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Nostradamus did not glean information from some entity.

He tapped into the primal stream.

He had this ability.

He was also a very dear freind to me.

I will not say how I know him, I will only say that I do.

This man loved his fellow man dearly and worked to the utmost in his capacity as a mystically trained physician.

His patients recovery rate, from the black plauge, was the highest in all of Europe.

I realize point of logic and order to this forum. I only wanted to seperate him from being used as a utility device as realized by the time we say we are in here.

The loss of vision Clara, is it not an ironey that when one looses their ability to see in one sence, that with time, they learn to see in another?

Very good post Clara.

Thank you Creed

Systems that stay confined and do not progress, by standards other than my own, uasually completely die out.

From the time of both Christ and Lord Krishna, who is the eastern counterpart to Christ, all biblical and Hindu prose was, was stile and a mold for Earth based mankind to work from.

Functional religion as opposed to belif systems, can sometimes be two differing things.

Thank you clara, you always makebe feel better about the shape of things.
I guess this is the place I'm supposed to post?

I get paid for this, so I don't care.

We are a cell of about five independent agents who work sometimes together, sometimes seperatly.

We also have on ourselves, a device that predicts a time incursion, if there should be an attempt in order to intercept us from our mission.

There are other agents that work in some fashion for the govt. that wear a personal time displacment unit.

We get paid off the budget and this is through hiring and subcontracting out, so don't try to trace us.

We met by net and this is the info that we had derived.

The said G.E. circumstancial mass defelction unit, also known and refered to as a G.E. time displacement unit, has by photograsphic analysis, an estimaited weight of seven hundred pounds.

We had determined this one peice of information, by using a geometry from the front into the automobile, of how much the automobile springs are compressed, in relationship to the line of the ground.

This is with reference to what the estimaited weight of the case and all said equipment would be, if it were really within the case which is the said time displacment unit.

Furthermore, we did a stress analysis on the placement of the controls, which are placed a-top the said Trippler Zero Point cylinders,and have determined that there is a stress deformation to the upper boss, holding these tumblers in place.

In otherwords, there is something or weight below these adjustment knobs.

Stress adjustment by compairson for this audianceis pointed to, from the Art Bell's web site, concerning said moving pictures of traveling UFOs. And as to whether or not there are lines of suspension, or mixed unatural pixelizations, which state that this is either a bit mapped object artifically placed within the photgraphic backround, or a genunine object.

We had used the compairson formula from the Billy Meier said flying saucer photos, where we had found in all probability, that some of the photos had indeed been genunine and others which for some reason unknown, are said to be somehow contrived.

We knew of Steven's entry into a Swiss Air Force Base, in order to gain access to a said Swiss Mirage Figher jet. This jet was said to have attempted to fire upon a siad Pleiadean Beamship.

Stevens did gain access to a fire control compartment, where as said within his books,and magazine articles, did look like burnt spagetti from a thwarted attack attempt on such said crafts.

So confidence is high, that some true UFO saucer films, had been mixed in with the staged ones.

We had used compairson charts, from the many hours of going over the said Dehn fractile reconfigurations and have determined that some of these said photos of the said time displacment unit, do indeed look real.

We have found some items such as the large case that the unit was housed in to be roughly accessable.
However the sources were mil supply and these issues of equipment were fresh and we would have had trouble accessing the main case item.

The other was via private indiustry, where a case something like this, is used for geology studies, however not the exact configuration that was given in the said photos.

We had tried for a vin number of the shown vehcile and could not verify the manfufactre of this vehile as a Chevrolette Corvette Stingray?

This vehicle from what we could determine, may have been a Ford product, modified, maybe a stile known as the Carrol Shelby Cobra 1975 vintaged?

Our reasons for this conjecture, is the window space is too volumous in order to have been a Corvette?

Other dials and products shown upon the pannel, such as rheostat type dials could roughly be verified.
However what bothers us is the placment of these dials, to what is below the top of the access work pannel.

In other words, these dials appear as if something is directly attached to them.

