Titor Predicts 100K dead in an attack on U.S..


Rift Surfer
Several times Titor uses the phrase "100K dead" referring to an attack on the U.S.

Al-Qaeda leaders have predicted an estimate of 100k dead in their planned attack on the U.S. between the end of Ramadan, 2003 and February 2nd, 2004.

Al Qaeda commander 'anticipates' 100,000 Americans dead in attack

For more detailed information on terrorist plans...

NOTE: Of course, I hope they are both wrong on this one.
When did Titor mention 100K dead in an attack? I don't remember this and read all the posts....

could you quote it to refresh my memory?
On 01-29-2001 03:48 PM

3rd and 4th Paragraph...

'In my experience, when it becomes necessary to convince someone what I do for a living the only way to do that is to be related to them. Everything else is immediately written off as a parlor trick, even if they're standing in front of a cooling distortion unit and I show them a dollar bill with the year 2029 on it.
In the last few months, I have had numerous extended conversations online and there are quite a few things I've said which can easily be checked out but haven't. I get no pleasure out of being right when it comes to CJD disease, war in the Middle East or suffering people in far away lands. There's nothing like the look on someone's face when you tell them 100,000 people will be dead tomorrow. In my travels, I have discovered that most people really don't want to know about the future because if its different than what they want it ticks them off. Actually, I don't blame them.'

I believe he mentions it 2 or 3 times... 100,000 Dead... alluding to an attack...
There's nothing like the look on someone's face when you tell them 100,000 people will be dead tomorrow.

That one was quite funny as I recall. I suppose that's it might technically be true but I wonder what the look is on a person's face when you tell them that 3 billion will be dead tomorrow?

John never alluded to anything. His tactic wasn't allusion - it was delusion. He'd plant a seed without actually saying anything concrete and let the speculation grow. He let people delude themselves into thinking that he had said something when he actually hadn't.

John never alluded to anything. His tactic wasn't allusion - it was delusion. He'd plant a seed without actually saying anything concrete and let the speculation grow. He let people delude themselves into thinking that he had said something when he actually hadn't.

I simply had to resurrect this post of yours, now that our old friend CigMan has returned and decided to capitalize on the events in London to further his objective. I decided to resurrect this particular thread because I do not think anyone has so well captured the essense of the Titor Experiment as you have in these words.

As this year closes out we will all come to see how delusional the John Titor Experiment really was.

I am, however, surprised that no one has made this connection to the 100k dead reference:
That's because the death toll from the tsunami far exceeded 100K. Again, all the person behind Titor was doing was throwing out numbers. You, the reader, were the one who had to do the real work to make those numbers "stick" to some event. Are you aware of how many people die in the world each day (without natural disasters like tsunamis)? You might be surprised by the number.

What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?

Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare?
Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare?
Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare?
Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare?
Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare?
Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare?
Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare?
Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare?
Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare? Oh! Another Nightmare?

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The johntitor.com used that often but John only said it once :

JAN 29, 2001 - JOHN: "I get no pleasure out of being right when it comes to CJD disease, war in the Middle East or suffering people in far away lands. There's nothing like the look on someone's face when you tell them 100,000 people will be dead tomorrow. In my travels, I have discovered that most people really don't want to know about the future because if its different than what they want it ticks them off. Actually, I don't blame them. "

It wasn't a warning. He was specific he would never warning about anything. Yet, he made a claim that russia/china were going to nuke billions (even though he said he'd never warn), people got offended. He used this 100,000 figure to convince those who were offended that they should be scared, not mad.
It wasn't a warning. He was specific he would never warning about anything. Yet, he made a claim that russia/china were going to nuke billions (even though he said he'd never warn), people got offended. He used this 100,000 figure to convince those who were offended that they should be scared, not mad.


I don't agree with you. (BTW: the date of that quote is incorrect).

There is the problem of context. You can make people say something they didn't if you place the quote out of context. All quotes on the JT.com site are out of context and that is what drives the site. Things look different when one shows the context.

/me blows the dust of the Holy Scriptures and takes them from the Shrine.

Remember that John Titor was answering questions one by one. So we should look at what John Titor responded too. In this case he responded to two posts in "I am from 2036".

