Topics Limited to 11 Pages?

"As I’m sure Pamela can tell you, my email system is made up of quite a few addresses, locations and computers. Some of them work better than others and for a period of time, I have been unable (in my own way) to get to this site."

Yes, I can verify this.

I think just because he couldnot get to this site for awhile was no excuse to attack him for not answering your questions.

I have been over to Art Bells board and really don't see any thing there that goes against what he said here. seems the same to me with some extra things.

Being skeptical is one thing... blaming and accusing is another.

I wouldnt blame him if he didnt want to post here anymore.

Borgus-you say he is uninterested in us. but he did supply a bunch of questions to us that only THREE people out of this whole board even answered! he wanted to know very much how you felt about these things but none of you answered him. yet.. you expected him to continue to answer YOUR questions.

thats not give and take..thats just all take.

and THAT my friend, is selfish.

I don't know if he is really a Time traveler or not. I have seen more and know more than all of you about this. which makes my decision harder.

I have considered all things... I am skeptical but I am also keeping all things in mind.Alot of good points were brought up on both sides.

I have decided skeptism is healthy for everyone.

I do know one thing though....he is a human being. And everyone deserves to be treated with respect as a human being. timetraveler or not.

By the way, I will be gone for about a week and will have no computer access where I am going. I just wanted to mention that so if anybody asks me a question and I don't answer... you will know why and I won't be unneccesarily attacked by anyone.


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2 things TT_0.

1. I was right about you coming back just in time. How convenient.

2. You can't spot when someone makes a sarcastic comment.

You truly do intend to move things to your side of things don't you? Just look at the way you speak.

Hey I saw "Left Behind" the movie. You seem to be pulling the same trick the Anti-Christ pulled at the end.

I won't tell the ending, but it's a great movie, you should all watch it.

By the way TT_0, you know what a "Machiavilli" is and does?

Here's a hint, just what your doing.

-Javier C.

"For what was, for what is, and for what will be. I will fight for it's preservation."
2 things TT_0.

1. I was right about you coming back just in time. How convenient.

2. You can't spot when someone makes a sarcastic comment.

You truly do intend to move things to your side of things don't you? Just look at the way you speak.

Hey I saw "Left Behind" the movie. You seem to be pulling the same trick the Anti-Christ pulled at the end.

I won't tell the ending, but it's a great movie, you should all watch it.

By the way TT_0, you know what a "Machiavilli" is and does?

Here's a hint, just what your doing.

-Javier C.

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Thanks Pamela

I see that some of us can't take criticism as well as others
Thanks Pamela

I see that some of us can't take criticism as well as others

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Dear Deviper,

This is quite possible. However I am basing my physics on the apparent nature of light as focused through a convex lense.

The focusing light through a convex lense we increase the number of thermal photons at a given space of focus thus increasing the temperature.

It is unconventional to try to focus sun light to a singularity which would increase the temperature to infinity on account that it would require on infinitly large convex lense.

However a magnetic field if focused to a singularity would increases to infinity as the energy density of the field increases to infinite as the field is focused to a singularity.

This enables an infinite electrical output.

My basis is that by compressing one part of the magnetic field the other part stretches like the magnetic field were a fabric.

This is all macro-physical in nature but built of micro-physical entities.

By stretching molecular entities or atomic entities horizontally one decreases the energy density vertically by increasing the space-time density horizontally. This results in the compression of space on a horizontal level and a decompression of energy on the horizontal line.

The energy density on the vertical level remaining the same gravitates to occupy the space-time within horizontal line which is why when one stretches a rubber band the molucules along the horizontal axis expands to the left and right while the molecules that are along the vertical axis of the rubber band gravitate toward the center of the band thus making the rubber band thinner.

There is more to this mathematically. For the density to space-time ratio for vertical measure is unchanged by the expansion of the rubber band along the horizontal axis.

The expansion of the band along the horizontal axis results in the relative increase of the density of space which reestablishes the definition of the borders of the quantity of rubber along the horizontal axis which changes the numbers in the equation S=1/e^2 for the horizontal axis in such a manner as to acentuate the decrease in relative size of the length of the band vertically by the increase in length of the rubber band.