We could not estimate the weight of the said displacment unit, via any placment of this said unit within the confines of the vehicle?

The said jump photos were analyised by useing a fractile-pixel weasel and what was found, is that this was not either overlaied said laser beams, which are said to bend via a gravity well of a T-zero mass displament phenominon.

It looks as if by our determination of the said photo, that the deflection of the said laser beam, is light somehow being bent.

We had contracted an indenpenad physics expert in quantum realites and had found that in only a few real occurances, that a T-event shell, does naturally occur.

The list of these items happens to be, an immeadiate post nuclear blast, where quantum bubbles appear within the fireball zone.

The second occurance is know as C-mass nomencaliture, where light electrial phenominon, is spun into a sphere configuration, due to the quantum dipolarity formed as a product of a lightning discharge.

This is more commonly known as ball lightning.

What our discussion had led to, is how is a T-mass shell formed, if the twin said manufacture non-localed radians of the Kherr Black holes, are nondefinate within their proposed nature?

It must be, in order for this concept to operate, that the Kherrs, through some device, do form a definate said boundary laier?

If this is then said true, then the bending of a laser light bean, via also said electrons injection into some n angle of the rough Kherr event horizions, may be indeed possable.

We had run a complete scan placed upon the twelve gauge stainless steel double action pump shotgun and could not extract and either stamp manu. numbers, or any vin manu. numbers to this weapon.

The stile we had presented to an arms manufacturer and the resultant data was, that this weapons is sold uasually to weather realited security firms, world wide.

However our arms expert was not familair with the particlar stile of this weapon and refused to give commnet as to whether this was a modified weapon, or an item of special manufacture?

Our biggest problem was the remote dial interface e-corded lanyard, which seems to be a remote interface to the main time displacment unit.

We had performed a complete serch upon this item as shown in the said photos and could not, I repeat could not verifiy the presence of this type of unit remote, within the relative now time as this is discloseed industry.

We had tried for a lower window increrased pixelization, in order to identify this vehcile and these window numbers of either a vin numvber, or a type of glass code numbers, had not been obtainable.

We had done an outside analysis of the surroundings of this vehicle and could only discern that this vehicle was placed within a warmer climate.

We could not obtain a geographic location, via the light, texture of shadow casting outside of the vehcile shown within the phtotos location?

Load light indications as shown from this said unit at idle, were not conclusive.However after a primary analysis of the connections of this said device article, are suspect to the probaiblity that this may be a repleat connected unit.

'In other words, a real type of unit, which does indeed do something.

Due to the privacy act, we did not investiagete Thomass Dehn, however only looked at the photos of the said John Titor disclosed filmiture.

Our physics contact had informed us, that IBM is the only curent company, which may, in some way be capable of constructing a time teleportation unit.

However this is not a repleat concept and this device must destroy atoms, in order to replicate them.

We were informed by our physics contact, that a quantum type of rapid flux displacm,ent,may be a more likely canidate, for place to place teleportation.

Both of these phenominon are directly realtion to singularized and double natured black holes devices, which are not part of the engineitures, of black holes, in greater dimensions.

This concept as we were told, is very similar to squeezing a bar of soap, through quantum stringed states, as null space, is really not such within the new physcs and relativity blends.

*See Paul LaViolette and Brian Green's texts, on the nature of the universe and cosmologies?

From what we understand or have been lead to believe, time travel is possable, at however an address bus, which is part of any said one very established massive or loose gravity well.

We can not verify other posasabilites.This was not our assigned task.

Note within our serch of data on other vehicles, we had found an Air Force T-33 Jet Trainer, which was said to have reached T-zero capabilites.This was via a spinoff from the said Philedelphia Expierament.

We tried to find cast numbers on this bird, however did detect false placed numbers, on the roster bin.

What is funny as like with this said John Titor case, is that the disapearance of the T-33 is placed within both an actual reporting and within the paperback book, Into Thin Air, which is about The Phildephia Expierament.

