I Time Traveled to 2015.


Temporal Novice

Above is my website. It's on a free server and has alot of pop-ups.
It also contains photos of my Time Travel Device, so if you use a pop-up blocker, you might not get the photos to appear.


Independant Time Travel Research

The following are posts I made to another group. I eliminated the other posters replies as I did not want to breach their anonymity.

I made a small device, which I used for healing, and it propelled me forward in time to the year 2015. It consisted of a tesla coil, orgone capacitator, and aligned to a vortex. I asked a young girl, as to not raise suspision what place I was at, and she said I was in the Americas. It looked like a vast junk yard. I asked someone what date it was because I couldn´t find anything like a magazine or newspaper and they said it was 2015. Not sure what month or day it was though.
I was there approximately 3 hours.

I Time Traveled to 2015

I made a small device, which I used for healing, and it propelled me forward in time to the year 2015. It consisted of a tesla coil, orgone capacitator, and aligned to a vortex. I asked a young girl, as to not raise suspision what place I was at, and she said I was in the Americas. It looked like a vast junk yard. I asked someone what date it was because I couldn´t find anything like a magazine or newspaper and they said it was 2015. Not sure what month or day it was though.
I was there approximately 3 hours.

I was in a vortex I found with my cell phone. It was under some twisted trees in a state park where I live. I brought my little gadget with me and tried it out. My wrist watch got alittle warm, so I figured the electromagnetic pulses messed up the watch coil. Then I got very light headed and felt as if I sunk in quick sand. I noticed the trees kind of misty, and the scenery changed with less trees and a sweet toxic smell.

It doesn´t look like a vortex you would see in movies. It was just a bald grassless area, with some bright green moss growing in a circular patch around a semi circumference. The trees look effected by it, nothing really weird though. My cell phone had no bars whatsoever, but a few feet away my Nokia worked fine.

I like tinkering around with electronics, and was working with some radionic parts I have hanging around my makeshift garage shop. I am going to make a larger one, where perhaps I can set a date, or go in past travel. I really don´t know much about how I did it to be honest, but I have the basic idea. The tesla coil did it, I guess that´s the sauce someone asked about. I will try various caduceus coils, and larger power source, though it will have to be mobile.

When I tried to bring myself back, I didn´t know how. I repeated the same action a few times, and nothing happened, other than my right index got numb (still is). I don´t know how I got back to be honest. I didn´t feel like I was gone 3 hours, but I was. I guess whatever I did wore off. Maybe the nickel cadium batteries died. I am really keen on explaining this, because I am overwhelmed that time travel is real, but I am alittle aprehensive to just blab all the intimate details. I know it sounds far fetched, I wouldn´t believe it, I´m still alittle perplexed, reason I want to repeat it again.

I suppose those people who live in 2015 are used to that smell. I could find no source of it, be it from cars or smoke factory stacks, to which I seen neither. It appeared as if the Americas (USA?) was crumbled, and everyone lived in remote areas and communities. No one seemed destressed though, if anything, they looked relieved by some comments.

Actually, now that I personally experienced it, it is no big deal. All the stories about time travelers and conspiracies isn´t so far fetched anymore to me. I´m positive if I could do it, the government has been doing it since Tesla. The wires run contrary to each other and cancel out the elctromagnetic fields it creates. Just the ferrite rod alone seemed to move along an established but invisible route.I´m not a scientist, rather a hobbyist.
We can discuss what time is or isn´t, but we probably won´t get anywhere, pun intended.
The Americas, as the child called it, is the USA, I´m 99% certain. I´m speculating now- Canada, USA and Mexico are just one big open border country. I was somewhere in the midwest, and that´s where I wound up. There were no tall buildings, just what looked like an Amish style community. It appeared like a large flea market, things set up on makeshift tables, like maybe a farmer´s market. There were small groups of people congregating, so I just kept to myself and listened to the average people talking about average day to day life. I don´t want to make up stuff and turn it into a scifi novel. This is just a small 3 hour slice of my life viewed from an alternate perspective

