Why don't people from the future come to our time?

not at all, but i have at times been accused of worse Einstein. I just threw it out there to see if anyone took a bite (or a stab)
I wasn't accusing you. The only reason I bothered to look is because Sade is one of my favorites.But take Michael Jackson for instance. There is so much Tom Foolery going on with his reappearance that he could really be back from the dead and no one would believe it. It's like, did the family sponsor the Tom Foolery so they could bring him back?

I wasn't accusing you. The only reason I bothered to look is because Sade is one of my favorites.But take Michael Jackson for instance. There is so much Tom Foolery going on with his reappearance that he could really be back from the dead and no one would believe it. It's like, did the family sponsor the Tom Foolery so they could bring him back?
actually, your posting of Sade's death hoax is the first time I had heard about that internet hoax. Strange. While we're on this topic, let me look and see if there have been similar hoaxes of Dick Clark and Sally Ride. And quick preliminary search results show no instances of death hoaxes for the other 2.

Interesting concept. So, you think, that the people from the future will be destroyed or self - destroyed?
Destroyed, meaning ceasing to exist - i think that is everyone's ultimate fate, isn't it?I think at some point in the future, people from the past will be given the illegal option of life extension policies, independent of the associated risks. Or perhaps, reoccurences of people that were once dead will be a more easily observable ripple for people with a means to perceive it.

Interesting concept. So, you think, that the people from the future will be destroyed or self - destroyed?
No. I'm saying that the future isn't a tangible place that can be accessed at our leisure. In a sense, people of the future cannot come to the past because they do not exist yet. The only people to truly exist are the people here today.Moz

What do you mean by "illegal option of life extension policies"
in the same way that it is illegal to personally own a nuclear warhead or a stinger missile, but there are black markets that provide at least some of these to highest bidders, or bidders in the know of the purchase option, I think that some day when time travel becomes a technology available to more than one nation, in the same way that there are many nuclear nations, due to the inherent corruption in some groups, and as well due to the fact that the actual operation of a time travel device may be possible to conceal, (meaning that usage logs could be altered) they will be exploited for profit by greedy elements within the power structures I'm not sure how, but this theory, off the wall and seemingly unfounded as it may seem, is a possible explanation for the "dead celebrity" phenomena. Although, undoing someone's death does seem to induce the grandfather paradox (i.e. Dick Clark dies, but he had already been visited by Future Black Market Life Extension Policy Salesman (we call him the BMLEPS), who took him on a sufficient time-ride to prove to him the validity of the technology, so he paid every penny he had to un-do his death whenever it would happen. So for a time he is dead. Then at a later point in time, hopefully not too much later lest he risk serious divergence occurrences, the BMLEPS travels back to un-do the death event (car accident, plane crash, mugging, whatever), and takes with him some form of irrefutable proof that in the near future said wealthy person dies. THe proof is showed to the supposed to be dead in the near future person to elicit payment, which would be substantial. Irrefutable proof could be a video of said celebrity's funeral with secret conversations recorded without the knowledge of the mourners that reveals something that would only be revealed at a funeral, like the "remember the time when he..." type of stories. SO the wealthy person makes payment, tragedy averted, then the BMLEPS jumps back to the future to a timeline without the dead celebrity, and this is the part I have not yet reconciled...Does the BMLEPS have memory of only the original unaltered timeline (and the death aversion mission) since he skipped the 2nd altered timeline where the celebrity didn't die. He'd have a large payment either in tow in the form of diamonds, or money in the bank account; his boss would be happy, but he'd only remember the timeline he lived through in real time where celebrity died and he went pack to ply his trade, his boss would only remember the new timeline which has a celebrity alive and well and money in his bank account or a fresh delivery of diamonds. It's dirty, illegal, and risky, but if the scientists can figure out how to time travel, then the criminal entities figuring out how to exploit it really ought to be the easy part now, shouldn't it.

In brief, you think, that using a time travel machine will be illiegal as illegal it is to personally own a nuclear warhead. Eventhough, the black market will manage to have an accesss to the time machine and will go back in time and will save from death famous people for profit. The payment for the salvation of the famous man / woman will be made in the form of diamonds, or money in a bank account. Interesting point of view :) It is enough for a science fiction movie :) How do you think? Will the money or the diamonds worth something in the future? I know, that today diamonds, identical with the natural can be grown from graphite. Many curences fall.

The only reason I see that a time traveler would reveal themselves is if they had something to gain. Its in human nature to only do things you get something out of. For most "time travelers" its fame. Its always been since humans became sentient that we have wanted to be remembered. Its the next best thing to living forever. If you really think about it, its corrupt in our society today. Who would come from the future and boast about all this time travel stuff, a real one wouldn't. If they did they would be changing the future. A real time traveler would lurk in the shadows and try their best not to get involved. I think if there are real time travelers they stay behind the scenes, and manipulate the future with very calculated choices.

