally now. Those groups track everything. They have time-watching technology at this moment with uranium oxide nano particle spheres. Potentially devastating tech. Fluorescent brain mapping, tagging, and tracking. Met a time traveler when I was a kid, he was a soldier, (so was his mom) he said the fluorescent tagging was a plague on health and was used up through 2040, researched to 2060s, taken out of practice 2080-ish after they noticed devastating effects on generations.I've seen it in 2014 on a security soldier doing his surveillance, one of many on me, (who coincidentally was a model/actor for Liberty Mutual Insurance company magazine ads in Inc. magazine, what a novelty to notice that) a month or two ago when I was being surrounded by surveillance (the POTUS was going to be in town nearby and I'm likely classified a nutter/concern to gov't watch lists, so surveillance happens to me the day after every other nutter in the state has a meltdown/attack, and pre-government visits. It's a social stigma. Life goes on, I'm a pacifist regardless of what the neural-scopes at DARPA say! Silicon is typically wrong on carbon people anyways.) He walked into the restaurant, and he had in ELF-wave strata, sort of concurrent with WiFi in there, little eye-circle holes around him, and through them I could perceive his past/future (I don't know) of his perspective of where he walked as a soldier, with tan camouflage garb and helmet with camera, carrying a rifle walking with others, in a dusty town in some foreign land, middle east or north africa most likely. Then later I saw some online video of some former-government lady from Berkeley talking about depleted uranium rounds and uranium oxide nano particle spheres and I had the ah-ha understanding of what was seen. Poor guy was exposed to DU, the nano spheres have a density less than one, making a little time-warp bridge through his dna. Aw.

So yeah if I were a time traveler, I wouldn't visit this place either. Maybe some parallel earth where things didn't event quite the same way.

My nutter status being mentioned, I thought I'd mention that in some strata of time and space, to the west of the building where I live, there is some tripod device with a beam of light pointed at the window. Not there physically, but with cloaking/subspace/scalar technology, it may be there. Not sure who it is but every now and then it's two guys...I want to say they are Columbians or Cubans or people who look like that, but I don't know for sure. Well, anything is possible if time travel is possible, I think.

- Is time traveling prove[d] to be impossible after all?
Well, you can't actually prove that it is impossible. But that's not what researchers would be looking for in any case. They look for evidence that it is possible. So far we simply have no theory, none, that concludes that it is actually possible given the laws of physics in this universe. There are an infinite number of solutions to General Relativity that allow for time travel but they all consider well prepared "lab settings" and are based on physical assumptions about the state of the universe that don't appear to exist here.That, of course, can all change if and when a theory is developed based on the world as it is. For the time being we're looking at centuries before we have the ability to make a practical time machine even if we do develop a workable theory.

And real scientists have to look at all of the laws of physics involved in a case for time travel. It's not enough to come up with a theory of how to warp spacetime. Once you have that theory you have to determine what actually happens in the region of warped space when you introduce all of the energetic fields that permeate space as well of the effect of introducing matter (a time traveler, for example) moving into the warped region. Hawking's "Chronology Protection Conjecture" is a humorous term that he coined but it is based on all of the full theories that have come up. Every time a time travel theory arises and is tested against all the laws of physics one or more of those laws throws up a barricade that prevents time travel. Then you have to determine how to navigate from A to B in a region of spacetime that is completely hidden from you behind some sort of event horizon. How do you get back? Can you get back? Do you travel in our universe or some other universe? If it's another universe refer to question 1 below - what is the purpose of time travel if the time traveler disappears into another universe?

Some big non-science social questions might be: what is the purpose of time travel; how much will several centuries of research cost; who will pay for the research; who will use such a device; how do you keep the technology out of the hands of malevolent people's hands given that the secret to the technology has to be kept hidden away virtually forever? We can't keep secrets for years, let alone centuries, in a world with no time machines. How do you keep any secrets in a time travel enabled world? You have forever to crack into the secrets and once you do then the bad guys have their own gadget.