So although the density of the rubber band along the vertical axis does not change,that is, the overall density ratio S=1/e^2 for the vertical length of the band does not change but is lesser when campared with the density ratio S=1/e^2 for the horizontal plane.

This explains why the density of a rubber band or any quantum material does not increase along the vertical length when stretched along the horizontal length. Sh=1/e^2, h=2 for horizontal. Sv=1/e^2, v=2 for vertical. (this is the mathematical representation for a circle using my new theory).

I appologize I will have to finish this later on acount that I have run out of time.

Take care,

Edwin G. Schasteen
Dear Deviper,

Yes According to modern theory as far as I know that it would take an infinite amount of energy to pry apart a hadron. Of course the way that this is stated is that it is impossible to pry apart hadrons.

This is speculative in that the scientists assume that no infinite amount of energy could be generated. However I beg to differ. The way my device will work is a fluke of the machanical setup.

By torqueing the field one compressed the field at a perpendicular angle and stretches the field at the parallel angle. By stretching the field in a vertical direction while simultaneously compressing the field in a horizontal angle the kenetic forces applied allow for the compression to be countered by the stretching such that the distribution of the field that propogates parallel is redistributed to propagate perpindicular while simultaneously the portion of the magnetic field that propagates perpendicular is redistributed to propagate parallel.

This creates a shearing force that reaches a critcal stage at the point that the field is constriced to bear the topology of an hourglass at 180 degrees of torque. Torqueing beyond this will pry a gap in the field because greater then infinite(or the upper limit) energy is applied in a given instant at a given point allotting the necesary work ( in watts I think) to pry apart the hadrons thus causing the splitting of hadrons or better yet fission of energy releasing ungodly amounts of energy.

Think of it like this when one splits a mass at the molecular level a small explosion accurs. When one splitts a mass at the nuclear level a very large explossion accurs. When one splitts mass at the energy level an even larger amount of energy will be released.

Edwin G. Schasteen

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It appears you are coming around to the classic "Double Slit" experiment. (Please correct me if I am wrong.)

In the original, the patterns produced on a projection surface originating from a single light source and subsequently passed through two verticle slits produces an interference pattern on that same projection surface that was not easy to explain to the first observers if this phenomena.

It became even more seemingly paradoxical when polarized lenses were applied in 90 degree out of phase configuration much in the same manner we use the same configuration to resolve 3-D images on the motion picture screen. (But of course 3-D film is constructed this way in the first place so we can use this method to resolve it. (Eqrly-mid 20th century Technology, circa 1939 or so.)

Again, please correct me if I'm wrong.


If what you say could poissibly work out, I'd say you're on the path to solving the infamous EPR Paradox.

Am I reading you correctly here?


It appears you are coming around to the classic "Double Slit" experiment. (Please correct me if I am wrong.)

In the original, the patterns produced on a projection surface originating from a single light source and subsequently passed through two verticle slits produces an interference pattern on that same projection surface that was not easy to explain to the first observers if this phenomena.

It became even more seemingly paradoxical when polarized lenses were applied in 90 degree out of phase configuration much in the same manner we use the same configuration to resolve 3-D images on the motion picture screen. (But of course 3-D film is constructed this way in the first place so we can use this method to resolve it. (Eqrly-mid 20th century Technology, circa 1939 or so.)

Again, please correct me if I'm wrong.


If what you say could poissibly work out, I'd say you're on the path to solving the infamous EPR Paradox.

Am I reading you correctly here?

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I must say, you have an uncanny effect on some of the people on this board. For instances one individual who backs you up, who’s at your disposal when you call upon her. Mighty impressive.

I’ve been reading over some of this threds past posts. And combined them with the pattern you use to speak in past posts. And what appears to be some sort of helpless character you have, that it reflects in your writings that people can’t help but believe you.