In brief, you think, that using a time travel machine will be illiegal as illegal it is to personally own a nuclear warhead. Eventhough, the black market will manage to have an accesss to the time machine and will go back in time and will save from death famous people for profit. The payment for the salvation of the famous man / woman will be made in the form of diamonds, or money in a bank account. Interesting point of view :) It is enough for a science fiction movie :) How do you think? Will the money or the diamonds worth something in the future? I know, that today diamonds, identical with the natural can be grown from graphite. Many curences fall.
the idea of diamonds is that they are incredibly small AND incredibly valuable. But it could be anything with a commodity value. Gold is too heavy. Yes, it would make an interesting movie, thank you.

The only reason I see that a time traveler would reveal themselves is if they had something to gain. Its in human nature to only do things you get something out of. For most "time travelers" its fame. Its always been since humans became sentient that we have wanted to be remembered. Its the next best thing to living forever. If you really think about it, its corrupt in our society today. Who would come from the future and boast about all this time travel stuff, a real one wouldn't. If they did they would be changing the future. A real time traveler would lurk in the shadows and try their best not to get involved. I think if there are real time travelers they stay behind the scenes, and manipulate the future with very calculated choices.
yes, real time travelers would want to stay behind the scenes quietly, because it would be a damn dangerous thing to be a part of!

Why not we suppose, that what we think for money today - paper money, diamonds, gold, etc. mean nothing in the future? Should we find them another reason to come?

Yea, they will have many reasons to stay behind the scenes quietly

Why not we suppose, that what we think for money today - paper money, diamonds, gold, etc. mean nothing in the future? Should we find them another reason to come?Yea, they will have many reasons to stay behind the scenes quietly
I think if they did come it would be to prevent some disaster. But again if some "time traveler" came on some fourm and said that the world will end in a week no one would believe them. So that only gives them the choice to try to fix the problem quietly, prevent it from happening in the first place. But see with all fake time travelers they have to have the fame. If I was a time traveler saving the world I wouldn't tell anyone, it would be a discrete operation. When you say I'm a time traveler the first 2 questions people ask are:1 prove it. 2 how. To me it would be more trouble than its worth. If you are sitting here trying to explain to people how you got here you are not accomplishing the reason you came in the first place.

I think if they did come it would be to prevent some disaster. But again if some "time traveler" came on some fourm and said that the world will end in a week no one would believe them. So that only gives them the choice to try to fix the problem quietly, prevent it from happening in the first place. But see with all fake time travelers they have to have the fame. If I was a time traveler saving the world I wouldn't tell anyone, it would be a discrete operation. When you say I'm a time traveler the first 2 questions people ask are:1 prove it. 2 how. To me it would be more trouble than its worth. If you are sitting here trying to explain to people how you got here you are not accomplishing the reason you came in the first place.
true. If there really are time travelers, past, present, or future either with or without full knowledge of it, they would most likely NOT be the ones making the claims. Let's face it, whether or not JT was really from the future, he sure made a media impact within these circles at least, and there are plenty of guys living in their mother's basements wanting a little online fame to make the loneliness more tolerable. They would be the ones harvesting information about comrades and competitors, depending on whether they are inclusive or exclusive with respect to the tech. About discretion, wouldn't it be paramount considering the consequences?!

true. If there really are time travelers, past, present, or future either with or without full knowledge of it, they would most likely NOT be the ones making the claims. Let's face it, whether or not JT was really from the future, he sure made a media impact within these circles at least, and there are plenty of guys living in their mother's basements wanting a little online fame to make the loneliness more tolerable. They would be the ones harvesting information about comrades and competitors, depending on whether they are inclusive or exclusive with respect to the tech. About discretion, wouldn't it be paramount considering the consequences?!
So true! You couldn't have said it better lol.

Why not we suppose, that what we think for money today - paper money, diamonds, gold, etc. mean nothing in the future? Should we find them another reason to come?
Yeah, what we value now won't necessarily be what people in the future value. Maybe it would be a vial of their untainted blood with a unique DNA composition. But, alas, money makes the world go 'round, the love of money is the root of all evil, and, last and certainly not least, greed is timeless. There never will be a Utopian Star Trek world where everyone lives for the common good. We are still and always will be flawed humans susceptible to our vices, and rich and powerful people are often plagued by the vice of greed, plain and simple. So, uh, ... yeah, diamonds or something portable. I think large bank transfers would just be too visible; payment would have to be something portable but timelessly valuable. But then again, time travel is the ultimate super-power, provided that selective teleportation goes hand in hand with it. The corrupt rogue TT could always jump into and out of vaults, or secretly buy those lottery tickets. This whole line of discussion was purely a possible explanation of the dead celebrity phenomena. But again, I'm such a skeptic of people's good intentions that perhaps a more plausible explanation is just that they are instances of readily perceivable divergences to those with "single-timeline-unlocked" consciouses (STUCs).

So true! You couldn't have said it better lol.
actually, ... , I could have said it better! The "they" in the last sentence referred to the potential authentic TTs. Meaning, they would be the ones gleaning and harvesting information here, if not tech info, at least personal info to know who to contact or knock off.
