Demon jump in


Chrono Cadet
My ex-husbands sister'V' is a high priestess here in St. Augustine. The witches hold all night social gatherings 4 times a year at different Historical homes. Once, when 'V' was walking under the threshold a demon jumped in her. She walked right over to the piano{mind you, she can't even play chop sticks} and played song after song, belting down whiskey. She's a beer and vodka only gal. At the witching hour, 3am, she felt the demon leave and could play no more. She's never been used like that again but she stills summons demons to do her dirty work.

Only anonymity keeps your saying as much from being gossip;

otherwise, avoid divulging your relationship with the subject.

Personally, I couldn't stand to be associated with sister 'V.'

Thus, I can only more give thanks for my inlaws.

Granted Satan has many ways of appealing to people's vanity,

I more often hear of love's proving people superhuman,

e.g. people's lifting cars from crushed persons, rescuers defying

hellish fires and, in some cases, the virtually dead having just

enough strength to save another's life.

What I feel especially fortunate for are the charismatics within

my acquaintance. Subtle as can be their gifts, the least assuming

of them invariably energize others in ways positive. Spiritually,

mentally and physically healing are they for tirelessly praying

their presence be that of the Holy Spirit.

May I better honor their example.

0 : - ) MGby.

I haven't spoken to her in about 8 years. We've always been civil. Just letting people know that Satan is alive and well and quite a trickster. I just wonder if some talent people have could be a spirit living in them. I have heard that the Beatles sold their soul for fame and fortune.

I haven't spoken to her in about 8 years. We've always been civil. Just letting people know that Satan is alive and well and quite a trickster. I just wonder if some talent people have could be a spirit living in them. I have heard that the Beatles sold their soul for fame and fortune.
Fans believed Lennon to be loving and peaceful.Such qualities aren't usually associated with damnation.
Dirty tricks are a different story.

With those practiced at deceit, let theives deal.

There is nothing on Earth worth having to suffer their ilk,

since one can only expect to thus get the short end of the stick sooner or later.

Hence, the very possibility of there being an afterlife makes profound Mark 8:36,

"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?"

You're right on the money. There are many people though that really don't believe in an afterlife or just don't care. There must be a day of reckoning or all this that we see and live for would be in vain. You can't just live how ever you want to live and expect no back lash. Good reply.

Itheblaze, since you are a cat, I find it curious that you fear something like satan. Usually cats are more afraid of dogs than devils. Or perhaps it is a devil dog?


Have you a story about your feline avatar (12/8/13)? In its regard,

be forewarned about GLaDOS. Please see,

MAYBE NEW TITOR CAN SAY HELLO ! .. | Time Travel Institute

Re: reasonable happiness on Earth and supreme bliss in the hereafter -

Once upon a time, I took my inherent blessings overmuch for granted. That I would both

have and lose much was, therefore, just. Failing to embitter me, the loss only caused me

to reduce everything more appreciatively to the essence of all that, imo, really matters.

The fact makes me seem impractical in many respects, e.g. though my versatile knack for

design lets me be self-employed, my disinterest in things materialistic limits my drive.

Only my passion for designing and organizing mini communities with something

mutually beneficial, unifying, at their centers could more enliven me. Unmet priorities,

however, impede progress in that direction at present.

Thank you.

This here is Miss Clawdette kitty. She is an 11yr old white calico. She is sporting Rose Blush #12 with Irish Green eye-shadow. Her purple madi-grass beads have been twisted into a star like she is to us. She is fixed so no Toms come a courting please.

Thanks for the explanation, as I wondered whether some girl

was playing dress-up and, between applications of lipstick,

covered Miss Clawdette kitty in kisses.

What I omitted to state, in regard to the topic of this thread,

is the importance of what I believe to be fact: each of us is

singularly gifted to offer something of value in exchange for

the services/goods provided them by others. That the natural

order of things would be so disrupted by those whom strive to

monopolize resources is unfortunate. But, as I do not believe

people meant to be deprived the satisfaction of purposefulness,

I expect everyone will realize their just rewards. I expect the

guilty will grieve the joy they deprived others while the least of

our brothers will know a happiness so comparatively great as

to only gratify others.

0 : - ) MGby.

Is your avatar the union of Phoenix birds, gold righteousness, husband. Blue, truth, you?
The artist may have used falcons to depict such a union. Though I, a birder, simply thoughtthe image representative of my username, the Alchemical Symbol of Transmutation contains
elements of syzygy. What is really :cool: cool is that your transforming something seemingly so-

so to me into something special was alchemy! I <3 love the personifications.

Thank you.

She is well aware of the capacities of her faith. Honestly, I would not be surprised if her piano playing was at least as good as Jerry Lee Lewis. The demon desires the awe, wants to put its power on display. My fear would be that some day it decides to collect on being brought to light from its dormant state. Surely "V" isn't inclined to call it a friend; if so, she will know the truth when she has to be held accountable.
