john titor....are you looking for a way home?

You just lost the game. I'm not John Titor if this is the correct song. I'm just a code breaker if this is the correct song. I think this means that this is Earth Prime and where all the John Titors meet, but what do I know? Just making stuff up.
You just lost the game. I'm not John Titor if this is the correct song. I'm just a code breaker if this is the correct song. I think this means that this is Earth Prime and where all the John Titors meet, but what do I know? Just making stuff up.

This is not a game.
This is not a game.
Yup, I know, but do others know? Then it's true then that I'm wrong about my song title choice and all of that. I don't really want to talk about what I believe is going to happen next. No one will believe since they don't already. It may be what's not mentioned, but I can't prove anything.
"String theory was first formulated in the 1970s to describe strings of energy binding a quark and antiquark to form a meson. A number of superstring theories have been proposed to unify relativistic quantum field theory with general relativity theory. At Planck-length (10−35 meter) dimensions Einstein's equations of general relativity result in such intense fluctuations of energy that "spacetime goes haywire". Instead of boson & fermion particles, the universe is proposed to be made of Planck-length boson & fermion strings — two-dimensional entities vibrating in ten-dimensional space-time. Strings might be closed loops or open — and they must be stretched under tension to vibrate (excite). Unlike particle interactions which occur at a single point in space-time, strings collide over a small but finite distance. Strings vibrate in ten dimensions, six of which are tightly coiled in on an unmeasurably small scale and four of which are in conventional space-time. A variant known as membrane theory (M-theory, "branes" — multi-dimensional membranes) puts gravity in an eleventh dimension and points to an infinite number of solutions — implying (for some) an infinite number of universes."

This is not a game.
I just saw that in a video there were lyrics of another song besides the name of the song "Trism" So two songs. Only Pamela has the lyrics to the other song.