What exactly would you do with time travel if you had it available to you?


Chrono Cadet
I am interested in what each of you would do with time travel, if you had it available to you.

I would like you all to think it out carefully, and share your ideas-Here.

Some of you have expressed that perhaps time travel does not exist-at least not now. I would like you to suspend that dis-belief, for the purposes of answering this question.


Will send robot with camera to see what picture of outside world.

It is cheap, give you more info than time traveler will collect.

I will add a few disclaimers here before responding to my own post.

It might be construed that time travel is a separate concept from space travel-Not necessarily; And so, use of the technology for space travel I certainly would push forward. (More on this in later posts).

In addition, the development of technologies such as drones equipped with time technology to knock out ICBM,s, etc. would be a positive step.

This having been written: What would I do with time travel? NOTHING.

Imagine you have a Genie in a bottle. You could open the bottle and the Genie would pop out, and you could wish for any change you like. The problem with this, is that you bypass the learning curve of solving your own problems, which most likely, you had a hand in creating in the first place.

Therefore, the same scenario in which you think you solved, would very likely, manifest all over again, because you did not figure out what caused the problem in the first place and correct That.

You would just set yourself back. Time-Is the key to getting through this steep learning curve we all find ourselves in.

And yet............I still would like to bring Hitler forward in time to the present, and put him in the New York City Zoo, with freshly pressed uniforms provided by the Goldman family Dry Cleaners.

Call it a New York economic stimulus package.

"Anotherworldlydevice", that is actually a very intelligent question. I can easily answer that question for you: Time travel is used experimentally for the purpose of increasing scientific knowledge. As far as I am aware, this is currently the only purpose of time travel. To elaborate on this just a bit, I could add that one of the purposes of time travel is very simply to try to either prove or disprove the current theory. 

I am interested in what each of you would do with time travel, if you had it available to you.I would like you all to think it out carefully, and share your ideas-Here.
Some of you have expressed that perhaps time travel does not exist-at least not now. I would like you to suspend that dis-belief, for the purposes of answering this question.

Time Travel in what way?

I would go after the one that got away. Her name is Megan, I met her my freshman year of college. I was shy and didn't ask her out until almost junior year. As a result, I got put in the friendzone. She said she wasn't looking for a relationship anytime soon and she only sees my as a friend.

I would go back to any year when I was more than 10. I will tell the past of myself not to smoke, I will tell the past of myself not to eat sugar too much, I will tell the past of myself to love father and mother. 

Time Travel in what way?
This is an interesting question Zer0Transcendence.
It is implied here on this forum, and in popular culture, that when you say, or write the term "Time-Travel", that everyone understands what you are referring to, even if the reference when taken apart becomes nonsensical.

As soon as you place the two words together, it no longer applies in thee context of the actual physics.

Any suggestions from others as to a new term we can all agree fits the context more correctly? David Lewis Anderson has adopted the description of "Time Control Technology" (or Technologies). I personally have never found this to have any flair to it, even as is more fully descriptive.

Greeting time travelers!

You are probably hungry, homeless, best friends of you are cockroaches.

You on your vacation not eating black caviar and drink water from small puddles. It is uneasy to survive in our world.

If you rent out time machine with your supervision please tell your price per hour.

This is an interesting question Zer0Transcendence.It is implied here on this forum, and in popular culture, that when you say, or write the term "Time-Travel", that everyone understands what you are referring to, even if the reference when taken apart becomes nonsensical.

As soon as you place the two words together, it no longer applies in thee context of the actual physics.

Any suggestions from others as to a new term we can all agree fits the context more correctly? David Lewis Anderson has adopted the description of "Time Control Technology" (or Technologies). I personally have never found this to have any flair to it, even as is more fully descriptive.
Time travel would work in a certain way, so in what way are you referring to? Would it be jumping in a pod and traveling to any time you like?

Time travel would work in a certain way, so in what way are you referring to? Would it be jumping in a pod and traveling to any time you like?
How one perceives reality, interprets it and what they would do if they could alter it would be the question. It is actually a question about responsibility to our past, future, and to ourselves.
If the question you pose is how I see “time travel” as actually working, I will tell you that when I actually test out a physical technology system. I have had experiences where I have been “shown” technology, and it's abilities, but I require actual experience to test all the theoretical aspects short of the Grandfather paradox (A tired old-much repeated argument by some physicists who actually know nothing of what they are speaking about). Multiverse, Transactional theory, Physical return to a past, Reality Altering, Space manipulation, The Psychic link to all this? Let's find out. The technology is nearing becoming more available to independent researchers (who are responsible).

Not interested in money, changing my past, or meeting myself. I'd love to see Tesla work.  It would also be fun to be able to dress up like the 80's and go to a concert or something and relive my teenage years.  Of course, it would be tempting to be able to see some of the cats I used to have, but there wouldn't be a way of doing that without visiting myself.
