Preventing JT from becoming a dangerous CULT...


Are we ignoring you? Don't know really... I'm sure they are stationed lots of places beside the Pentagon.

You guys are just waaay too funny! Thanks for laughs! I guess I deserve it - I'm a bit of a jokester myself!

I'd like to get your serious response to my original post.
Tampa' It isn't a cult, in this forum it is always a possibility due to timelines being connected, but not necessarily always having the same content or output.

Where this started to have the sizing of a cult, was the old argument, when the disclosure of this information said that all out nuclear war was eminent.

People right then, we were forced to decide what they would do if faced with an eminent life and death threat.

Of course we all gauged our options, who wouldn't.

But at a later date, others in this forum, who are obviously handlers, tried to turn these words around to the point where it looked like all who followed the Titor story, were fanatical cult followers.

This was not the case.

Some like myself, don't want to survive after a nuclear holocaust.

The strontium 90 and cesium in the soil, would be so bad, that chances for survival would be very slim.

So it's best at the point when the reentry vehicles are coming into the U.S. to set up that lawn chair, get out the old mint julep and watch it happen.

You have about two seconds of viewing time, before your completely ash.

The rich and elite on the other hand think that they will survive this in flying colors.

The truth is they won't.

Trying to grow things, water issues and reproduction of cattle will have become a nightmare, so what's the sense in trying to hang around when you can sit observe and enjoy it and it will all be over in a second?

This brings other issues such as why we are not on the moon and Mars as of yet in order to shift the population burden?

Ahh' but yes, the aerospace engineer here, who deals mainly with airframes, is trying to get us to express our feelings in mathematical equations and is talking about fiscal responsibility at having to explore space so soon.

This reminds me of the movie the remake of the Time Machine, when the moon does blow-up because of the Teller method of nuclear mining.

If I were a normal alien, not one who preys on humans, I would never, never, land here.

This globe was blackballed during the latter part of the reign of Atlantis and if we do something so stupid as to nuke it again, then their heirs of those who once lived here, will be blackballed perminalty.

They won't be able to get the things they need, through offworld trade.

This is what the hidden powers that be, certainly don't want to hear.

Because you've crossed timelines with this garbage, then you've created the states of Titor being and not being true, all at the same time.

This is a forum, we can make what conjecture we want.
When I first heard of this John Titor stuff in December 2003, a female friend of mine and I were at Blockbusters and there was this movie Time Traveller or something like that.. so on a lark we checked it out.

The movie starts in approximately the 1880's era.. and with a straight face this main character teaches children that if there is a conflict between science and what is taught in the Bible, a "good scientist" disregards the science and goes by what the Bible says.

In a debate that is going on, this main character thinks it is okay to teach morality or good deeds outside of tying it in with the Bible everytime. Because of this, an outraged Christian summons this main character to his home where he sends this guy into the future to see the horrible future he has wrought... that we've become godless and all of that, all because of the idea of seperating morality from the Bible. This convinces the main character as he goes back in time to always teach morality as tied in with the Bible.. "You know who said it was wrong to steal? Jesus did!". As if to suggest that no one ever thought stealing was wrong until he came along! Anyone hear of Hammurabi's code?

My friend and I had NO idea this movie was gonna be like this.. we were waiting for the other shoe to drop, but... no. The people who made this movie.. believed in all of this unquestionably.

So, would you classify this kind of Christianity a cult?
Hi TampaUSA,

Hey, I like your style!

Ideology will get you everytime!

(I also want to include a caveat, that some of these cults or organizations may have had some suspicious ties and some were handled pretty poorly by the state.}

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Dear TampaUSA,

Re. Heavens Gate Cult

You wrote: " <font color="blue"> Another theory is that among UFO groups, there is a widespread belief that extra-terrestrials have no vocal cords, an atrophied digestive system and no s-exual organs. This is symbolic of three common religious disciplines: silence, fasting and celibacy. Perhaps Applewhite was attempting to emulate both the UFO inhabitants and ancient Christian tradition ."[/COLOR]

I have never heard that one before. Very interesting. I thought I had read most everything about UFO mythology.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Dear TampaUSA,

Re. Charles Manson Cult

You wrote: " <font color="blue">Charles Manson and the Family
Self-styled guru and leader of the 1960s religious cult the Manson Family, Charles Manson is a convicted serial k-iller who never actually killed any of his victims himself. I've toyed with the notion that this could be one of JT's goals.