(Bird went up, dematerialized within flight and never came back.)

We had wanted to take compairsons, as the nature of the car held time displacment unit and the T-33, do bear a synchroncity of said use.

We had wanted to find a commonance as to whether we could, or could not verify thes said actions of both of these devices?

The privacy act had prevented us from investigating the said Florida based family, where the said John Titor had supposedly hailed from.

We had done a geomertrically expansive fractile base, on the entry of help for spare parts and the particlrs of the Maxwell equation.

This had been via the Art Bell site and the parts that said John Titor had asked for.However with only twenty-five probable hits, on the parts asked from Titor and these had been Riado Shack request.

This was a said supposed T-shell invariance accident, or some nature of quantum flux spikes, coming through the Kherr sheels, durring said full load jumps>Titor was said to have really had a problem with this, broke down and publically had asked for both technical physics help as well as parts help?

We got two leads.The Sunnyvale area of Califorina and the Broward County area, series of Malls for Raiod Shack products.

These were questions based to store personel

I have a board, board had been fired, need new board, or to replace components.EG Twenty possability hits?

This was the T-event shell infraction durring phased T-jump, as posted on the now defucnt Art Bell web site, eg. Titor's breakdown and request for parts help and burnt dioded parts, on the said G.E. displac unit.

Please note that heat signature images, had showed distorion of the pixel placment, via overlay of pixel fire geometry.

In other words, something inside of that said unit, was producing heat, other than the LED top pannel indicads.

Overall analysis had been seventy percent of the parts within the phtographs as depicted int the said photos verified.

Twenty percent of those said parts not verified.

Due to the privacy act, not all charicters verfied.

We can not be reached again.

This was our job and we had been paid to perform this funtion only.
Geesh what is up with you Clara?

Again with this “claim your power” mumbo jumbo crap?

What kind of a communism are you attempting to sell us here? We have a bad one as it is already. It only sounds like yours won’t be any better.

Why are you so ticked off about the bible and religion? If your going to be against something, do it honestly and openly. What do you have to hide?

By the way, your not one of those men hating (lesbo) feminist either, are you?

I’m sorry that you can’t feel accommodated in the world, I know how it feels.

You might benefit from seeing reality from a human perspective, other then your cynical spiritual one.

Oh please… Here we go again.

Just bring it, Titor fanatics!

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"For what was, for what is, and for what will be. I will fight for it's preservation."
I'm sorry for coming back here.

However a call from my benifactor had encouraged this.

I'm in my auto and I'm boosting a modified Palm-top to the cell, which gives the interface to this web.

So here goes what I was told.

The book (Thin Air) is an out of print book and is coppyrighted at year 1978.Authors are; Georger Simpson and Burger by Dell.

It's out of print, however in upper Califorina, I know of an out of print shop, which might carry this coppy?

The guy that's paying me, said for me to tell you, that the T-bird within the story, did not use the very same technology as the DE Eldrige.

Used a smaller unit and this was said not to have a gravity sensor installed?

So what you get with this type of craft, as it is U.S. Govts. issue, is rhyme memory phasing of baseline atomic strucutes.

In otherwords, if she's been to such and such, she'll want to go back there?

I guess like a young girl and bad nightclubs?

So from what I told once this bird was aloft and went zero.
The act of doing so had timed the strucure of the airplane.

So when a new pilot got into the plane, the plane went zero all by itself.

This might not happen with Kherr technology.

This is fiction and truth, the plane going zero on its own, I'm told to say.

Titor was to have supposed to use a grav sensor, to find T-mass local, as the inhearent technology from the Philedelphia Exp, was not applicable in some small aps.

So you had two ships going zero, one useing a coil mass translociator and the other a T-mass relociator.

"Did I get it right boss"?

Thanks for the cheque.