By that I mean, you always being well mannered. Acknowledging your flaws and mistakes. Turning up the charm. Sorta like the thing a double O 7 would do. But it’s all well covert, and I can tell you drilled these exercises to perfection.

I have been one of the only ones in this board who you’ve backed off on answering questions and comments. And you have tired to use the sympathy routine to butter your self up with me before. Didn’t work. And you thought others loved you when you left.

All this that you do, your character, your claims, the way you discus it with us. It’s suspect.

You do not sound genuine. Your personality is not perfect, if that was the goal you wanted to portray to people of this forum.

Though you wish to perfect it, by saying sorry and sugar coating your humanity. I am aware enough to see right through you. And soon, others will be too.

-Javier C.

P.S. I have a prediction in how you might answer this post.

I know, something about insulting the way I write, and the way I use the English language. Well before you do, here’s my answer to you. I’m Spanish.

<This message has been edited by Dymenzionz (edited 14 February 2001).>

I must say, you have an uncanny effect on some of the people on this board. For instances one individual who backs you up, who’s at your disposal when you call upon her. Mighty impressive.

I’ve been reading over some of this threds past posts. And combined them with the pattern you use to speak in past posts. And what appears to be some sort of helpless character you have, that it reflects in your writings that people can’t help but believe you.

By that I mean, you always being well mannered. Acknowledging your flaws and mistakes. Turning up the charm. Sorta like the thing a double O 7 would do. But it’s all well covert, and I can tell you drilled these exercises to perfection.

I have been one of the only ones in this board who you’ve backed off on answering questions and comments. And you have tired to use the sympathy routine to butter your self up with me before. Didn’t work. And you thought others loved you when you left.

All this that you do, your character, your claims, the way you discus it with us. It’s suspect.

You do not sound genuine. Your personality is not perfect, if that was the goal you wanted to portray to people of this forum.

Though you wish to perfect it, by saying sorry and sugar coating your humanity. I am aware enough to see right through you. And soon, others will be too.

-Javier C.

P.S. I have a prediction in how you might answer this post.

I know, something about insulting the way I write, and the way I use the English language. Well before you do, here’s my answer to you. I’m Spanish.

[This message has been edited by Dymenzionz (edited 14 February 2001).]

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TTA...I just want to make sure of one thing, you don't like me very much do you?

I promise to try and be more insulting.

Actually, it's sort of a good feeling knowing you're out there keeping me honest.

TTA...I just want to make sure of one thing, you don't like me very much do you?

I promise to try and be more insulting.

Actually, it's sort of a good feeling knowing you're out there keeping me honest.


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I haven't been following your previous exchanges too closely, but it seems that you two don't get on. Whether it has been in an argument over a theory or someone has insulted someone, we have had these incidents before and we won't stand for them. If you can't all play nicely, someone's gonna get themselvea banned. There is no reason to dislike a person on this board. Our aim is to grow a community that is a family of friends. If we start trying to win little insult and vengence battles in posts we will become nothing short of an immature faliure.

Feel free to argue with ideas, but please, keep personal feelings to yourself (hostile ones anyway). If you really want to slag someone off or have a personal argument, EMAIL them. Don't waste other people's and my time by using the board.

It's obvious we were going to get people posting on the board claiming to be "time travellers" or claiming to have esoteric knowledge and not being prepared to tell anyone else.

It's nice to think a pioneer of time travel would grace our board, and who knows - maybe he/she has.

But one thing for sure. The typicality of coming on here and saying: "I'm a time traveller", "I know something you don't know" bla bla bla - is the thing a genuine time traveller would do.

In my opinion, time trave would be used for tactical and extremely classified research, possibly in lots of different forms, and revealing oneself would probably cause destruction of the research aims.

Anyway, as to TTA/Enforcer and TT_0, you two obviously have some civil dispute - please keep it away from the board. I don't exactly see why you are arguing with TT_0, he doesn't seem to be being aggressive?


P.S. Time Enforcer and TTA you're the same person (Javier?)???