I say WHOA! The power of suggestion can be a pretty powerful thing. Shouldn't we error on the side of caution? This is an internet forum. We do not see each other face to face, and in the absence of one on one contact, it is difficult to discern one's state of mind or culpability.

Please :oops:

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
I'd like to get your serious response to my original post.
I do appreciate the work you have done here, highlighting the fact that all too often, unfortunately, history does repeat itself. OTOH, if Natural Selection is real, then it needs various means to cull the weakminded elements that are unfit to survive. Such events as this could serve double purpose in this matter: Removing the weak-minded from the gene pool, and at the same time creating an event in the timeline of people who may be subject to the predatory nature of such cultist leaders. It is important to note that, just because we appear to have Free Will, that does not exempt us from Nature's laws and/or mechanisms.

People who continue to beat the John Titor drum, ignoring the "bad" and only accepting the "close" predictions, have some sort of agenda of their own. Just as these people will decry folks who look at the whole picture, and use reason, as "disinfo agents", so I feel free to assess that these people are "agents" in their own right...and perhaps agents of something much more sinister than what they attribute to government.

Kind Regards,
Dear CigSmokinMan,

I kind of had the same thought, only because Florida and Tampa have big time connections to CIA. But then again, you call yourself "CigSmokinMan"? What does that imply?

Something of interest to me (and gosh darn it, I wish I owned the book I read it in, so I could quote it directly) is that a number of CIA retirees have taken jobs at places like the "National Inquirer" etal. And as far as I know (again I would have to look it up for sure) those tabloids are published in Florida? Oh well.

I feel bad saying all of this without being able to directly site the material of which I derive this. I will try and find my sources for these statements, and do a posting then.

But, to the point, TampaUSA has presented a pretty well documented and articulated argument for caution of a JT cult. It was kind of creeping me out too. (Not TampaUSA's post, the flurry of contributions and whatall concerning John Titor).

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of
truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong

PLease note: I have edited this posting. I have changed the word "rags" to "tabloids". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
To all,

CigSmokinMan3 wrote:

<font color="blue"> And he just edited McDill 'AFB' out of his message. Something only a soldier would write.

Clearly, we have 'DIA' in the house.


What is that song????PARANOIA WILL DESTROY YA????????????


The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Dear RainmanTime,

I am sorry, but my reaction to this paragraph you wrote:

<font color="blue">I do appreciate the work you have done here, highlighting the fact that all too often, unfortunately, history does repeat itself. OTOH, if Natural Selection is real, then it needs various means to cull the weakminded elements that are unfit to survive. Such events as this could serve double purpose in this matter: Removing the weak-minded from the gene pool, and at the same time creating an event in the timeline of people who may be subject to the predatory nature of such cultist leaders. It is important to note that, just because we appear to have Free Will, that does not exempt us from Nature's laws and/or mechanisms.


made me sick to my stomach. "Culling" the weak-minded from the gene pool? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Is this really you writing this?

Hello All,

I am replying to my own post.

Which started as: <font color="blue"> I kind of had the same thought, only because Florida and Tampa have big time connections to CIA. But then again, you call yourself "CigSmokinMan"? What does that imply?


1. I didn't mean to imply everyone from Tampa is suspect as being some dark operative.

2. In someone's defense (and I am not exactly sure who's at this point. I got confused.) I often edit my replies or posts. Sometimes I post it, and then I realize I have made a mistake, or forgotten something, or misspelled something. I do not think editing your post is any reason to put someone in the penalty box.

