Anyone else been abducted?

This is one of the most interesting things I have read in a long time.
I love when people share their personal experiences there is a wealth of info
in them. I hope you don't mind I printed out your experience and saved it thanks for sharing it.

I have heard of people vibrating before they went out of their body but yours seemed very intense.
I wonder what the flashes of red and black were? Its almost as if your body had an earthquake.

I think I would have stayed by the tree longer I would really want to know what those little lights were. Its probably good I do not have these OBE's because I would be so curious about everything I
would probably never go back. If I do have them I am not aware. I have never risen and seen my body on the bed. I wonder sometimes though ..I do not know how one can tell but I have dreamed of flying over absolutely beautiful places even where I would fly down and lightly graze the surface of a lake with my fingers and then when I have flew back up I felt such a tremendous joy. It all seemed so real but I woke up in my bed so I assume it was a dream. Sometimes the places are more beautiful than I have ever seen here. If I saw myself leave though I would be scared because I would be unsure if I could get back in my body. lol

I loved Betty Eadies description of nature in heaven. And the way she saw the flowers having their own light like an aura. Shining from the inside out. I wonder if this is what you kind of got a glimpse of in your tree. How she described the scenes she saw with light and life and beauty it sort of whispered to my spirit. I felt some kind of connection there when I read her books.
My two favorite books she wrote were "embraced by the light" and "the ripple effect".
Her describing the Earth as a dark negative to things we would see in the spirit.
To sit and imagine the most beautiful place you could think of and realize it is like a dark negative to the color and life and richeness of life we would see later. I have seen some very beautiful places in my dreams. The stangest thing is the things she spoke about seemed to ring true in my spirit I don't know how else to describe it. I feel a connection to her somehow.
I think she was telling the truth about what she experienced. You could feel it.

Ok so back to your experience. The tree was something I would have been very curious about myself.:)
When you spoke about maybe light traveling into other dimensions. I had read a NDE of a man, although I cannot remember his name ,I do remember he was a doctor and he was enlisted in the military. I read of his story and he claimed that as Jesus took him through several different dimensions he would notice a new wave of light. I will have to find that story because I think you will find it interesting. I remember it was online as well I had read it in a book also. I will look for this for you I may be able to google it with the details I remember of it. What stuck out to me was the movement of different waves of light as he entered each new dimension. or world.
Just like what you said.

I don't think I would like the dark tunnel you experienced. I don't think that would be comfortable for me. I hate being in the dark now. Even when I was out using my friends telescope I had left a couple of lights on. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Oh no I would be high tailing it toward what ever light was closest! lol
I think about your experience and I think about Betty's and I am thinking Oh man someday I am gonna have to be in that tunnel! augh! lol

When you say you saw individual lights were you talking about different openings in the dark tunnel?
Its odd you didn't just have one. Is there anything else you remember about it?

I am going to go and look for that other NDE and read your account again because there is a lot of info there and I would like to discuss it further with you it is really fascinating to me.

I think there are properties about light we have yet to understand.
i had an OBE at 18, but it was drug induced. other than that, i have never felt that either, until one day curiosity got the better of me. it was the worst thing that ever happened to me, and far too intense to handle. i'm not sure if im glad that it happened to me or not, but what i am sure of, is that it changed my life.

that is also the reason i believe time travel exsists. i left for what felt like an eternity, when i came back to reality, my ciggarette wasnt even halfway finished, and i pondered for a long time wondering how i just went through so much, in such a short time.

and for the record, i'd never do it again.
Oh yes his name was Dr. George Ritchie.

I can't find the part about the wave of light before entering each dimension. I do remember reading it.

Here is Betty's website:

OOHH.It looks like a movie is coming out on her Experience. wow that is going to be awesome.
I have a video of one of her speaking engagements.

Betty's story I can relate to more. I feel a connection to her . not so much with George's experience. I am sorry I cant find where he talked about that wave of light. I have it printed out and saved somewhere but only God knows where. I just have no more time tonight to look for it.
I wanted so much to get your thoughts on it.

Anyway I have to go for now. I am hoping to talk with you some more tomorrow.

Thankyou for sharing your experience Packerbacker. I wish people were more open and not afraid to do so. We could all learn so much more.
Thanks for your comments.You know, there was an interesting aspect to the lights. It was as if I were connected to them by a thread of light. It is something that also seems to occur in other experiences. At the visitation in Phoenix, it seemed as if there was an area of light surrounding my sleeping body. Not a bright light, just illumined darkness.I don't remember anything outside that area when we left.

But it is as if in any such special experience, there are threads leading to a large number of other things. In other words, you start at the center experience and mentally let you mind follow a thread out to something else that is associated with it.You can get a lot more out of the experience in this way.
How do you know you have been abducted?


There are a lot of ways and different ways to tell if you have been taken. The first way is if you have recurring dreams of being taken and/or...

More at Abducted?

or see the Pixar Short "Lifted" for a graphical explanation:



<font color="blue"> Alien Teenager Stu is taking his abduction exam and to pass he must abduct a sleeping farmer under the supervision of his instructor. Stu is having troubles with the numerous switches at his disposal to control the tractor beam, after a bumpy ride the farmer boy is finally onboard the space ship but ... [/COLOR]

I have an uncle that worked at Wright Patterson airforce base in Ohio.

When I was younger my family only seen him maybe once every five years. The last time I saw him I may have been 16 or so maybe younger and I remember asking him about aliens and if he had seen any. He wouldn't tell me at first but since he was there for so long that night I bugged the crap out of him. (very determined to get answers).

He was the most honest man I know and I remember him saying to me that he could tell me this
that he couldn't honestly tell me that they didn't exist and then he added with one eyebrow raised, "and they are not green either."

And that was it thats all he would tell me even though I bugged and bugged and bugged him.I always wondered what he had seen. I don't know if he still works there or not as I never see him anymore.
I don't even know if he is still alive.
Hello. Pam

He was the most honest man I know and I remember him saying to me that he could tell me this
that he couldn't honestly tell me that they didn't exist and then he added with one eyebrow raised, "and they are not green either."

maybe he saw a gray type aliens...

a hint:
Link to Youtube...

interview with former project Blue Book employee relative and actual UFO artifacts collected by Air Force. Artifacts are at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) in Dayton Ohio. WPAFB was the official government agency that investigated UFO reports and collected artifacts.

but the more interesting type so far are the Mammalian Humanoid type...