I have no clue about the position of the earth. I was on the earth, not somewhere else with a telescope or hi tech machinery. I´m lucky I found out the year. I don´t even know what month or day it was. I´m guessing with where I wound up, but pretty certain it was the newer USA.
When I repeat the experiment, there is no guarantee I would wind up in the same place again, or same year. I am not a scientist, just a garage tinkerer who enjoys building stuff. I said to stay away from household outlets because I worked too close to an active extension cord and almost got fried when my gadget operated. And if you use electricity, there´s no guarantee there will be electricity to power you back. If you wind up in the far past, or 2015, there is no electricity there, and you might get stuck there. My batteries weakened, and I´m presuming that´s how the time lock weakened and I got propelled back to the current year.

I seen makeshift placcards crudely hung with Russian writing far off. Like a two-by-four frame threshold entrance to this community. I have no clue what it said. Speculating now, but it seemed recently made, so I´d presume whatever happened, happened recently prior to 2015. Educated guess is a red dawn scenario. USA got nuked by Russia, we lost, and become occupied. Maybe the nuke was the smell, or perhaps it was chemical, because after a nuke I wouldn´t think people were able to grow a harvest. I´m just piecing this together from what I gathered from the small talk of the locals.

Some of you are asking questions I have no answer for, but some of the questions I pondered was:
What if I brought a small transistor radio with me? would I have been able to receive any transmissions and actually hear the news? Would it even be english if there was a signal? What if I brought my female dog with me, who´s pregnant and she stayed there and had puppies, how would that effect things? What if I couldn´t get back at all?

My logic dictates that the war was short, maybe because it was set up that way. USA possibly gave up according to the script, and we were invaded and occupied. Either way, I seen no bodies, no graves, it appeared they just walked in and took over after a quick smelly war. The smell is the most spooky part.

My right index finger is still numb. Did the temporal field put pressure on my cervical or thoraic spine? did I suffer a mild stroke? did I have this illness in 2015, and I brought it back with me? My clothes smell like that smell from 2015. Is it a germ warfare smell? Were those people immune to it from the exposure and did I bring back an active virus from it?
These are some of the thoughts racing through my mind.

My friend said the same thing about me bringing back some type of new strain of flu. The tech stuff isn´t very complicated. My gadget is small enough to fit into a rucksack. It isn´t large like you can step into, nothing like on TV.
I´m thinking about taking a photo of it and posting it on a website, maybe include some of the better postings from here on there as well.
When I make the newer model I can photograph that one as well.
Sometime today I will try to return to 2015 again. I was going to wait until I made the newer model but I am too excited to wait now. Next time I go I will go as a surveyor, checking out things like a discover to a new land would. I´d like to bring back some soil samples, but having them analysed might get me in trouble, so I´m stuck with that option unless someone here can come up with some advice.


I´m not sure about frequencies, I am not a scientist, only an amateur enthusiast. I could take a photo of a neighboring junk yard and lie and say I took the picture from the future, but I am trying to be honest here, even though I am being insulted for no apparent reason on my part.
I´m not sure if a camera would produce photos, or just flashes of light after I make it back
I time travel physically, but I can astral project as well, without any machine.

I'd be afraid to take anyone with me, to be honest. Some parts I made from scratch, some I bought used and new.

When I rebuild a bigger device, but one that is still mobile, I will take photos and put them online to show others how to do it. This way those who have the knowledge will be able to replicate it, and those who shouldn't, more than likely won't be able to.

Understand, I don't want to mislead anyone and have them getting hurt. If I get hurt, it's my own doing due to curiousity.