Stephen McKay (01-29-2001 10:16 PM):

I'm sure it would be unfair and immoral if we had certainty, but the truth is anyone placing a bet on your answer would still be gambling on whether you are in fact from the future. Spill the beans!

Kevin Spooner (01-30-2001 04:57 AM):

I can understand the ethics at hand here quite well. If you know, for instance, that someone is going to have a fatal accident, or meet with an unpleasant incident at a specific time, would you tell them the specifics? I wouldn't. If you knew when Microsoft was going to break, or where the next and largest ever earthquake was to hit - would you tell? There is the matter of ethics indeed. Who want to force life-changes that are not natural to their path? Paths which intermingle with all other life, indeed creation played out on this earth. No indeed you wouldn't.

Yet if a person already knew, as I do, that they are in the history books, as I am, but not known widely or available within the community yet - there is a simple challenge. And no - I am not talking from any egotistical sense - just one of knowing. However, whether time travellers wish to demonstrate based on the above is up to them. I would certainly be forthright in my confirmation to them (private email is allowed given the circumstances.)

But gentlemen and ladies... it also seems that certain 'time travellers' traverse linear time whereas others appear to travel cross-dimensionally. Interesting and one worth discussion.

I personally challenge said time traveller(s) to demonstrate their proof by confirming to me what is already known to me as per my own history but not yet in public circulation.

And I should add given that scenario - you can not bend or manipulate my future path because you would not be telling me anything I did not already know. Fun aye ???

John Titor (01-30-2001 06:21 AM):

In my experience, when it becomes necessary to convince someone what I do for a living the only way to do that is to be related to them. Everything else is immediately written off as a parlor trick, even if they’re standing in front of a cooling distortion unit and I show them a dollar bill with the year 2029 on it.

In the last few months, I have had numerous extended conversations online and there are quite a few things I’ve said which can easily be checked out but haven’t. I get no pleasure out of being right when it comes to CJD disease, war in the Middle East or suffering people in far away lands. There’s nothing like the look on someone’s face when you tell them 100,000 people will be dead tomorrow. In my travels, I have discovered that most people really don’t want to know about the future because if its different than what they want it ticks them off. Actually, I don’t blame them.

The means by which I travel in time is very physical. I require a “machine” to do it. It weighs about 500 pounds and gets quite hot. I do not own it and I did not build it. Within limits, I will be happy to discuss how it works and how “future” science thinks time works. No we have not completed string theory yet but (N-10) seems to work pretty well.

As far as the future goes, your worldline is about 2.5% different than mine. This is a roughly cumulative measurement based on my arrival in 1975. As far as I can tell right now, you are headed toward the same events I would call “my history” in 2036. However, the very nature of time travel states that every worldline is unique and you are very much in control of what you do and how you get there. Heck, the fact that I’m here makes it different from mine.

I have nothing to sell, and there is nothing I want anyone to do. For all other time travelers out there, I have no tests for you and I would enjoy discussing your feelings and experiences after the war. To everyone else, while I’m here, I am very interested in your philosophy, religious outlooks and speculations on technology.

He used the "prediction" to make a point. He also says these events happened in "his" history and it could be very different in "our" future. The atmosphere of a post like this gives you the feeling that he means no harm and just tells you the way things "are". He used the trick over and over again. So, IMHO Darby is right.
I copied it from johntitor.com so Oliver has the date wrong

you tell them 100,000 people will be dead tomorrow

BLAH SCCARRY - it's was to scare people. He predicted nothing. The day after he said that, nothing happened.
Re: Titor Predicts 100K dead in an attack - IRAQ -

This thread is obsolete... The Iraqi civilian dead may have met the 100K dead prediction... Not the US...


Titor's 100K dead prediction met? I think so...

Although I originally I thought he was referring to a specific bomb, chemical, biological or nuclear attack, he may have just been referring to Iraq War casualties in reviewing the original quote.