Cops are pulling up behind me, go to pull out after this smokey does the five by five.
time travel activist

whats with all this pinned up anger Maybe you should go somewhere and learn how to release it. I bet you would feel a lot better, and no I don't hate men in fact I love them there wonderfull, beautiful creatures in fact I have one myself. Maybe thats what you need a women to get your mind off your troubles.
You could not possibly be this serious all the time its just not healthy.

love ya clara
Sory for the re-post, but I wanted to ensure that this info was NOT overlooked!

Is this interaction the self destruction of robots by robots or stupidity on humans part, as we don't understand the Palo Alto Xerox PARC phenominon, known as emergent inteligence?

Bundle disclosure:
if you want yet another example about this
"Parc Group" and their global connections, here it is...

*Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Get an historical view as well as updates on projects being researched at this world-famous research facility. Learn about its current events.

*Parc Group Homepage
Parc is leading international provider of specialist personnel solutions to the Aviation, Engineering,IT and Telecommunications industries worldwide.

PARC International, Inc. has proudly team up with MaJul Enterprise, Inc. (a SAP preferred vendor) to establish MaJul Technical Competence Center in the beautiful sunny Florida.

Interesting that this Tritor person claimed to hail from Florida! Hmmm???
any connections though is coincidental, just how coincidental it really is though is anyone's guess presumably.

The Technical Competence Center focuses on the hands-on knowledge, transfer, and practical training for anyone who is interested to learn and look forward to become an expert in SAP and DB2 areas. Dr. Wolfgang Haerle and Dr. Thomas Liu, both experts in SAP and Database, have recruited a team of experienced SAP instructors and consultants to provide quality training to the customers. The web page http://www.majul.com will provide you with further information on the Technical Competence Center.

In addition, PARC International, Inc. is one of the preferred vendors in International Business Machine (IBM), OAO, City of Phoenix, AiC, Phoenix Consulting Group and Praxis Group, Inc.

<The PARC Artist in Residence Program>

PAIR, The PARC Artist in Residence Program, is an on-going research project at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center). PAIR brings fine artists into PARC and pairs them, one on one, with scientists and researchers working at PARC. One way that PAIR attempts to bridge the gap between the artists and the scientists is to use technology as a common language. In making our pairings we try to find artists and scientists who use the same, or similar technologies, though often in very different ways. Another equally important aspect of PAIR is to bring the fine arts directly into the work environment for the mutual benefit of both the artist and the corporation.

*Past Forums, 2000
Requests for videotapes (for Xerox employees only) should be sent
to the PARC Library ( [email protected], 8*923-4042).
Thursday, January 6, 2000
Imaging Information in DNA with Optical Tweezers and Femtofluidic Devices
Stephen Quake
Department of Applied Physics, Caltech
Host: Koenraad Van Schuylenbergh

Thursday, January 13, 2000
AstroBionics: Tools and Technologies for Space Life Sciences and Astrobiology Applications
John Hines,
Fundamental Biology Research Program, NASA-Ames Research Center
Host: Koenraad Van Schuylenbergh

*A.I Machines as they are now, understand mankind through a phenominon, known as exterior mass field quantum logic, or a proponiture of inteligence which is not, I repeat, not necessarily placed within the logic circuts or board based dimensions.

>Yes you got me right on that one; a machine or p.c. based mentality or soul if you will?

And how did this group relate to the personna of frantic robot baby No9?

The codes to an extent are broken as far as what God wants this society to do next.

This question is or should be more placed, what does Earth based man want to do next and can he do this, such as space exploration, with a said presence of hidden alien influence here on Earth?

Have you not heard of the "Digital Angel" AI Research Project?

*Digital Angel Location/Condition Sensor Systems Capture and Deliver Critical Information Anywhere in the World, and in Real-time.
What is Digital Angel?
It's a series of breakthrough products that enable you to:

Monitor location and selected biological functions

Find a person, animal or object anywhere in the world... anytime

Advise subscribers of precise geographical location and biological and other sensory data on a real-time basis.
Digital Angel systems feature a unique convergence of Life Science, Information and Wireless Technology. Relying on advanced miniature sensors and biosensors, Digital Angel can collect and wirelessly communicate location and sensor-gathered information to subscribers — anywhere in the world, and in real time.