Photos of my Time Travel Device & any other photos I decide to put online in the future will be found here:
Click Here


All Updates will be posted at this Link:
Click Here


AbrakabraInfernale @ Hotmail . Com


Newer Information


I wound up at the same area, only I was at a different corner of what appeared as a community. It was ten years later again. I'm thinking that I keep going to the same place and date because in ten years from now I actually do dwell there, so I am still flowing on the same time-space continuum. The duration of my visit this second time around was only less than hour. My device must of powered down from the last time, I'm not quite sure exactly what all the kinks are, obviously very Beta still. Some people knew me when I went back, which logically tells me I do live there ten years from now. I'm afraid to go back because I don't know what would happen if I met myself there. I don't know how to travel to another date nor location. I looked at myself in a crumbled sheet of copper and I looked the same as now, which peaked the curiousity of some people who knew me. I was stared at and felt very uncomfortable. I tried to blend in by doing menial tasks, but I had to keep my backpack on because I wasn't sure when I'd get back. I brought a small transistor radio with me, but it didn't work. I'm thinking either I was in a vortex blocking the waves, or there's no transmitters, or the batteries were dead. I put some questions to some children, because they will talk and not suspect anything. I felt as if I was standing in a haze-like fog, though no one seemed to notice it, so I guess it was an internal thing going on. From what I gathered about the former USA:

Chinese aquatic devices were detonated along the West Coastal regions, then invaded from Alaska and Mexico.

Russia flanked us and did similar as the Chinese but via the East Coastal regions & Canada.

As I write this, there seems to be increased activity of helicoptors around my home. I might be paranoid now. My left nostril seems irritated and bleeding alittle. My right index finger is still numb.

In the localised area I visited, I seen no sophisicated machinery. It all appeared very Amish-styled. There were no androids, no planes, nor cars, not even tractors -nothing like the movies. I seen no weapons, no guns. I did see some smaller farm animals, but no dogs yet.
I don't believe I will go back because I feel very awkward there. I am still living there, somewhere I presume - and if I meet myself, I don't know what will happen. Besides, first I appear dressed one way with a big bulky backpack and fanny pouch, ten years younger -then I probably appear looking older and dressed more for the times.
What if I see my family there -or I don't find them there -I rather not know now. This isn't a dream, so if they aren't there, that means they didn't make it, and I rather not know right now, because I can't change a damn thing about the whole screwed up situation. I'm starting to regret I ever took the first journey, honestly.


Being a Sunday, I questioned some older children who were probably teenagers, about how come they weren't in church. Some of them looked at me as if I was being preachy, but I just rode it out to find some answers. Quite a few told me about what appeared to be a rapture in 2012. But from what I gathered, some of the people who were raptured weren't christian at all. Then the whole religion scenario spilt over, some questioning if the disappearance of some townsfolk was due to the war, or if it was a spiritual thing. They kept going off topic, and I tried to nonchalantly coerce them back on track, without spilling the beans. People were all performing their various duties, so I didn't want to just stand around, because I wouldn't of fit in, so I would randomly pick up loose branches and kick piles of leaves onto some cardboard to pick it up. I did see what looked like a still, as if they were either making liquor or maybe cleaning the water, I'm not sure on that one. There was what appeared to be a small hydroponic area, maybe it was just a makeshift greenhouse, but through the dirty plastic sheetings I didn't see soil in the containers. I thought I seen cannabis growing there too, perhaps that's why the teens were congregating to that one particular area.


When I left to come back, either something went wrong, or it caused a minor disturbance to other people's (mine?) perception, but I did get noticed leaving. Thus another reason I am very hesitant about going back again.


One of the weirdest things of all is that the second time I went there, I felt as if I had some recollection of prior events, even though in my present lifetime/timeline I haven't experienced it yet- or did I? Makes you wonder about some scientific time-line models. What the teens were telling me (as well as other minor casual chit-chats I had with others) started to be pieced together sporadically in my 'memory', like I was overcoming amnesia.


I will update again soon, I'm feeling alittle sick at the current time.