In Jan 29, 2001 John said:
"I get no pleasure out of being right when it comes to CJD disease, war in the Middle East or suffering people in far away lands. There's nothing like the look on someone's face when you tell them 100,000 people will be dead tomorrow. "

100K Iraqi Civilian Dead

UNIX BUG - 2038
New Constitution - 2020
NWO Killed - 2020
Russian Strike - 2015
Untold Events - 2012
New World Gov - 2011
Female President? - 2009
Full Civil War - 2008
Last Olympics - 2004 until 2040
Civil War Starts - 2004/5 to 2008 - Not Yet
One More Pope - No Date Given - Pope Benedict
100K Killed - No Date Given - 11/01/2004 - Updated
Mad Cow in US - No Date Given - 12/23/2003
China in Space - No Date Given - 4th Qtr 2003
NO WMD in Iraq - No Date Given - 3rd Qtr 2003
Gulf War II - No Date Given - 2nd Qtr 2003
Reduced Rights - No Date Given - 2002 To Present
Middle East
No Arm No Legger - No Date Given - 09/11/2001 To Present

Original Thread

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoking Is Hazardous To Your Health

Sorry about waiting two years to post this response
but it's interesting (well - to me at least):

Back on 11-JUL-2005 you posted a quote from Titor as he responded to Steven McKay on "I Am From 2036" (Post-2-Post):

Stephen McKay (01-29-2001 10:16 PM):

I'm sure it would be unfair and immoral if we had certainty, but the truth is anyone placing a bet on your answer would still be gambling on whether you are in fact from the future. Spill the beans!

John Titor (01-30-2001 06:21 AM):

In my experience, when it becomes necessary to convince someone what I do for a living the only way to do that is to be related to them. Everything else is immediately written off as a parlor trick, even if they’re standing in front of a cooling distortion unit and I show them a dollar bill with the year 2029 on it.

Apparently he has money from 2036 to show someone. Two weeks later, still on Post-2-Post, he is asked a question about money. His response is:

Posted by John Titor on 02-13-2001 10:51 AM


(7) Does money look alot different than it does now? If you have a picture, could you please upload it and post the link!

No, money is pretty much the same. Unfortunately, I do not have any money with me because I wouldn’t be able to use it here.

It's inconsistent (again).
Re: Titor Predicts 100K dead in an attack - IRAQ -

- Reduced Rights - Undeniably true and still we are being squeezed.

- Full Civil War - Depends on how you look at it, for me it is a Civil War today.

- 100K Killed - Why is it hard to believe? Are we not looking at other sources other than Yahoo?

- Last Pope - He's crazy.
Re: Titor Predicts 100K dead in an attack - IRAQ -


As for...

"- Reduced Rights - Undeniably true and still we are being squeezed.

- Full Civil War - Depends on how you look at it, for me it is a Civil War today.

- 100K Killed - Why is it hard to believe? Are we not looking at other sources other than Yahoo?

- Last Pope - He's crazy."

Do you think Brain Williams of NBC is going to get on National Television and say "Yeah... TheCigMan Interpretation of Titor Writings... Was proven to be some what accurate..."

It's never going to happen /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The Last Pope should the current... After that it is the "The Great Monarch" he is not a "pope"

As for 100K killed... It could 99,033 the day before and 11,005 the day after.. It's a measurement or significant number not an absolute...

As for reduced civil rights... It's worse... It's a hyper surveilance society of every kind...

Civil War... May have been a misnomeer... Let's says there is a new attitude about the government...

Something to think about...

TheCigMan /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Titor Predicts 100K dead in an attack - IRAQ -

- Reduced Rights - Undeniably true and still we are being squeezed.

- Full Civil War - Depends on how you look at it, for me it is a Civil War today.

- 100K Killed - Why is it hard to believe? Are we not looking at other sources other than Yahoo?

I agree with you, and I agreed with Titor then, that we are suffering from reduced rights. But that's not a prediction from a time traveler. It's just a fact of life. No one really believes that we haven't given over certain rights for convenience. The solution is the polling booth. Choose carefully and don't fall into the trap of pragmatism.

The problem of civil war was concisely stated by you. You said that it depends on how you look at it. But Titor said that by the end of this year it would be apparent to everyone. If it takes a "feeling" to believe that you are in a civil war then the "prediction" has failed.

Titor never predicted 100 k dead. It was a quipped response to (Kevin Spooner?) that had zero context. That many people, and more, die evey day on the third rock from the sun. There's no prediction in the statement.