World War 2 Nazi Time Machine


Temporal Novice
"The Fat Man" - is a graphic novel currently being produced in Scotland.
For more information on the "Fat Man" graphic novel project please visit - I would be very interested by any comments, suggestions or questions.

"The Fat Man" involves a British MI5 undercover agent who is approached by himself with proof of the existence of a notorious World War 2 Nazi 'secret weapon' - The Tegal Project - discounted many years previously as German propaganda.
Following instructions given to himself during a strange encounter he is led to a meeting with a displaced group of SS soldiers - the 'Ansatz Jägerretinue' - Himler's chosen guardians of the Tegal Project. Led by a Captain Haken - a group of Germany's most notorious criminals.

The MI5 agent (codenamed The Fat Man) is taken to the location of the Time machine - in a subterranean structure built by WW2 slave labour under the current Chernobyl nuclear facility in the Ukraine - It was taken over by the Soviets in 1944 and kept secret ever since.

The Nazi research was not complete and was taken over by the Soviets who eventually got the machine working in 1986.

Purges in the 50's and mysterious deaths since (including the Chernobyl meltdown) have led to a situation that the Tegal project was virtually unknown even to the Soviets. The policy of "need to know" taken to a logical conclusion.

The adventure continues for the Fat Man when he is processed by the Tegal chromaton blood enrichment and his physical system is brought to a criticality and he is sent to the Nazi "Barbarossa" invasion in 1944.
Completing the circle with a meeting with Captain Haken as he was then - with a message scrawled across his chest to take a blood sample. Allowing all the original research to take place at all.

The Fat Man is taken prisoner and taken to meet Himler and Hitler at the Eagle's Nest - He is treated as a valued guest - although the shock has caused him to say nothing (never mind the fact he can't speak any German) - When at lunch the questioning becomes too intense The Fat Man requests some cheese from the lunch table and promptly vanishes.
The physical effects of the Chromaton enrichment of his body is to cause an allergic reaction causing a spontaneous criticality.

The adventures continue with a fight with the Sex Pistols in 1976 London, a serious romance with Louise Brooks in Berlin 1928, the robbery of Akhenaton’s tomb in Ancient Egypt.

For more information on the "Fat Man" graphic novel project please visit - I would be very interested by any comments or questions.
I would be delighted to post a copy to anywhere in the world - FREE - we already have a few hundred pre-orders from Canada.
If anyone is interested in distributing for us we would be delighted to talk to you.
Distribution is as always the killer of any publishing enterprize.
If you pre-order now (for Christmas 2006) you can get 30% off the cover price and free postage anywhere in the world!!