Timelines Are Meaningless In An Infinite Universe

I guess I'm waking up a 2 year old forum.
I have an aporetic question. (That's the best-fit word I could come up with in that I am skeptical of my own question)

I've been reading some old posts concerning multiple universes and multiple time lines. There is no way to prove or disprove the assertion but;
If there were an "infinite" number of time lines or universes would that set the probabilities to "1" that any event would occur since every possible event will occur with infinite chances of occurrence?
Or, would probabilities then be used to make the observation, will an event occur in the universe or time line we are in?
It has been a long time since my probabilities and statistics class and I can't recall how to deal with an infinite set. A bell curve or something.
Kind of off the wall but it makes me wonder none the less.
If there were an "infinite" number of time lines or universes would that set the probabilities to "1" that any event would occur since every possible event will occur with infinite chances of occurrence?

Not necessarily. The probability of "1" for a set of possibilities assumes a single system or a number of overlapping systems.

The many worlds interpretation of QM is very clear on the point that the created universes do not share the same spacetime. They are completely disconnected and cannot communicate with each other (they do not share the same Hilbert space). What occurs in one has no causal relationship with the others. With no causal relationships you can't simply add the outcomes for events together, compare that number with the probability curve in your own universe, especially when an infinity of outcomes lay completely outside the realm of your own reality, and come to the conclusion that the sum equals "1".

And this assumes that the proposed universes are real and not alternative outcomes as defined by points on a probability distribution that never come to pass.

It has been a long time since my probabilities and statistics class and I can't recall how to deal with an infinite set.

Infinite sets are actually pretty easy to deal with. We deal with them every day even if we don't think about it.

Take a one inch line. How many points are on that line? Infinite. Divide the line in half, divide the half in half, keep dividing each segment in half. Its infinite. Add up the length of each segment. You have an infinite number of segments. Each segment has a finite and well defined length. Yet if you add up all the infinite number of segments, each with a real length, the number will approach but be less than one inch (less than because you still have a segment left over that can, itself, be divided an infinite number of times). In short, you've just added together an infinite number of finite lengths yet the magnitude of the outcome is very much short of infinite.

Its infinite but not difficullt to visualize or understand.
Thanks again Darby.
The first part of your reply clears up what I was trying to think of but couldn't quite grasp. (and why I said I was skeptical of my own question)
The second part still makes me dizzy. As a biology major I worked with probabilities and statistics a lot but they were, for the most part, finite sets of data as in Mendelian inheritance and population distribution statistics. While I am open to new ideas my brain still likes to follow a simpler logical path. There is a term for that I just can't recall. (Tip of my tongue thing)
I really appreciate what you do here Darby and thanks.