Quantum Equation Suggests The Big Bang Never Occurred – The Universe Has No Beginning


Quantum Scribe
I suppose infinity wouldn't have a beginning.
Or an end..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

And once again;

What if the Universe began from a Big Thaw, not a Big Bang

I'm grow more confident in my hypothesis every day. I wonder, if when real physicists develop my hypothesis into an actual theory, will I get a mention during the Nobel Prize presentation? :cool:

The Universe appears to have a finite (but very large) number of fundamental particles, and each particle can have only a finite amount of information. The Universe has a "consciousness" based on that information. (the fact that we are discussing this means that the consciousness must exist. Q.E.D.) The Universe must APPEAR to have a beginning (and an end) because it cannot conceive otherwise.Notice that all feasible current Cosmological models put us precisely in the middle. The Universe cannot conceive of any different model. Cogito, ergo sum finite.