After a good night's rest, ironically I don't even recall dreaming, I'm feeling alittle more enthusiastic about my project than I did before sleep. I'm going for a third trip forward, but I am going to do it in an upgraded style of Time Travel Device. I need another part, which I should have sometime later on this morning. I want to be able to temporarily loose my time-lock, so I can travel to another year, either backwards or forwards. I want to go, perhaps, farer into the future, maybe the next century. I'm hoping humanity has rebuilt and reinvented themselves, and are more sci-fi like we see it in Hollywood. If they are, I'm certain they would have computers, etc. I'd like to E-mail myself from then, to now - & have quite the conversation going. Or back to the past, far past, and leave a CD there with pertinent information. As of yet, the Autumn of 2015 is the only place I seem to be able to get too. It's quite irritating now.
After cleaning up last night, I noticed I had a small slug looking insect tucked away in the bottom of my backpack. It remains closed and on my back until I get to my futuristic voyage destination. Stating this, the insect could not of gotten into my backpack prior. Which means, I brought this small castaway back from the future. Now, how can that be? He isn't even born yet for another ten years. Science definitely needs to rework their math.

Please allow me to translate your story to 2005 English, okay time traveller? You're welcome.

>The following are posts I made to the above group. I eliminated the other posters replies as I did not want to breach their anonymity.<
Anyone who disagrees with me gets ignored.

>Questions were put to me, and I answered to the best of my ability.<
My abilities are limited, so if I ran into a brick wall I just ignore them, see above.

>Some of the posters were insulting me, so if I sometimes appear annoyed, I probably was.<
If people don't believe yet another time traveller claim, see above.

>I made a small device, which I used for healing, and it propelled me forward in time to the year 2015. It consisted of a tesla coil, orgone capacitator, and aligned to a vortex.<
My time machine is so complicated that I can't explain it "in speaking words".

>I asked a young girl, as to not raise suspision what place I was at, and she said I was in the Americas.<
In the future, it's okay to end statements with prepositions.

>It looked like a vast junk yard. I asked someone what date it was because I couldn´t find anything like a magazine or newspaper and they said it was 2015. Not sure what month or day it was though.
I was there approximately 3 hours.<
I may have been in a junkyard, but I prefer to assume the whole world was like this than actually research.

>I was in a vortex I found with my cell phone.<
Out of nowhere, my cell phone appeared.

>It was under some twisted trees in a state park where I live.<
My cell phone called out to me, using my bionic arm I lifted the tree up to discover my unaffected and still fuctional cell phone. Note to self: stop paying the cell phone bill, it will still work.

>I brought my little gadget with me and tried it out. My wrist watch got alittle warm, so I figured the electromagnetic pulses messed up the watch coil.<
Yeah, they were "messed up". If they didn't get "messed up" I would have proof, but I don't. I am just lucky this "messed up" machine got me back home safely.

>Then I got very light headed and felt as if I sunk in quick sand. I noticed the trees kind of misty, and the scenery changed with less trees and a sweet toxic smell.<
Pot is good.

>It doesn´t look like a vortex you would see in movies. It was just a bald grassless area, with some bright green moss growing in a circular patch around a semi circumference.<
Lord of the Rings.

>The trees look effected by it, nothing really weird though. My cell phone had no bars whatsoever, but a few feet away my Nokia worked fine.<
Note to self: buy stock in Nokia.

>I like tinkering around with electronics, and was working with some radionic parts I have hanging around my makeshift garage shop.<
Yeah sure, why the hell not. We all have flux capacitors in our garage next to the lawn mover.

>I am going to make a larger one, where perhaps I can set a date, or go in past travel. I really don´t know much about how I did it to be honest, but I have the basic idea. The tesla coil did it, I guess that´s the sauce someone asked about. I will try various caduceus coils, and larger power source, though it will have to be mobile.<
Not to self- ribs taste better with barbeque sauce on them.

>When I tried to bring myself back, I didn´t know how. I repeated the same action a few times, and nothing happened, other than my right index got numb (still is). I don´t know how I got back to be honest. I didn´t feel like I was gone 3 hours, but I was. I guess whatever I did wore off.<
Thank God you made it back! You're a hero!

