The Chronovisor


Rift Surfer
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The Chronovisor

Have you heard the term "chronovisor" in a post and wondered to what it was referring? The chronovisor was an apparent invention by Father Pellegrino Ernetti, a Benedictine monk who wanted to tune into the past. Sources claim that he developed this method of viewing the past in the 1950's along side scientist Werner von Braun and physicist Enrico Fermi. As a result of its development, Father Ernetti claims to have witnessed the Christian Last Supper as well as Jesus' crucifixion. He even supplied a copy of what he states is an actual photo of Jesus on the cross and claimed it was a photo taken by the chronovisor. More information can be found in the links below as well as other places on the web.

Let's discuss.


This device is reported to be part mechanical and may have magnetic weights placed within it.I saw a picture of something that may have been this.You can make a mechanical magnetic set-up that generates electricity to power function of the time travel device.*( era of Eddison early electrical pioneers)

However' know that this is a very, very, complicated process.I guess similar to watch making.I don't know know of safety devices in this said of model, controls to make it go backwards or forwards into time, nor how many people that this said of machine can take on one jump?

The Catholic Church would be very secretive about this type of technology if they do possess something like this.When they tell you to keep the disclosure of this machine under wraps, they mean just that.Catholics can be funny about stuff, but good for them if they have one.

*Light technical inline with community asked standards disclosure, Pinter
