Hypothesis of time travelling machine & thoughts about it


Chrono Cadet
So hypothetically time travelling machine(like travelling to the past,present,future)probably it might be travelling to the slightly different timelines,parallell universes,alternate dimensions,visiting many multiverses. Also it might be fictitious part of my own imagination,but 9 years ago I thought that I could be stucked into some sort of white limbo by some sort of wormhole or even something like black hole. I think that idea came out into my own mind after playing Sonic Generations computer game/video game(Sonic the Hedgehog video game). Also how to explain for instance as an example even these days nowadays speaking of what if scenario meeting younger myself? Like is it time somewhere in cosmic space might be moving way much slower? I would probably meet myself 10 years younger or even 1 year old or at least meet little bit my own younger biological parents,right?
I’m not sure exactly what your hypothesis or question is, but here goes.
I thought that I could be stucked into some sort of white limbo by some sort of wormhole or even something like black hole
Limbo is definitely something I consider possible. Some sort of luminal space between realities. I see it as a place or a passageway that might very well be necessary to cross in order to move from one timeline to another. I’m curious to read what others think of this.

For instance, John Titor (and his car) might have been in limbo during his time displacements with the C204. In this case, I tend to consider limbo, somewhat similar to hyperspace, or vector-zero space. Again, some type of inter-reality medium that acts as a luminal space of sorts.
Like is it time somewhere in cosmic space might be moving way much slower? I would probably meet myself 10 years younger or even 1 year old or at least meet little bit my own younger biological parents,right?
Sure, it’s OK to assume that time in other realities, other timelines, doesn’t flow as fast as here. Perhaps some realities experience a slower rate of time flow. Hence, they might not have reached the same year as us or the same stage of evolution.

Does that make sense?
That John Titor’s experiments with X-Ray reminds me of Stein’s Gate and Sonic Mania Phantom Ruby. Time Stone in Sonic Satam reminds me of pelvis Human body bone anatomy in Sonic ’06 Chaos Control created a portals probably similar to Rick and Morty in Sonic CD unused sprites Sonic teleports in similar fashion way to YouTube videos of teleporting cars real sightings kind like Delorean from Back To The Future.
In the Titor/TTO saga John Titor didn’t do any experiments let alone experiments with X-Rays. He wasn’t a scientist or an engineer. He was the equivalent of a highly trained monkey that got into the time machine and passively traveled along with the machine to wherever it was programmed to travel. He didn’t invent time travel and he didn’t build a time machine. Based on his posts it was obvious that he didn’t understand any of the physics that his story implied. He was just a passenger, according to Boomer’s story. (Boomer is the name I gave to the author - the person writing the posts - of the Titor Saga.)

The only thing in his entire saga that concerned X-Rays was the graphic that showed X-rays exiting the machine.

So you bring up Sonic quite a bit in your fractured, disjointed posts that I have suggested might be trolling. I am now fully convinced that you’ve been trolling the forum. I base this on your posts on the Sonic Retro Forum. Here’s an example (https://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?threads/sonic-rush-character-modding.38775/)

gamerz31w Aug 21, 2019

That’s why I made new thread of Sonic Rush I thought new people will be interested(I guess nobody here cares and everybody is doing here anything they want) in Sonic Rush game modding/hacking. Just like with Sonic Rush Shadow the Hedgehog mod it will be just model swapping,but actually just a little bit something more(Zoe Cottontail never had official voice actress)(as for princess Eva Earlong she had unknown voice actress in Jazz Jackrabbit 2 ending cut scene so theoretically it might be voice of Elisabeth Dodrill the wife of Dean Dodrill allegedly she also voiced Bonnie the Mouse from Elysian Tail and maybe she voiced Lori Jackrabbit in Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and in Jazz Jackrabbit 3 demo unused voice sound effects that can be found inside Unreal Editor 1 I discovered this myself in past many years ago)than(just only models swapping) that like just changing logos,dialogue placeholders. Why would I change for example audio assets(I think that’s my choice to leave voice sound effects of Blaze the Cat-Erica Shroeder aka Bella Hudson back then)of Blaze? So what should I know before modding? How to extract and pack models to Sonic Rush nds rom? How many low polygons character models got with nds aesthetics? How long will it take to mod this game? Knuckles would has still voice of Dan Green(because Spaz Jackrabbit karate kick voice effect sounds like some unknown female actress from Expect No Mercy it was Mortal Kombat clone PC game because I made a research myself),Miles"Tails"Prower would still has voice of Amy Palant(back then)as for Lori Jackrabbit voice alegedly it was probably Elizabeth Dodrill.

Last edited: Aug 22, 2019
Absolutely perfect English and posted by a very computer literate individual. So I will again ask, when you are allowed to return, that you just be a regular person. Post your thoughts and no trolling, Please.