Philadelphia Experiment a laugh to Eldridge crew

I've PM'd you for that link. Many thanks. I will be very interested to read what you describe as the best information on the subject.

Once again, what's important here is what people can back up with cold hard facts. Not just what people claim or say. That is the scientific method. Not the loosy-goosy approach so many in the field of paranormal adopt and pass off as the scientific method.

If you look up the Montauk project on Wikipedia:'ll see that some versions of the story involve the Yeti. The Yeti for crying out loud! And much of it is clearly derived from the 1980's sci-fi film 'The Philadelphia Experiment".
Well, that's all very entertaining, but where is a single iota of verifiable proof for this or any of the other claims for Montauk other than someone's hearsay evidence?

I will read your electricians testimony with interest. Be in no doubt I will do so with an open mind, but I'm not expecting to be impressed.
Well, I read your PM Olly and what a disappointment it was.

In fact I find it hard to believe you've read a word I've written here.

Where is that link?

Instead of supplying me with the link you said you would - the one where you heard this electrician corroborating weird goings-on at Montauk - you insetad cut and paste some interview between someone called George Pantalous and alleged (but unidentified) crewmembers of the Leon, formerly known as the U.S.S. Eldridge, claiming other strange goings-on.

None of this, of course, NONE of it has any verifiable factual basis at all though.



lets try again shall we?

Where did you get this source of information? Who is George Panatalous? Why does he not identify any of the people he's supposedly interviewing? When did they take place? Why would the Leon, now a Greek ship, still be using an American ship's log from years before? Why would the captain or the engineer allow mysterious cables to mess up their ship? Why are none of the witnesses to strange goings-on identified? Why did you fail so completely in providing the indisputable information you claimed?

You said it was 'the best information on the subject' Olly. Well, where is it?

You see, its easy to post things on the net and say they are fact...

"A scientist today said that there was a large tea-pot shaped object spotted hovering over the Pentagon yesterday. Many eye-witnesses (including a four-star general) confirmed the sighting and some experts believed there has been a blanket ban imposed on the media to prevent them from discussing it."


But backing it up with hard, verifiable facts is something else entirely.

This whole thing is so much hot air.
I sent you a PM yesterday. Totally unrelated. As i thought that you would be merely interested in it, I found it and gave it to you when i read it. I did this as you said - despite your view on the subject - that you were actually interested in it at one time. This was yesterday.

I have just sent you the link that i spoke of. I had to search to re-find the site. However had i read this PM i wouldnt have put the effort in. I find you to be very infantile and quick to grab the wrong end of the stick without looking for any context.

Like i said in the PM, i have no desire to prove anything to you. I'm merely offering you some info that you might not have read - which in my mind is actually quite well researched and written - and which should probably be read by most people who are interested in the story. Its less fantastical but more backed up then the other stuff you'll read. It proves nothing but some of the strange activities that go on around the base, still today. Or at least the late 90's

The guy has an email address and i believe his address is on the report(s). So theres something more solid for you.

People always assume when someone thinks something holds water, that they should prove it so to everyone who doesn't. Yet i would also ask you to remember; i could easily ask you to 100% disprove the whole saga. And not just on unsubstantiated opinion. Which you keep rambling on about, When in fact thats all you, yourself, is giving. please remember this.

There is also a good piece via that link, that talks about the self claimed 'beliek debunkers' and their 'evidence', which in fact is just opinion - often much of which is based on information they had misread.

P.S. you do know that they are not talking about 'the Yeti' don't you? You should read something thoroughly before you make assumptions. Which i'm seeing is a re-occuring pattern here. If i told you something was football shaped, It doesnt mean i'm talking about a football.

There is only one version of the story, told in many parts. all of them factor in 'JR'.

kind regards,
'Educate yourself' the site is called.

This is a little difficult to swallow in the light of someone who doesn't know the difference between Allende and Jessup.

And when it comes to the notion that I need to provide 100% proof for my point of view, I have to disagree. When it comes to wild and laughable tall tales, I'd say the burden of proof lies entirely on the shoulders of those that originate them.

None of this stuff convinces. So I simply repeat what I wrote at the top of this thread: Unsubstantiated drivel. And to believe otherwise, in my opinion, is the very definition of infantile.

Al Bielek is a sad if not contemptable con-man and I very much hope for your sake you haven't wasted your money buying any of his junk or ( as he asks ) made "an extra donation" to him.

Kind regards
What in gods name are you on about /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Yeah the sites called

Some of your comments really are beyond me. Considering you thought the 'yeti' was involved in montauk. All you know about is some of the philadelphia experiment and non of the sebsequent projects after that. Which are only about the other 90% of the whole thing. you read a scrap - then come back with some badly opinionated comment on how correct you are to believe the whole thing is a hoax.

