It's been awhile...

Omega Chaos Gilgamesh

Temporal Novice
It\'s been awhile...

For those who remember me I must admit that I was being under watch by a hacker when I was posting my topics here, as I was everywhere I went and everything I did. Most of what was posted was forged and I must give my deepest apoligies for the entire event. I have learned more than I thought possible in the past eight months and now I would like to contribute my knowledge to yours.
Dymenzionz I see that you are back as the moderator, welcome back.
RE: It\'s been awhile...

For old times sake, please tell us a little about time travel.

<This message has been edited by Dymenzionz (edited 25 April 2001).>
RE: It\'s been awhile...

Thanks for the welcome Omega.

As you can see were nearly at 5000 posts and approaching 500 topics.

Hope you can reinitiate some of your taxing conversations!