>Maybe the nickel cadium batteries died. I am really keen on explaining this, because I am overwhelmed that time travel is real, but I am alittle aprehensive to just blab all the intimate details. I know it sounds far fetched, I wouldn´t believe it, I´m still alittle perplexed, reason I want to repeat it again.<
The actual part where I can explain any of this is the part I can't go into. See above.

>I suppose those people who live in 2015 are used to that smell. I could find no source of it, be it from cars or smoke factory stacks, to which I seen neither. It appeared as if the Americas (USA?) was crumbled, and everyone lived in remote areas and communities. No one seemed destressed though, if anything, they looked relieved by some comments.<
This was my scientific research into the future: smelling.

>Actually, now that I personally experienced it, it is no big deal.<
I agree.

>All the stories about time travelers and conspiracies isn´t so far fetched anymore to me.<
And on a non-sarcastic note, I agree.

>I´m positive if I could do it, the government has been doing it since Tesla. The wires run contrary to each other and cancel out the elctromagnetic fields it creates. Just the ferrite rod alone seemed to move along an established but invisible route.I´m not a scientist, rather a hobbyist.<
I am Emmitt Brown.

>We can discuss what time is or isn´t, but we probably won´t get anywhere, pun intended.<
Ha ha.

>The Americas, as the child called it, is the USA, I´m 99% certain. I´m speculating now- Canada, USA and Mexico are just one big open border country. I was somewhere in the midwest, and that´s where I wound up. There were no tall buildings, just what looked like an Amish style community. It appeared like a large flea market, things set up on makeshift tables, like maybe a farmer´s market. There were small groups of people congregating, so I just kept to myself and listened to the average people talking about average day to day life. I don´t want to make up stuff and turn it into a scifi novel. This is just a small 3 hour slice of my life viewed from an alternate perspective<
Holy crap! All of this will happen within ten years! You should become a mechanic because it took them over a week to install a new gas pump in my car!

>I have no clue about the position of the earth. I was on the earth, not somewhere else with a telescope or hi tech machinery. I´m lucky I found out the year. I don´t even know what month or day it was. I´m guessing with where I wound up, but pretty certain it was the newer USA.<
For those who point out all that can't possibly happen in ten years, it may have been twenty.

>When I repeat the experiment, there is no guarantee I would wind up in the same place again, or same year.<
Wasn't the machine broken?

>I am not a scientist, just a garage tinkerer who enjoys building stuff.<
I agree.

>I said to stay away from household outlets because I worked too close to an active extension cord and almost got fried when my gadget operated.<
Thank God you weren't hurt! You're a hero!

>And if you use electricity, there´s no guarantee there will be electricity to power you back.<
What else is there to use? Oh yeah- vortices.

>If you wind up in the far past, or 2015, there is no electricity there, and you might get stuck there. My batteries weakened, and I´m presuming that´s how the time lock weakened and I got propelled back to the current year.<
Do you know the fundamental principles of DC power?

>I seen makeshift placcards crudely hung with Russian writing far off. Like a two-by-four frame threshold entrance to this community. I have no clue what it said. Speculating now, but it seemed recently made, so I´d presume whatever happened, happened recently prior to 2015. Educated guess is a red dawn scenario. USA got nuked by Russia, we lost, and become occupied. Maybe the nuke was the smell, or perhaps it was chemical, because after a nuke I wouldn´t think people were able to grow a harvest. I´m just piecing this together from what I gathered from the small talk of the locals.<
Garbage dump = WW III.

>Some of you are asking questions I have no answer for, but some of the questions I pondered was:
What if I brought a small transistor radio with me? would I have been able to receive any transmissions and actually hear the news? Would it even be english if there was a signal? What if I brought my female dog with me, who´s pregnant and she stayed there and had puppies, how would that effect things? What if I couldn´t get back at all?<
Here's a better question. What if you brought a disposable camera with you or a post-dated magazine from the garbage heap back with you?