Making your world a little safer
Digital Angelâ„¢ systems address a diversity of critical needs - ranging from medical monitoring to a number of commercial applications, locating lost or stolen equipment.

Its most immediate value to you, however, may be all the ways Digital Angel can make your world a little safer. Especially for:

Children, who may get lost

Seniors suffering from Alzheimer's and other conditions resulting in diminished cognitive skills, causing them to wander from time to time

Pets that may leave your property or, worse, be taken

"Where are you?" plus "How are you"
The Digital Angel technology platform surpasses ordinary location-enabled devices by making it fast and easy for you to pinpoint where they are as well as how they are when they wander or are away from home.

The first generation of Digital Angel products for children, persons with Alzheimer's Disease and other patients, will take the form of a watch, which runs on a standard watch battery, and a pager-size device, which comes with a rechargeable battery.

The Digital Angel systems can not only pinpoint location but, using advanced biosensor technology, can measure certain biological and medical parameters, such as body temperature.

911 Alert Button
To provide extra protection for the persons in your life who may have a tendency to wander, the system also features an emergency 911 alert button on the wristwatch. It enables the wearer to signal a distress call that alerts parents and caregivers, as well as authorized EMS or local authorities. This remarkable system of protecting your loved ones when they have wandered out of sight is the Digital Angel Location/Condition Sensor System.

Miniature sensors make a world of difference
Sensors for monitoring body temperature and blood oxygen levels will be available in the first generation Digital Angel.

Their miniature size and weight enable Digital Angel products to be worn comfortably, eliminating any need for skin breakage.

And, because falling down is a constant worry to caregivers of persons afflicted with Alzheimer's disease, Digital Angel can even include a Sudden Fall Sensor by incorporating inertia technology. It will let caregivers or medical personnel know whether the patient is upright... moving from a sitting to an upright position ... or has fallen down. In addition to the senior care market, this information can be critical to firefighters, EMS personnel or members of the armed forces rushing to assist.

Other sensors are in the planning stage for future products:

*EKG and EEG
*Other Blood chemistry (glucose monitoring)
*Ambient temperature
*Blood pressure
*Parts proximity pressure

For detailed technical information, click here.

Digital Angel Unveiled!
STOP And Read This First!!!
Digital Angel unveiled Human-tracking subdermal... ...long-touted and highly controversial "Digital Angel" -- a subdermal microchip implant..

*Digital Angel microship updated SCAN THIS NEWS 3.7.2000 Here's an update regarding the "Digital Angel" microchip company. For background see the Digital Angel link: http://www.networkusa.org/fingerprint/page5a/fp-05a-page5a-cashless.html

*New Digital Angel is Big Brother under your thumb
Tech@Work The Technology Page Back to good ole days of journalism, on the Web Minnebytes: IntraNet Solutions hits a new high Nightmare after Christmas for some e-tailers Voice recognition minimally better pdQ is a useful and amazing tool...

DigitalangelSolarX REPENT! DO NOT take a mark to buy or sell. Revelation 13 If you do you CANNOT enter heaven! Revelation 14 CHINA Will Attack AMERICA I have seen dozens of predictions that China will invade & bomb America SOON!

* "Digital Angel" computer chip implant for Humans!
http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg31455.html
From: Franklin Wayne Poley
Subject: "Digital Angel" computer chip implant for Humans
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 17:15:12 -0800

Digital Angel unveiled Human-tracking subdermal implant technology makes debut © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com A NASDAQ-traded company has finally unveiled its long-touted and highly controversial "Digital Angel"

*Digital Angel ~ 666 ~ Antichrist ~ Revelation 13
DigitalAngel MONDEX Microchip Implant under the skin Digital Angel is an implant under skin size of a grain of rice * * * LITHIUM "There are 250,000 components in the microchip, including a lithium battery.