DHS and FBI ... NSA ... have time-watching technology at this moment with uranium oxide nano particle spheres. .... Met a time traveler when I was a kid, he was a soldier, (so was his mom)....
Tell me more about this time watching machine. What is it watching?Why are you sure, that the man you met is a time traveler?

Well, you can't actually prove that it is impossible. .... So far we simply have no theory, none, that concludes that it is actually possible ...... what actually happens in the region of warped space ... as well of the effect of introducing matter (a time traveler, for example) moving into the warped region. Hawking's "Chronology Protection Conjecture" is a humorous term that he coined but it is based on all of the full theories ....

Every time a time travel theory arises and is tested against all the laws of physics one or more of those laws throws up a barricade that prevents time travel.

Then you have to determine how to navigate from A to B in a region of spacetime that is completely hidden from you behind some sort of event horizon. How do you get back? Can you get back? Do you travel in our universe or some other universe? If it's another universe refer to question 1 below - what is the purpose of time travel if the time traveler disappears into another universe?
So, noone can say, that time travel will work, but also noone can say, that it will not work.What is the Hawking's "Chronology Protection Conjecture"?

These questions:

how to navigate from A to B in a region of spacetime that is completely hidden from you behind some sort of event horizon. How do you get back? Can you get back? Do you travel in our universe or some other universe? If it's another universe refer to question 1 below - what is the purpose of time travel if the time traveler disappears into another universe?

Can they stop a future time traveler to come to our time?

Perhaps you need to exist in the "time" you are traveling to and they invented time travel so late in the futur it's impossible to come back to our time, because no time traveler was born yet.

Tell me more about this time watching machine. What is it watching?Why are you sure, that the man you met is a time traveler?So, noone can say, that time travel will work, but also noone can say, that it will not work.

What is the Hawking's "Chronology Protection Conjecture"?

These questions:

how to navigate from A to B in a region of spacetime that is completely hidden from you behind some sort of event horizon. How do you get back? Can you get back? Do you travel in our universe or some other universe? If it's another universe refer to question 1 below - what is the purpose of time travel if the time traveler disappears into another universe?

Can they stop a future time traveler to come to our time?
Rather than trying to explain CPC you can see it for yourself here:Chronology protection conjecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not a matter of "they" stopping anyone. It's simply a matter of whether or not the full laws of physics allow it.

I guess. The only thing is now you have to explain how there is now a dead and live version of the child in your timeline. And a missing person in the other timeline. Kidnapping is a crime.
I think, that I made it how someone can be taken from our time and be send in the future, without this to make changes of the future, e.g. without this to make the butterfly effect.First: Before the transfer the relatives of those, that will be taken are aware of his desire to do so, and are given instructions what to do, when the time of the transfer comes.

Second: The time travelers from the future prepare a life - saving aid technology to save the life of the transferred person, and a bio - mass, equal with the mass of the person, who will be transferred.

Third: The time of the transfer is closely to the time of the death of the person, who has to be transferred.

Fourth: The time traveler(s) come while the person is dying.

Fifth: The time traveler(s) take him/her fast, and place the biomass on his/her place.

Sixth: The time traveler(s) in the future resurrect the taken person. He is now in the future. But, since if he come back on his time, the butterfly effect will happen, he is not allowed to come back to his time.

Seventh: The relatives of the taken person, bury the biomass on the same way as they would have buried the death corpse.

Now the person is alive in the future, and no timeline has been disturbed.

The bacteria and the worms will eat out the biomass, not the corpse. For them the genetics of the eaten biomass is not important, because they restructure it into theirs, independent what genetic structure they will eat. The biomass has to be proportional with the biomass of the person, who will be transferred. E.g the same proportion of muscles, bones, fat tissue, skin, hair and horn(nails).

Follows integration of the person in the future society. I guess, that the future law will allow such people to be registered, and to proceed their life legally in the future.

Will this work without the timeline to be changed?