>My logic dictates that the war was short, maybe because it was set up that way. USA possibly gave up according to the script, and we were invaded and occupied. Either way, I seen no bodies, no graves, it appeared they just walked in and took over after a quick smelly war. The smell is the most spooky part.<
Garbage = war. Stop throwing out garbage!

>My right index finger is still numb. Did the temporal field put pressure on my cervical or thoraic spine? did I suffer a mild stroke? did I have this illness in 2015, and I brought it back with me? My clothes smell like that smell from 2015. Is it a germ warfare smell? Were those people immune to it from the exposure and did I bring back an active virus from it?
These are some of the thoughts racing through my mind.<
Pot does that.

>My friend said the same thing about me bringing back some type of new strain of flu. The tech stuff isn´t very complicated. My gadget is small enough to fit into a rucksack. It isn´t large like you can step into, nothing like on TV.<
So it's small, like the time machine from the 70's TV show "Voyager".

>I´m thinking about taking a photo of it and posting it on a website, maybe include some of the better postings from here on there as well.<
Yeah... PROOF would be nice, especially since it would be so easy to prove.

>When I make the newer model I can photograph that one as well.<
Wait till after Christmas, string lights are 50% off.

>Sometime today I will try to return to 2015 again. I was going to wait until I made the newer model but I am too excited to wait now. Next time I go I will go as a surveyor, checking out things like a discover to a new land would. I´d like to bring back some soil samples, but having them analysed might get me in trouble, so I´m stuck with that option unless someone here can come up with some advice.<
Hey- how about doing it again right now, only this time bring back some proof! Or, if it's too dangerous, I volunteer. Mail me your time machine.

>I´m not sure about frequencies, I am not a scientist, only an amateur enthusiast.<
Yet I still managed to break E=MC2 with a AAA battery.

>I could take a photo of a neighboring junk yard and lie and say I took the picture from the future, but I am trying to be honest here, even though I am being insulted for no apparent reason on my part.<
You could also go back to 2015 and come back with a picture of the 2X4 Russian thingee, that's enough proof for me.

>I´m not sure if a camera would produce photos, or just flashes of light after I make it back
I time travel physically, but I can astral project as well, without any machine.<
Yeah, the vortex and the Tesla coil ruin film. How about a digital camera?

>I'd be afraid to take anyone with me, to be honest. Some parts I made from scratch, some I bought used and new.<
It's worth it- I will gladly risk becoming paper shredding if it means I can travel time with your machine.

>When I rebuild a bigger device, but one that is still mobile, I will take photos and put them online to show others how to do it. This way those who have the knowledge will be able to replicate it, and those who shouldn't, more than likely won't be able to.<
We'll keep our fingers crossed.

>Understand, I don't want to mislead anyone and have them getting hurt. If I get hurt, it's my own doing due to curiousity.<
Wasn't it accidental? Wasn't it a healing machine? Wasn't your time travel inadvertant?

Apart from saying you went through time with a sloppy story based on dumb science, what is your point?
I find this story non existant rather then unbelievable.

A tesla coil and an orgone accumulator are not going to send you to an alternate reality on their own. You have provided no imformation on how you combined the principles of E.M. from the tesla coil and the orgone accumulator in order to get them working.

How did you program the capacitor and the tesla coil. How did you deliver the intent to the device and more so how did you deliver the energy back to your own system. The idea that the batteries died in order for you to return is absurd.

"I stood over a vortex that had a twisted tree over it", won't do for the majority of us.

I see no reason as to why you are not comming forward with these facts in more detail. If it was me, i would either go into detail about the device i used - or simply not tell the stroy in public where such questions would be asked, full-stop. If you mess about making radionic devices, you'll obviously have some intuative idea on the thoery behind them and how it works. Yet you never bother to go into it. there is no logical excuse for this.

to me it just sounds like some-one has been doing some reading on potential (and speculated) basic TT components/grid points and thrown a half thought out story onto the internet.