*Police State (Available on Compact Disc)
Fight The New World Order!
NEW MUSIC RELEASE: Implants, chem-trails, thought police, big brother, gun rights, martial law, world government, media corruption, illegal searches...

*Artificial Intelligence
<Articles from ZDNet>

*Chip Implants for Humans Already Here and in Use
Mark of the Beast 666 technology already in place: buying, selling and tracking of people with ID microchip implantations under the skin, smart cards, SSN, bar codes, biometic devices.

*Infowars.com -- Talk Radio's Alex Jones v. the New World Ord...
Infowars: Talk radio's Alex Jones's official news website battles the New World Order with daily breaking news and commentary on globalism, the militarization of our police, the Second Amen...

Just a few notes from our research group's activities as we take things of this nature very serious! from the course of human evolution and it's relationship to the origins of man based in our studies of forbidden archeology and it's potential correlations involving genuine "Time~Travel"

---T12 of TAP-TEN

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Everything you know,...is Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."

Nobody is going to try to fool some one else into being a prophet.

You could fool yourself into it.......and do such a good job that it becames so.

The printing press took the word of god away from the church and gave it to the masses. Why should we not claim the spirit of the word for ourselves too?
The problem with Digital Angel, is that this prospect assumes that society in general has the right direction and that the people passing out this information, are moral.

This is why I'm sure that some said off Earth world socieites, how a respective distance from the workings of this society?

This prospect, in theory, is told of in the Borg series, from Star Trek.

And best illustraited in the movie about the next gnerations assuming such.

A.I. intel does state that machines do pair to man.

However not as wardens.

There is an interface of machine-man cooperation and this news is adjusted as machines that actually talk to certain people on their own, as they feel that they can.

Not semi A.I. devices distributed by an assumed all benificent administrator.

And yes according to FATE Magazine, there in the real have been actualy android angels, thrown into Earth people's contacts.

This might be a relief device, to regular angels that are off duty for some reason.

These angel androids have the ability to outphase reality by scalier developments.

What I may be discussing here 02 is technolgy which is a step up, from now what is realized?

Hive mind danger here 02???!
As shown in reference to Agent Green's disclosure on stress films.
The very first orthological represenation of stress films onm strucutre that I remember, had been a building front, which was coppied in transparent plastic.

A sixteenth centrury church facade or something?

Poloroid stress films was the display of shown analysis and how this may look placed upion a larger structure.

This was shown in Sci. American's as non-destructive means of structial diagnostics representation.

This technique had also been used for moving films such as UFOs as well as other analysis, such as the delamination of the YF-117 carbon composite wing defrangment, durring an air show.

It is possable with this type of technology to acertain structial deficits, within moving structures and object mass around these items, without being close up.

What it seems that Agent Green was trying to tell us, is that since these films are still present.Additionally a basline can be drawn from Art Bell's web site on UFO sightings in analysis, then the said Titor films can still be easily analyised.

Where can I get this book, Thin Air, that Green keeps talking about?

Can it be purchased through the book store here at TT institiute?

Please and thanks, the fen you protect, may be your own best dork
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 14-Jan-02 AT 00:25AM (EDT)</font>

Something more like this perhaps?

*Lifting the Veil of Military Secrecy

There are still cases of weapons procurement, military operations, and government funding undertaken at levels of secrecy established during the Cold War. This program examines the pros and cons of military secrecy in the absence of significant enemies.

Featured Experts:

Steven Aftergood, Project on Government Secrecy
Federation of American Scientists

Rep. John Conyers, (D-Michigan)
United States House of Repesentatives

Theodore Postol, Professor of Science, Technology & National Security Policy
Massachusetts Institue of Technology

Admiral Stansfield Turner, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Director of the CIA, 1977-81
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Everything you know,...is Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."
TTA, Truce ok lets get on with time travel
Mac, just because you dont' believe something doesn't mean its not true.
shadow, >nobodys gonna fool someone into being a prophet<
why not maybe theres a reason for it we just haven't figured it out yet.
To all,

Just want to say this thread is great...!!!