I haven't been following your previous exchanges too closely, but it seems that you two don't get on. Whether it has been in an argument over a theory or someone has insulted someone, we have had these incidents before and we won't stand for them. If you can't all play nicely, someone's gonna get themselvea banned. There is no reason to dislike a person on this board. Our aim is to grow a community that is a family of friends. If we start trying to win little insult and vengence battles in posts we will become nothing short of an immature faliure.

Feel free to argue with ideas, but please, keep personal feelings to yourself (hostile ones anyway). If you really want to slag someone off or have a personal argument, EMAIL them. Don't waste other people's and my time by using the board.

It's obvious we were going to get people posting on the board claiming to be "time travellers" or claiming to have esoteric knowledge and not being prepared to tell anyone else.

It's nice to think a pioneer of time travel would grace our board, and who knows - maybe he/she has.

But one thing for sure. The typicality of coming on here and saying: "I'm a time traveller", "I know something you don't know" bla bla bla - is the thing a genuine time traveller would do.

In my opinion, time trave would be used for tactical and extremely classified research, possibly in lots of different forms, and revealing oneself would probably cause destruction of the research aims.

Anyway, as to TTA/Enforcer and TT_0, you two obviously have some civil dispute - please keep it away from the board. I don't exactly see why you are arguing with TT_0, he doesn't seem to be being aggressive?


P.S. Time Enforcer and TTA you're the same person (Javier?)???

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Please take some time and answer these new questions.

1.) What weapons did you use to protect yourself throughout your life? Do you have a weapon with you now, just in case?

2.) What is your favourite food? (whether you had access to it or not)

3.) Your enemy was in the cities. Was the President in 2005 also on the enemy side? was the President in 2009 on the enemy side? How did you feel personally about these Presidents?

4.) While you were in the 1970's what did you think of Nixon as President?

5.) Do you plan to do any more time traveling when you return to 2036?

6.) Do you have any doubts about this time travel experience and the computer mission that you are on?

7.) What have you leared the most from the people of this board?

8.) Where did you learn the use of "Gosub" and which computer language?

9.) Where did you learn to write perfect English? How much time did it take?

10.) Was China your enemy?

11.) Do they have Pac Man or Donkey Kong in 2036?

12.) Does China have a manned space program between 2001 and 2036?

13.) Do you have any problems with the number thirteen?

14.) If the worldlines are changed by everyone's choices, this means we are all manevering through timelines as we make these choices. Since everyone is making different choices, why do we still meet people that coincide with our previous worldline?

15.) In your opinion, would timelines be better represented as an inflated ballon, or a layered Rubix cube with interchanging and overlapping interactions?

16.) Does your group have a television in 2036?

17.) Does your group have a flashlight in 2036? If so, what type of batteries does it use?

18.) How is electricity generated in 2036?

19.) Does the sun look any different in 2036 than it does now?

20.) What sort of clothing do you wear in 2036? Is there strong attention payed to what people wear in the group?

21.) Where were you born?

I'm sorry that the list is so long, but I hope that you will enjoy answering them, and we will all learn from them.

TimeTravel_0 if you have any more questions you would like to know about us, please post them.


Please take some time and answer these new questions.

1.) What weapons did you use to protect yourself throughout your life? Do you have a weapon with you now, just in case?

2.) What is your favourite food? (whether you had access to it or not)

3.) Your enemy was in the cities. Was the President in 2005 also on the enemy side? was the President in 2009 on the enemy side? How did you feel personally about these Presidents?

4.) While you were in the 1970's what did you think of Nixon as President?

5.) Do you plan to do any more time traveling when you return to 2036?

6.) Do you have any doubts about this time travel experience and the computer mission that you are on?

7.) What have you leared the most from the people of this board?

8.) Where did you learn the use of "Gosub" and which computer language?

9.) Where did you learn to write perfect English? How much time did it take?

10.) Was China your enemy?

11.) Do they have Pac Man or Donkey Kong in 2036?

12.) Does China have a manned space program between 2001 and 2036?

13.) Do you have any problems with the number thirteen?