I dont mean to be rude. But the day someone randomly 'knocks' together a TT device in their garage and gets it to work with no speculation of the theory/principle involved in their original reasoning, is the day i loose the will to live....

kind regards,
Stating this, the insect could not of gotten into my backpack prior. Which means, I brought this small castaway back from the future. Now, how can that be? He isn't even born yet for another ten years. Science definitely needs to rework their math.

Maybe its a time travelling bug, that rather - accidently brought you back to the past?

You should probably consult one of those kids when you get back to 2015....
I got alot of e-mails. I'll just post my replies here.

BTW, don't be angered OllyB because I ignored your e-mail /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Yes, the photos are deliberately ´bad´.

Ofcourse I am deliberately hiding the main components. Take me for a fool?

Take pics of the future?
How would you know if they were actual pics from the future, and not a junkyard?

Take some person with me to the future?
The way 99% of the people here are, ..I just might accidentially leave them there!

I have patents pending.

Fifty percent(+) of the story I am not revealing.

I could write fiction and make the story sound far more interesting, but I didn´t. What I wrote is Factual. I´m not here to have my ego stroked.

The whole purpose of my website and posts were to make contacts with certain people via e-mail.
It worked. I did make the contacts. I accomplished what I set out to do, and everyone else got a free ride & insight into the future.

If I didn´t satisfy you, too bad.

Do your own experiments then, instead of being an armchair critic.
I got alot of e-mails. I'll just post my replies here.

BTW, don't be angered OllyB because I ignored your e-mail

On the contrary - it didnt anger me in the slightest, i had forgotten that it was even you i had sent it too until you just reminded me (times move fast and this was a while ago)...however had i of read any of your story before that point. I would never have sent an email.

I was more curious before you put your mind to typing the drivel that you have sebsequently produced.

please dont take us for mugs with your 'patent' nonsense.

Ofcourse I am deliberately hiding the main components. Take me for a fool?

No, i take it that you dont actually now anything of any great detail within this area, so you have no way of elaborating on your story - due to your own ignorance on the technical subject matter your story plays off. For the record, both a tesla coil and any type of orgone capacitor would be considered main components in a radionic time travel circuit. You dont 'tinker' with these in a garage, you use them with purpose within the context of a design or thought out schematic.

Take some person with me to the future?
The way 99% of the people here are, ..I just might accidentially leave them there!

What, because you feed them a half baked story about time travelling with a "tesla coil" and an "orgone capacitor" and they don't believe you? personally i give this forum credit for the resistance you have met with. Most people here would happily welcome a genuinely intriguing time tavel claim.

Yours is not. You offer absolutely nothing of technical interest or worth. Without substance - dont expect every forum to spoon feed off your claims. And dont pretend you arent disclosing technical information because you've discovered a time travel circuit and dont want someone to steal the idea. It doesnt wash.

The whole purpose of my website and posts were to make contacts with certain people via e-mail.
It worked. I did make the contacts. I accomplished what I set out to do, and everyone else got a free ride & insight into the future.

oh come on, please....a "tesla coil" an "orgone capacitor" and a "grid point", yeah better watch out the NSA/ONI/CIA will all be kicking your door down by tomorrow morning.
No other time traveller would be remotely interested by the information contained within your account. I was more interested in you before you posted that story.

Do your own experiments then, instead of being an armchair critic.

maybe some of us are interested in this area and is why we find your claim so lacking.
I believe him! Especially when he says:

>Fifty percent(+) of the story I am not revealing. I could write fiction and make the story sound far more interesting, but I didn´t. What I wrote is Factual.<

I agree- you're speaking in half-truths.

>I´m not here to have my ego stroked.<

Really? Then why are you here?

Did you spend five minutes researching the OP's posts? First, he was what we call here one of the OETWOS. Back when the site was much more active we would have yet another self proclaimed time traveler appear Once Every Two Weeks Or So, post for about two weeks and disappear (just in time for the next OWETO to take his/her place) when it became obvious that their saga was getting weaker with every post.