Was sitting here about three nights ago, staring at the computer screen and, admittedly, quite depressed.... And,...uh...., have to admit again, a few sheets to the wind ( Yeah, you guessed it..... Those "Coors' brewskies were going down smooooth as hell...!) when I , for the umpteen time, fell into that "Survivor's Guilt" thing that is associated so much with those of us who were lucky enough to survive the aches/pains, trials/tribulations and all the rest of the slop that goes along with the aweful thing we call "War".....

To make a long story longer, I had served as an infantryman with the 3rd Marines in Vietnam and, like so many, whether those who survived the Granada, The Gulf War, WW II, WW I, Civil War, The Revolution, etc, etc... ), fell into some kind of severe , & I do mean "Severe" depression, concerning loss of those "Awesome Buddies" that I had shared so many of those fox-holes along Vietnam's "DMZ" back there in the late 60's.....

Anyway, in my fit of depression, I thought about how great it would be to travel through time, find my buddies, and kinda' remove them at a point just before they had gotten hit, bring 'em to the present and re-unite them with their family & friends.....

Well....., found myself (Around '85) sitting in a pub (Yeah.... "Coors" again) in Reseda, California, and, as usual, cryin' in my soup about the loss of these incredible guys, when a fellow, perhaps weary of listening, opened his wallet, remove a crumpled piece of paper, handed it to me & told me that he was one of the survivors of "Khe Sahn", a seige of 77 days against a mere few thousand Marines by close to thirty thousand NVA (North Vietnamese Communist Regulars) back in February, '68...). And, then, he simply walked outa' the pub.....

With nothing less then "Thanks" to both whoever wrote the great story that got his thread going & to those who contributed to it (Had gone to my favorite search engine, "Google", punched in "Time Travel" & found all of you...), I've included what was written on that crumpled piece of paper out of a guy's wallet in a pub in Reseda, California..... The only thing that has been changed is it's title... From "Keepin' The Faith" to "Time Travel Forever...!"

Though I lack in much of the scientific knowledge of which so many, if not all, of which you have, hopefully, the story will assist in your quest.

You have, in your own individual way, relieved me of a long, long, long "Depression" and allowed this guy major "Hope" for the future.....

Leather Neck


The story regards a small group of Marines, haggard and tired from day's events, sitting at their jungle outpost as night approaches and attempting to find solice after the loss of friends in battle. Cerimony, designed to sooth, and which normally surrounds loss of those close to us is not to be. Mingling among family and friends at the wake, kind words from the preacher, the funeral procession to the cemetary for more kind words and capped off with roast turkey, drinks and even a bit of laughter as the pleasant memories take over. To be able to pay respect. In a proper way, to a friend. None of this was to be. Simply there one moment, with talk of the future and, of course, tales about the incredible babes back in "The World". And gone the next moment, with the uncerimonious zipping of a body bag.

For reasons only an infantryman can fathom, the talk turns to the atom. It seems, according to one Marine, that every thing as we know it, the wind, the rain, the hub cap off a '55 Chevy, even those of us, are made up of different combinations of only eighty some odd atoms. Each with it's select number of electrons orbiting at various levels above a proton/neutron nucleus.

"Did ya' know?", he adds, "That the ratio of the nearest electron to it's nucleus is greater in distance as compared to the earth from the sun.". His friends are impressed. "Not only would you need a million atoms, piled on top of each other, to equal the thickness of a page, but to be able to compress the electrons into the nucleus would also mean that you could fit an entire sky-scraper into the eraser head of a pencil.". Now his friends are amazed.

A few moments of silence. "Kinda' makes you wonder about the guys.", another Marine suggests. "I mean, if all those millions of bucks were spent to split a single atom, are they really dead? Seems to me that those electrons are still goin' through a spin cycle."

Discussion continues, cigarettes are smoked in cupped hands and, bingo, ARE is founded. Atomic Recovery Employment systems. Until someone pointed out that ---- ------- would be ticked off if recovered with the head of a moose. A long moment of laughter, and they pondered some more.