How about if the time traveler is able to send a technologically advanced hologram - of sorts - of him (or her)self through time ? A construct of energy, a "ghost", as it were. IF there are time travelers, they probably would have technology that we have yet to begin to imagine.

They may even be capable of keeping their presence outside our perception.

However, just guessing what a time traveler might be like, as much fun as it may be, still leaves a lot of room for ( almost endless) possibilities. And until we meet ( a real ) one up close and personal, we will never really know for certain.

So... if only a hologram can be send, then perhaps no biological mass can be moved, and nobody can be brought to the future?
Why would an advanced society capable of time traveling have any interest in bringing someone from the past to their time period ? I.E., would Alexander the Great of yesterday be as great today or would he simply be a novelty ?

I don't know. The absence of time travelers today may mean, that they do not have a reason to go to here at all.

We may appear quite useless for them ...

Maybe they will need people, if some sort of depopulation happens.E.g. if for some reason children stop to be born ...

I don't know. The absence of time travelers today may mean, that they do not have a reason to go to here at all.We may appear quite useless for them ...Maybe they will need people, if some sort of depopulation happens.E.g. if for some reason children stop to be born ...
You're just not looking in the right place. There is the doppelganger phenomena, where people have duplicates of themselves running around. No known explanation for that. But it could be time travel related. Then there is the dead celebrity phenomena where the celebrity mysteriously comes back alive. And the mysterious change or appearance of objects out of no where, that many people have experienced which may also be related to time travel meddling.

How people look like is determined from their genes, as far as I know. It seems that the number of possible combinations about the face outlook are not this much and many people may have doubles. Here we are not talking about a genetically identical people, but about people, who only have identical, or very similar genes for the outside appearance. Some of the doubles live in one and the same time. For example some(maybe all) presidents have doubles, and it seems, that there are services, which find these doubles and uses them in order to prevent a murder of the real president.

You're just not looking in the right place. There is the doppelganger phenomena, where people have duplicates of themselves running around. No known explanation for that. But it could be time travel related. Then there is the dead celebrity phenomena where the celebrity mysteriously comes back alive. And the mysterious change or appearance of objects out of no where, that many people have experienced which may also be related to time travel meddling.
Dead celebrity phenomena,... interesting. Buildings appearing in fields overnight that were never there before. These types of original version memory capabilities are the types of things that someone on here referred to as "being the 1 in 6 billion Chosen One". But I posit these capabilities may be more common than we imagine, but not for the reasons that first come to mind...

You're just not looking in the right place. There is the doppelganger phenomena, where people have duplicates of themselves running around. No known explanation for that. But it could be time travel related. Then there is the dead celebrity phenomena where the celebrity mysteriously comes back alive. And the mysterious change or appearance of objects out of no where, that many people have experienced which may also be related to time travel meddling.
Dead Celebrity Phenomena: IN a time with time machines, there will undoubtedly be a black market time machine racket (likely and predominantly run by the Chinese, the experts at copying the brilliant works of others) where they target wealthy vain people, take them on a ride and get them to sign life extension policies. Certainly the dead celebrity phenomena should occur with less popular, but similarly wealthy people, but media just doesn't cover deaths of people unless the reporting of such has a statistical probability of increasing viewership and thus advertising dollars. Dick Clark, Sade, Sally Ride, the list goes on.

Dead Celebrity Phenomena: IN a time with time machines, there will undoubtedly be a black market time machine racket (likely and predominantly run by the Chinese, the experts at copying the brilliant works of others) where they target wealthy vain people, take them on a ride and get them to sign life extension policies. Certainly the dead celebrity phenomena should occur with less popular, but similarly wealthy people, but media just doesn't cover deaths of people unless the reporting of such has a statistical probability of increasing viewership and thus advertising dollars. Dick Clark, Sade, Sally Ride, the list goes on.
I know the con artist tries to get in on the game. Trying to create as much false information as possible. Your mention of Sade appears to be con artist related.Sade's obituary - Necropedia

Sade dead 2014 : Singer killed by celebrity death hoax - Mediamass