14.) If the worldlines are changed by everyone's choices, this means we are all manevering through timelines as we make these choices. Since everyone is making different choices, why do we still meet people that coincide with our previous worldline?

15.) In your opinion, would timelines be better represented as an inflated ballon, or a layered Rubix cube with interchanging and overlapping interactions?

16.) Does your group have a television in 2036?

17.) Does your group have a flashlight in 2036? If so, what type of batteries does it use?

18.) How is electricity generated in 2036?

19.) Does the sun look any different in 2036 than it does now?

20.) What sort of clothing do you wear in 2036? Is there strong attention payed to what people wear in the group?

21.) Where were you born?

I'm sorry that the list is so long, but I hope that you will enjoy answering them, and we will all learn from them.

TimeTravel_0 if you have any more questions you would like to know about us, please post them.


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Dear Deviper,

I have heard of the EPR paradox before. But I am not sure if my memory serves. Is the EPR paradox the paradox that seems to insist that particles are both waves and particals? Does the EPR paradox suggest partical wave duality. If the EPR paradox is partical wave duality then yes I believe that I may be on the track to solving this phenomenon or on the track to making a big scientific error. Either case will provide knowlege for future theorists to guide them unto more accurate truth. So if I am right then great but if not then perhaps someone else can take my knowlege and correct it and discover the truth. I believe that I will be able to provide alot more accurate knowlege through experimentation and measurement. Perhaps this will be done by physisists using my device or by myself in a lab of myown should I be lucky enough to abtain this. I believe that the conscept will help describe the partical both as a wave and as a partical in that it describes the mathematical relation of the partical in terms of space and energy density. An electron of low energy would appear to look like a clowd as a result of the energy occupying a greater density of space (which appears to have more volume) and an electron of high energy interactions would appear to be pointlike as a result of the energy occupying a lower density of space( which appears to have less volume).

Does this sound like a possible solution to the EPR paradox?


Edwin G. Schasteen
Dear Deviper,

I have heard of the EPR paradox before. But I am not sure if my memory serves. Is the EPR paradox the paradox that seems to insist that particles are both waves and particals? Does the EPR paradox suggest partical wave duality. If the EPR paradox is partical wave duality then yes I believe that I may be on the track to solving this phenomenon or on the track to making a big scientific error. Either case will provide knowlege for future theorists to guide them unto more accurate truth. So if I am right then great but if not then perhaps someone else can take my knowlege and correct it and discover the truth. I believe that I will be able to provide alot more accurate knowlege through experimentation and measurement. Perhaps this will be done by physisists using my device or by myself in a lab of myown should I be lucky enough to abtain this. I believe that the conscept will help describe the partical both as a wave and as a partical in that it describes the mathematical relation of the partical in terms of space and energy density. An electron of low energy would appear to look like a clowd as a result of the energy occupying a greater density of space (which appears to have more volume) and an electron of high energy interactions would appear to be pointlike as a result of the energy occupying a lower density of space( which appears to have less volume).

Does this sound like a possible solution to the EPR paradox?


Edwin G. Schasteen

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I just have 1 word to describe your last post to me. Arrogant.

Mr. Moderator,

A person doesn't have to be aggressive to be a @&^$#%. As you can tell, he's been using his superior intellect, to manipulate and control his agenda here. Or am I the only one who can see that?

Oh and just one more thing TT_0. I don't like arrogant people, phony people, people that exploit others. Do you fall under those requirements? Of course you do. You’re an opportunist, and it's sickening to me.

So to directly answer your question, NO! I don’t like you.

Do you not wish to acknowledge what you have accomplished here? The people you have ready to back you up and to defend you? You have power, status. And you know it.

But then again, when the Anti-Christ comes into power, he won’t acknowledge his power and control of things just yet. He has an agenda, just like you do TT_0.

Left behind was a really good movie. Anybody here seen it?

By the way, what’s your religion TT_0?

-Javier C.

"For what was, for what is, and for what will be. I will fight for it's preservation."

<This message has been edited by Enforcer of Time (edited 14 February 2001).>