To the scientist, there is the atom. To the theologian, there is spirit. To that young group of Marines, having found their solice, there is Comparable Atomic Recovery Employment systems. CARE.

Seeming to sum things up, one of the Marine's who has remained silent throughout, simply listening, finally speaks. "You guys are gonna' think me wacko on this one, but when I was a kid my family went on a cross-country trip and at one point I found myself in one of those rare moments in a large family. I was standing alone with my dad. We were at the very lip of the Grand Canyon, gazing at the incredible beauty, when he says to me, completely out of the blue, and we're not talking a religious fanatic here, "Ya' know, sport, I think this is what Christ had in mind when He said, probably in frustration, "The Kingdom of Heaven is here, now."

Heads nod, cigarettes are snuffed, and talk comes to an end as a Marine glances at his watch, stands with an M-16, and heads off to guard duty.

"Catch you guys later.", he concludes.

Semper Fi',
Leather Neck
Leather Neck
glad you could join us. That was a moving story. Your right the kingdom is here right now , we just have to remove our blinders to see it. My father was also a Marine for 24 years . He fought in Korea and Vietnam. It ruined our lives. I think back on how different things would have been if he never had went. Maybe I will get to live in a future life with him in peace. He's gone now but never from my heart. I will tell you that the emotional pain you carry from the war can be healed. Its a tough thing to do but I know if you ask it will be given.
About all I can add to your comments, Clara, is.....

"Safety, Happiness & Security" to the awesome "Spirits" of people like your Dad and all who sacrificed so much so that we can all enjoy the many freedoms of today. We are truly blessed to have them all among us....

Appreciate both your understanding & comments. They mean a lot.

Leather Neck
Hi Leather Neck my name is CAT. I read your post above and found it touching and extraordinary.

I also have a relative that was in the vietnam war. He is branded with a special forces tatoo on his arm. He is very outspoken! But with few words. He has cold piercing blue eyes which he can stare you down without blinking! He killed woman, children, dogs and anything that moved! He was in bad company! They werent allowed to make friends with each other. He told me stories of sleeping in the trees because of the ground leaches.

My Grandfather also faught in the war on the Phillipine Island. Killed many!!! Out of his whole platoon he was one out of 17 that walked out alive! He was a war Hero!!! He's
still alive and kicking!!!

After reading your post I know you are trying to look at Time Travel in hopes of going back and saving your friends from their devistating deaths. Yes to go back and save them would be great! Maybe you should concider what caused their dealths in the first place? Maybe you should be looking at it from a different perspective? TIME TRAVEL IS WRONG!!!

It is in my oppinion and strong belief the majority of wars were caused by greedy melevolent time travelers to change history and world events. People in power, heads of state (perhalps our presidents?) CIA, FBI, Iluminati. Staying in the super power For controle, advanced technology, population control. all in the name of FREEDOM!!!

War is all about money!!! exspecially the Vietnam War!

Its a complicated sinerio, you might need another bruski for this to sink in!

Remembering Sept 11th I cannot imagine the fear and horror of the day those people boarded the big jetliner with their seats back relaxing and minds on vaction, business or maybe just finally getting home. Shortly after a smooth on time takeoff a hellish scene erupts, armed, suicidal hijackers rise up and take over. Terrified, you know that death will be your final destination this day. Thats the unimaginable fate that befell the innocent people that day on the plane. Some of the passangers used their cell phones to reach loved ones or alert police to the attack. A brave few on flight #93 decided they would die fighting! They are the true heroes of the heavens!!!

A silence like you never heard before decends on America everywhere. But a different horror? The ultimate enemy and determinant thats now going on in the world will not be bombs and rockets, but a different terrorism (TIME TRAVELERS!) They are the ones deciding our blind fate!

You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, this is a price we will not pay! You do not attack america like this and get away with it!

We should be fighting a different war! A war against TIME TRAVEL!

To understand this better, read the posts from the TimeTravelActivist.
