Ethics of Time Travel and Environmental Conservation


Staff member
Let’s consider the idea of going back in time to retrieve specimens of extinct species. Would this be an ethical thing to do?

If nature made it so that certain species survived and others didn’t… Survival of the fittest. Well, does it simply mean such species weren’t meant to keep on going? Therefore, would bringing them back into existence, against the natural course of nature?

Also, there would probably be risks, right? Imagine you bring back a dangerous extinct species of saber-tough tigers. How do you know they won’t reproduce exponentially and start consuming all the other animals in the wild? It would also work for ancient plants. What if we unleash a plant from the distant past, that kills all our crops in the present? Dangerous, right?

This brings the concept that if such a thing as recovering extinct animals from the distant past was to take place, should it be done in a highly controlled manner? Such as only retrieving these animals to acquire their DNA, for instance? And not to release them in the wild for them to repopulate their species?

What do you think? Would this be ethical and okay?
I don't believe it ethical or unethical.
It's definitely not recommended though because of the unknowns. I'm sure they wouldn't pose a threat to a more evolved world than theirs