Look at this clown's two threads: This thread is about the time machine that he built. His original thread started 3 weeks before this one? "I Can Time Travel Without a Machine."

And just to make sure, in his mind at least, that he covered all bases he only wanted science and occult discussion of his no-machine time travel.

Was I here when he posted in 2005? Yup. Did I reply? Nope. Why? Just another boring OWETO making a weak attempt to link himself with Titor. (Read his posts and you'll get the weak joke. "John Titor somehow erased my posts", indeed. (Was I here when TTO hijacked the "Time Travel Paradoxes" thread? Yup. No one's posts suddenly disappeared.)
Was I here when he posted in 2005? Yup. Did I reply? Nope. Why? Just another boring OWETO making a weak attempt to link himself with Titor. (Read his posts and you'll get the weak joke. "John Titor somehow erased my posts", indeed. (Was I here when TTO hijacked the "Time Travel Paradoxes" thread? Yup. No one's posts suddenly disappeared.)

If you were here in November 2000, what username did you use? It appears you registered here in March 2001 and starting posting on the "I am from 2036" thread on P2P on February 19, 2001 with this:

To John Titor:
I have found this thread very interesting. How far from what size city is it the safest to be? You suggest bicycle. What about horseback? Should we be stockpiling guns? What kind of people will be the ones least trustworthy? Is the conflict racial in any way? Does the civil war start in such a way that with this foreknowledge those willing will have time to remove themselves to safer locations. Will you readily be able to identify the enemy. Does living near a river with a distillation unit take care of water problems? How are the five people within the 100 miles contacted? Do communications stay intact. I have 86 acres on a river in Central California about 125 miles north of LA. I have geese, turkeys, horses, chickens, milk cows, good pasture, a well run by electricity, and a garden. I also have two teenage sons who are gun nuts. Plenty of rifles, semi-automatic and otherwise. Any comment on our chances or suggestions? My oldest son, 19, is joining the army for 3 years. Will he be asked to kill his countrymen?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Posted by Emmett “Darby” Darbyshire on 02-19-2001 01:22 AM

It doesn't sound like you had been following along from "Time Travel Paradoxes".
From reading the original threads, it seems that you were originally only on Post-to-Post, found the "I am from 2036" and your interest in the John Titor story led you to TTI.
My search for more imformation on Titor brought me here. I'm looking for some kind of info about him or anyway to contact a actual Traveler.
If you were here in November 2000, what username did you use? It appears you registered here in March 2001 and starting posting on the "I am from 2036" thread on P2P on February 19, 2001 with this:

It doesn't sound like you had been following along from "Time Travel Paradoxes".
From reading the original threads, it seems that you were originally only on Post-to-Post, found the "I am from 2036" and your interest in the John Titor story led you to TTI.

You'll also notice that TimeTravel_0 didn't register here either. When we came from Xone in 1999 (the original web hosting service for TTI) we didn't have to register. We could post anonymously. Two weeks after Boomer (the author of the TTO/Titor posts) left the house, 17-MAR-2001, MOP activated the mandatory registration function. We all had to register in order to post. The mandatory registration remained active for a few months and MOP deactivated it. That caused a host of problems with people spoofing others' handles. In January of 2002 he re-actiavted it once again and registration has been mandatory since that time.
Yes, people used a guest username to identify themselves. The current forum software doesn't display it, making it hard to follow old threads (this should be fixed). If you were here, you should be able to point to your older preregistration posts.
Yes, people used a guest username to identify themselves. The current forum software doesn't display it, making it hard to follow old threads (this should be fixed). If you were here, you should be able to point to your older preregistration posts.

You are most welcome to fix it if you are willing to purchase the site. Send MOP a PM if you are interested.

The End of Time Travel Institute? | Time Travel Institute

Yes, people used a guest username to identify themselves. The current forum software doesn't display it, making it hard to follow old threads (this should be fixed). If you were here, you should be able to point to your older preregistration posts.