It honestly reads like a kid whos trying to get one over.

Yes i know the difference between allende and jessup, granted i made an error, when reffering to Allende.

The link was to two a very large reports (which i named specifically) which obviously you couldn't have had the time to read before posting....and i doubt you will. Again i find your mentality a total waste of time. Whats the point in stamping your feet because i gave you a link a day late, then when i give it to you, make snide remarks about the name of the site and dont bother to read the parts i gave you the link for.

Like i said if you don't believe the story at all, and find it so laughable - then dont bother posting about it and wasting your own time. It really is that simple.

personally, i find this to be highly boring i said, i have no interest in converting people. If you want to have an argument about it, then i suggest you ring up Al, Preston or one of the others, and do it with them. Though if you do, i suggest you read a lot more before doing so.

Kind regards,
Despite what you've decided, I very much did read the section of the link you directed me to. And I repeat what I said about it (or can you really not read?) - none of it impressed me. All of this Quinn guy's 'investigations' and myriad speculations depend on his accpetance of the literal truth of the Phladelphia Experiment - something you yourself have admitted there is no real evidence for whatsoever. Well, there's little wonder in my mind why the guyss correspondance was dismissed as "childish gibberish".

This is a simple statment of fact concerning my opinion.

In the same way that its a statement of fact to say that (and I know my stuff on the PX believe me!) if Allende and his claims have been shown to be false ( and the entire PX business stands and falls on that ) then it follows that all the Montauk sci-fi bollocks (including this Quinn fellow) that people have built on top of that particular myth is false, too.

Your entire argument seems to be if I read enough of this crap I will eventually see the light. Well, you think I'm an out and out sceptic - I assure you I'm not. I 'want' to believe in this stuff as much as you appear to.

I never claimed there was a yeti involved, only that there was one present in one version of the story as laid out by Wikipedia. So what's the version you buy then? That there was 'Mind-Beast' set loose on the base in order to destroy the project? Sounds like a bad episode of the Outer Limits to me...

And if you are not in the business of converting people (by your own argument) why are you even bothering to reply to me?

So, tell me, Olly...bottom line. Which do you really, genuinely BELIEVE in your heart and mind is MORE likely? That what these old fellows say is true? That they've been whizzing up and down through hyperspace thanks to a a Top Secret Rogue Government Agency Project involving aliens, teleportation, time-travel, Mark Hamill (yes! Mark frickin' Hamill from Star Wars!) and psychic powers and all sorts of outlandish sci-fi shenaningans? That the script-writer for the sci-fi film 'The Philadelphia Experiment' just happened to have inside knowledge of all of this and based his script on that - rather than the other way around? For NONE of which there is a single shred of credible evidence (and believe me, if there were it would be posted all over 'The Drudge Report' and all the other legitimate news sites on the web within hours.)

Or: Is it not more likely that the whole of Montauk, like the PX itself is simply the ramblings of con-men, paranoids, hoaxters and nuts? The existence of which there would be no problems whatsoever in establishing?

And if what these bozos claim are simply lies...what's left to hold water?

You tell me.
I have no choice at this point. I thought by now they would have figured out the worm holes in the Bermuda Triangle. I don't know if the Philadelphia Experiment caused these or UFO's, but they are there regardless. The reason we have not seen any survivors is because the victims were dressed wrong and will never return. When you travel through space, you dress in what, that's right in an Astronaut Suit. Everything has to be pressurized including yourself. I contacted a space organization about this and I was told to leave it alone. The more questions I asked the angrier they became. I was finally threatened and I dropped it. This was several years ago. After watching an episode on the Sci-Fi channel a couple of days ago about the Bermuda Triangle. I see that they are no further ahead than they were 10 years ago. They have the right approach in trying to duplicate certain settings but the end result would be tragic because they are not prepared (dressed properly). If anyone knows Kevin in Florida who works for you know who, that's all I have to say. Feel free to give me your feed back or help in solving the mystery.
I saw on TV about the Philadelphia Experiment was suppose to be something that would make the entire ship invisible. What happen to the crew seems more like the functions of a teleport device, with no destination input. They all must of ended up in another dimension.
During WWII The Navy frequently repainted the numbers on ships to make it difficult to track ship movements. They added false smokestacks and other things to change the appearance.
Confusion to the enemy!

The whole disappearing and reappearing an hour later at an impossible distance is just a tribute to the awesome power of paint and scrap metal during wartime.