(Note, I love the Einstein quote! Whoever it is that is posting it. Again, I am getting confused)

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif :oops: :D /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong

Did you pay attention to, and really understand what I meant when I wrote this:

It is important to note that, just because we appear to have Free Will, that does not exempt us from Nature's laws and/or mechanisms.
I'm sorry if I made you sick, but the entire human species seems to take a very elitist attitude towards other species as being "below" us. Nature does not play favorites. Nature also has no capacity to "feel sorry" for those who get caught up in a cultist's web of deceit. Nature is a very practical system, and with the understanding of what Chaos Theory really means to life in this universe, we are seeing just how well Nature's systems control populations. If Nature didn't take care of all these impressionable people, would YOU be the one willing to care for them so they don't continue to fall prey to those people who need others to worship them? Please don't think I am passing judgment, as I am doing nothing of the sort. I am simply pointing out that Nature has set-up death (of all species) to serve some greater purpose....a purpose which, as I am fond of pointing out, we really cannot "know" given our limited capabilities of direct perception.

The "human elitist" attitudes really amuse me sometimes. Such people who place humans "above" all other animals have really not taken time to study the deeper capabilities of even the simplest of animals. How is it that so many animals have (in documented cases) responded to the threat of a coming earthquake? But an even more mundane example: How is it that my dog can always sense when I am depressed, and act to give nothing other than that wonderful doggie comfort, as if to say "Don't worry, I still love you." Or: How can my dog distinguish between a stranger that means me no harm, and another stranger that has ill intent towards me?

No one can provide any evidence that we are "better" than any other natural species, and therefore there is no basis to assume Nature would treat us any differently. OTOH, there are MANY pieces of evidence to suggest we are "worse" than other natural species: war and religion both come to mind as examples that would tend to display that we don't "get" Nature, as animals have no need for war OR religion!

Kind Regards,
Hi RainmanTime,

It is good to hear from you.

Well, I think I did the read the paragraph carefully. And I think I understand the nature of evolution.

I guess my response is, just as long as you or someone else isn't doing the culling.

Lest we forget. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/cry.gif

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
i think rainmans idea of "culling" the weak minded is great idea. our world would benefit greatly from this.

the only problem is that if all the weak-minded were gotten rid of, i believe there wouldn't be many humans left...
Dear TampaUSA,

Re. Charles Manson Cult

You wrote: " Charles Manson and the Family
Self-styled guru and leader of the 1960s religious cult the Manson Family, Charles Manson is a convicted serial k-iller who never actually killed any of his victims himself. I've toyed with the notion that this could be one of JT's goals.

I say WHOA! The power of suggestion can be a pretty powerful thing. Shouldn't we error on the side of caution? This is an internet forum. We do not see each other face to face, and in the absence of one on one contact, it is difficult to discern one's state of mind or culpability.


My apologies. I was being pretty vague with my notion on this one. Serial killing was not one of JT's goals.
Allow me to nip this distortion in the bud right now:

i think rainmans idea of "culling" the weak minded is great idea.
I never stated this was an "idea", nor did I imply this should be "done" by people to other people. To correctly capture my observation: I simply pointed out that, if you believe Natural Selection, this would imply that NATURE has various means for removing the less-than-fit from the gene pool.

That is all,
Hello All,

I am replying to my own post.

Which started as: I kind of had the same thought, only because Florida and Tampa have big time connections to CIA. But then again, you call yourself "CigSmokinMan"? What does that imply?

1. I didn't mean to imply everyone from Tampa is suspect as being some dark operative.

2. In someone's defense (and I am not exactly sure who's at this point. I got confused.) I often edit my replies or posts. Sometimes I post it, and then I realize I have made a mistake, or forgotten something, or misspelled something. I do not think editing your post is any reason to put someone in the penalty box.

I seriously had no idea that Tampa had such a reputation.

Still, the jump from removing the AFB acronym and me being a DAI operative is a pretty large conclusion "leap."