Receiving EMI

I assume it has a speaker? Clock Radio? It usually is down to one of the junctions between two points somewhere in there is behaving like a diode. Like the old "crystal" in an old cat's whisker as they were called way back when people used and made their own crystal sets and hung the headphones in a fruit bowl to "amplify" the sound so the whole family could listen to the latest offering from Carmen Miranda!;)
It isn't helped by poor design in most things now, lack of screening/shielding etc. PC speakers are notorious for receiving Short Wave stations.
Or is it just "hiss" ? noise produced by poorly designed audio stages are common. That is annoying if it is the case. Get a different clock is the easy answer of course.

You should be grateful the "WOODPECKER" has stopped- that used to drive us all totally bonkers Russian Woodpecker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia